Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
The influence of used tested organism (fresh-water algae) on the acute toxicity microassay
Halatová, Kateřina ; Doležalová Weissmannová, Helena (oponent) ; Mlejnková, Hana (vedoucí práce)
Evaluation of the choice of test organism on the outcome of the determination of toxic effects. Comparing the results of the determination of acute toxicity microassay by using 4 different species of freshwater algae (TNV 75 7741), assessment of differences in the sensitivity of the species, methodology optimization.
The influence of used tested organism (fresh-water algae) on the acute toxicity microassay
Halatová, Kateřina ; Doležalová Weissmannová, Helena (oponent) ; Mlejnková, Hana (vedoucí práce)
Evaluation of the choice of test organism on the outcome of the determination of toxic effects. Comparing the results of the determination of acute toxicity microassay by using 4 different species of freshwater algae (TNV 75 7741), assessment of differences in the sensitivity of the species, methodology optimization.

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