Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Network Infrastructure Design in Corporate buildings
Tomko, Michal ; Jordán, Vilém (oponent) ; Ondrák, Viktor (vedoucí práce)
The bachelor thesis is focused on the problem of network infrastructure design. Main task of this bachelor thesis will be the complex design of network infrastructure in two interconnected buildings of the company. Solution is based on the investor's requirements and technical documentation. Due to the maintenance of personal data, the name of the company will not be mentioned in this bachelor thesis.
Network Infrastructure Design in Corporate buildings
Tomko, Michal ; Jordán, Vilém (oponent) ; Ondrák, Viktor (vedoucí práce)
The bachelor thesis is focused on the problem of network infrastructure design. Main task of this bachelor thesis will be the complex design of network infrastructure in two interconnected buildings of the company. Solution is based on the investor's requirements and technical documentation. Due to the maintenance of personal data, the name of the company will not be mentioned in this bachelor thesis.

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