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Motivace a odměňování pracovníků ve středně velkém podniku
Summary The principal object of the bachelor work is the analysis of the current motivation system and remuneration employees? namely administrative employees and employees in manufacture, a proposal to improve the current motivation system. The first part was devoted to the study of professional literature. From this literature have been obtained the necessary information to explain the issues of this theme. This part has been preparing for the practical section of the bachelor work. The second part devotes to the characteristic of the selected company that company Bluetech Ltd., its external and internal environment. It is shown here motivation system also a remuneration system for employees. In the last part of the bachelor work are elaborate in more detail the results of the survey which was done in the company Bluetech Ltd. The target groups of the questionnaire were all employees. At the end of the work is present a proposal for improving the current situation. The research found that the company has introduced a good motivation system. Employees are satisfied with the system of remuneration. However, it is possible to propose the following measures: introduction of additional benefits; more frequent appreciation of employees; improving communication between departments and improving the current system and organization of work.

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