Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
MKP pro rychlé simulace obrábění
Šeda, Pavel ; Madaj, Martin (oponent) ; Zouhar, Jan (vedoucí práce)
Práce bude zaměřena na MKP pro rychlé simulace obrábění. Úvodem bude popsáno teoretický základ MKP. Jednotlivé metody (implicitní, explicitní) a jednotlivé programy (Ansys Ls-Dyna, Abaqus, Deform, AdvantEdge). Na závěr bude proveden vzorový výpočet pro ortogonální obrábění, který bude vytvořen v Ansys Worbench, spočten ve výpočetním programu Ls-Dyna a výsledek zobrazen v programu LS-PrePost.
On the cutting performace of selected process fluids in the MQL application
Pazdera, Lukáš ; Polzer, Aleš (oponent) ; Píška, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
This paper deals with the Minimal Quantity Lubrication (MQL) application. The aim is to compare experimentally the performance of 4 different cutting oils. The oils will be called A, B, C and D and their elementary characteristics are listed in the chapter Experimental part. Their commercial designations won´t be mentioned because of confidentiality reasons. The performance of the oils will be tested at turning orthogonal cutting and drilling. Two workpiece materials are used for the both operations: stainless steel AISI 316L and aluminum alloy EN-AW 7020. Evaluated parameters for turning and drilling tests are the cutting forces, the maximum temperature and the surface roughness. The experimental part is preceded by bibliographic research about cutting fluid, the MQL application in general, the machining operation (orthogonal cutting and drilling) with accent on the fluid application and the measurement of the temperature and cutting forces.
On the cutting performace of selected process fluids in the MQL application
Pazdera, Lukáš ; Polzer, Aleš (oponent) ; Píška, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
This paper deals with the Minimal Quantity Lubrication (MQL) application. The aim is to compare experimentally the performance of 4 different cutting oils. The oils will be called A, B, C and D and their elementary characteristics are listed in the chapter Experimental part. Their commercial designations won´t be mentioned because of confidentiality reasons. The performance of the oils will be tested at turning orthogonal cutting and drilling. Two workpiece materials are used for the both operations: stainless steel AISI 316L and aluminum alloy EN-AW 7020. Evaluated parameters for turning and drilling tests are the cutting forces, the maximum temperature and the surface roughness. The experimental part is preceded by bibliographic research about cutting fluid, the MQL application in general, the machining operation (orthogonal cutting and drilling) with accent on the fluid application and the measurement of the temperature and cutting forces.
MKP pro rychlé simulace obrábění
Šeda, Pavel ; Madaj, Martin (oponent) ; Zouhar, Jan (vedoucí práce)
Práce bude zaměřena na MKP pro rychlé simulace obrábění. Úvodem bude popsáno teoretický základ MKP. Jednotlivé metody (implicitní, explicitní) a jednotlivé programy (Ansys Ls-Dyna, Abaqus, Deform, AdvantEdge). Na závěr bude proveden vzorový výpočet pro ortogonální obrábění, který bude vytvořen v Ansys Worbench, spočten ve výpočetním programu Ls-Dyna a výsledek zobrazen v programu LS-PrePost.

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