Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
New methods for increasing cutting tools effort
Janák, Marcel ; Humár, Anton (oponent) ; Zemčík, Oskar (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis deals about methods which increases the effort of cutting tools. The first part includes the base scheme of cutting tools separation and tool materials. The second part is centreds on common effects which influences increasing of cutting tools effort and actual methods which are used in practises. In the third part are comparisons of methods which increases the cutting tools effort between ISCAR and their rivals.
Bioplynové stanice
Freisleben, Jan ; Hájek, Jiří (oponent) ; Houdková, Lucie (vedoucí práce)
Cílem této práce je popsat technologickou skladbu bioplynových stanic, substráty a proces fermentace.
New methods for increasing cutting tools effort
Janák, Marcel ; Humár, Anton (oponent) ; Zemčík, Oskar (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis deals about methods which increases the effort of cutting tools. The first part includes the base scheme of cutting tools separation and tool materials. The second part is centreds on common effects which influences increasing of cutting tools effort and actual methods which are used in practises. In the third part are comparisons of methods which increases the cutting tools effort between ISCAR and their rivals.
Bioplynové stanice
Freisleben, Jan ; Hájek, Jiří (oponent) ; Houdková, Lucie (vedoucí práce)
Cílem této práce je popsat technologickou skladbu bioplynových stanic, substráty a proces fermentace.

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