Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 3 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
LQ-regulator design and its analysis for the aircraft's longitudinal and lateral motion
Prešinský, Ján ; Zatočilová, Jitka (oponent) ; Nechvátal, Luděk (vedoucí práce)
This diploma thesis is focused on designing and specifying a linear quadratic regulator for longitudinal and lateral motion of the aircraft. The regulator is designed for a linear system obtained from a linearization of our nonlinear dynamic dynamic model of aircraft around the basic reference state (trimmed state-and-level ight). To nd a complete description of this reference state, some optimality problem has to be solved and the solution of this problem is called a trimmed state.
LQ-regulator design and its analysis for the aircraft's longitudinal and lateral motion
Prešinský, Ján ; Zatočilová, Jitka (oponent) ; Nechvátal, Luděk (vedoucí práce)
This diploma thesis is focused on designing and specifying a linear quadratic regulator for longitudinal and lateral motion of the aircraft. The regulator is designed for a linear system obtained from a linearization of our nonlinear dynamic dynamic model of aircraft around the basic reference state (trimmed state-and-level ight). To nd a complete description of this reference state, some optimality problem has to be solved and the solution of this problem is called a trimmed state.
State-space generalized predictive control for redundant parallel robots
Belda, Květoslav ; Böhm, Josef ; Valášek, M.
The paper deals with the design and properties of Generalized Predictive Control for path control of the redundant parallel robots. It summarizes classical and root minimization of the quadratic criterion and direct and two-step design of actuators respectively. As an example, the planar redundant parallel robot is used. Moreover, the paper presents several possibilities to use Predictive control for compliance of additional requirements (smooth trends of actuators or fulfillment antibacklash condition).

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