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Theory of a healthy city of the 21st century
Liptáková, Adela ; Kotrla, Jakub (oponent) ; Májek, Jan (vedoucí práce)
The first part of the thesis focuses on characterizing the problems, their origins, and their negative consequences. Furthermore, the thesis discusses the trends related to safe and healthy, or sustainable, public spaces. The thesis operates with the knowledge of Danish architect Jan Gehl, who argues that cities should primarily be designed for people. In terms of addressing the issue of a safe city, this work draws upon the writings of Jane Jacobs, who holds a similar view to Jan Gehl. Subsequently, the thesis transitions from a general perspective on a healthy city to examining the situation in the city of Brno, providing an assessment of the state of its public urban space. The practical part then delves into specific measures and policies that have been implemented abroad and proven to be successful. The thesis concludes with a simplified proposal for the revitalization of the brownfield of the former Kohn´s brick factory in Brno, where the insights from the theoretical part of the thesis are applied.

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