Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.03 vteřin. 
Modern Methods for Tree Graph Structures Rendering
Zajíc, Jiří ; Polok, Lukáš (oponent) ; Zemčík, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
This project deals with the graphic portrayal of large hierarchies and explores possibilities of tree graphs visualization. The aim is to implement a hyperbolic browser in web environment. The browser shall exploit the potential of non-euclidean geometry and project the tree onto hyperbolic plane. Great emphasis shall be placed on smooth user interface allowing seamless navigation and orientation.
Modern Methods for Tree Graph Structures Rendering
Zajíc, Jiří ; Polok, Lukáš (oponent) ; Zemčík, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
This project deals with the graphic portrayal of large hierarchies and explores possibilities of tree graphs visualization. The aim is to implement a hyperbolic browser in web environment. The browser shall exploit the potential of non-euclidean geometry and project the tree onto hyperbolic plane. Great emphasis shall be placed on smooth user interface allowing seamless navigation and orientation.

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