Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 6 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Futuristic Aircraft Cockpit Design
Zembjaková, Martina ; Vlk, Jan (oponent) ; Chudý, Peter (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis addresses modern visualization of flight data. It includes the historical development of the flight data visualization design and current flight data visualization trends. Further, thethesisdescribesamathematicalandphysicaldescriptionofanaircraft, a proposal for the futuristic display with focus on the Single Pilot Operations and its implementation in a 3D graphic engine environment. The application was designed to be used in the flight simulator.
Grafické rozhraní průhledového displeje
Svorada, Slavomír ; Vlk, Jan (oponent) ; Chudý, Peter (vedoucí práce)
Táto práca sa zaoberá trendami v oblasti vizualizácie letových dát. Cieľom práce je navrhnúť vlastnú vizualizáciu letových dát pre priehľadový displej a následne návrh implementovať v prostredí leteckého simulátora, ktorý obsahuje technológie podporujúce virtuálnu realitu. Špecifickým zámerom bolo vytvorenie priehľadového displeja pre elektrický letún s kolmým štartom a pristátim (eVTOL).
Futuristic Cockpit for Urban Mobility
Bohovic, Samuel ; Prustoměrský, Milan (oponent) ; Chudý, Peter (vedoucí práce)
Rising interest in urban air transportation is creating room for development of user interfaces for use in urban aerial vehicles. Following thesis is a concept of displaying flight data and user interface for such transportation vehicles. This was done through review of past and modern flight data visualization methods. The resulting concept was implemented in a simulation in virtual reality. Implementation was done using Unity and HTC Vive virtual reality headset. The concept is modular and built with private and commercial use in mind. The result is a demonstration of modern aerial urban mobility vehicle's user interfaces could look.
Grafické rozhraní průhledového displeje
Svorada, Slavomír ; Vlk, Jan (oponent) ; Chudý, Peter (vedoucí práce)
Táto práca sa zaoberá trendami v oblasti vizualizácie letových dát. Cieľom práce je navrhnúť vlastnú vizualizáciu letových dát pre priehľadový displej a následne návrh implementovať v prostredí leteckého simulátora, ktorý obsahuje technológie podporujúce virtuálnu realitu. Špecifickým zámerom bolo vytvorenie priehľadového displeja pre elektrický letún s kolmým štartom a pristátim (eVTOL).
Futuristic Cockpit for Urban Mobility
Bohovic, Samuel ; Prustoměrský, Milan (oponent) ; Chudý, Peter (vedoucí práce)
Rising interest in urban air transportation is creating room for development of user interfaces for use in urban aerial vehicles. Following thesis is a concept of displaying flight data and user interface for such transportation vehicles. This was done through review of past and modern flight data visualization methods. The resulting concept was implemented in a simulation in virtual reality. Implementation was done using Unity and HTC Vive virtual reality headset. The concept is modular and built with private and commercial use in mind. The result is a demonstration of modern aerial urban mobility vehicle's user interfaces could look.
Futuristic Aircraft Cockpit Design
Zembjaková, Martina ; Vlk, Jan (oponent) ; Chudý, Peter (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis addresses modern visualization of flight data. It includes the historical development of the flight data visualization design and current flight data visualization trends. Further, thethesisdescribesamathematicalandphysicaldescriptionofanaircraft, a proposal for the futuristic display with focus on the Single Pilot Operations and its implementation in a 3D graphic engine environment. The application was designed to be used in the flight simulator.

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