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Generating Procedural Planets in Unity
Kostolányi, Adam ; Milet, Tomáš (oponent) ; Starka, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis deals with the implementation of an easily extensible plugin in the Unity game engine. It is an extension of an existing work, the goal of which was to build and implement a library for creating procedural planet surface generators. It emphasizes simplicity and allows the user to create their own generators in the form of modifiers. The extension was aimed at creating additional modifiers. The first implemented modifier provides the conversion of surface data into an elevation map format and allows the user to save it to their device. The second implemented modifier is a water erosion simulation. The erosion simulation takes the form of a rainfall event that uses a simple physics model to calculate the acceleration of the drop. An approach inspired by other work dealing with erosion has been proposed in this thesis to calculate the direction of the drop. The erosion simulation results in buried gullies and valleys, and the resulting elevation maps clearly show the channels where the water flowed. The plugin was implemented together with a visualization in the form of a 3D planet with clearly visible elevation differences.

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