Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Lowcost autonomous electrical energy source
Fojtlín, Branislav ; Drexler, Petr (oponent) ; Jirků, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
The aim of my bachelor’s work is a low-cost autonomous generator of electrical energy. Since the offer on the market for photovoltaic systems is now very wide, it is my task to select a cheap and effective solution for solar energy generator that will provide three different levels of voltage on the output. I focus especially on the overview of the types of photovoltaic cells and comparison of cells producers. This work also describes switching converters, which will be used for the output voltage conversion for the target system. In the work the solution by different DC/DC regulators is described.
Lowcost autonomous electrical energy source
Fojtlín, Branislav ; Drexler, Petr (oponent) ; Jirků, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
The aim of my bachelor’s work is a low-cost autonomous generator of electrical energy. Since the offer on the market for photovoltaic systems is now very wide, it is my task to select a cheap and effective solution for solar energy generator that will provide three different levels of voltage on the output. I focus especially on the overview of the types of photovoltaic cells and comparison of cells producers. This work also describes switching converters, which will be used for the output voltage conversion for the target system. In the work the solution by different DC/DC regulators is described.

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