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Rizikové chování adolescentů v oblasti reprodukčního zdraví
Fendrichová, Anna ; Kučírek, Jiří (vedoucí práce) ; Hanušová, Jaroslava (oponent)
TITLE: Risk behaviors of adolescents in the areas of reproductive health AUTHOR: Bc. Anna Fendrichová DEPARTMENT: Department of pedagogy SUPERVISOR: PhDr. Jiří Kučírek PhD. ABSTRACT: This thesis deals with risk behaviour, with a special focus on reproductive health in late adolescence. The theoretical part first approaches risky behaviour in general and next it targets on reproductive health in adolescence, on its possible risks and consequences. The conclusion of the theoretical part is dedicated to the prevention of risky reproductive behaviour with emphasis on primary prevention. The research part of the thesis presents a quantitative research survey by means of a questionnaire. The analysis of the survey data provides information on adolescents' knowledge of reproductive health and their behaviour in this area. Further, it reveals whether there are differences in knowledge and behaviour among students who have a subject focused on health education and those who do not. The results of the survey showed that knowledge among the questioned adolescents is not at such a level as expected. Neither the differences in awareness and behaviour of adolescent students in particular branches are not as significant as one would expect. KEY WORDS: adolescence, risk behaviour, reproductive health, pregnancy, abortion...
Rizikové chování adolescentů v oblasti reprodukčního zdraví
Fendrichová, Anna ; Kučírek, Jiří (vedoucí práce) ; Hanušová, Jaroslava (oponent)
TITLE: Risk behaviors of adolescents in the areas of reproductive health AUTHOR: Bc. Anna Fendrichová DEPARTMENT: Department of pedagogy SUPERVISOR: PhDr. Jiří Kučírek PhD. ABSTRACT: This thesis deals with risk behaviour, with a special focus on reproductive health in late adolescence. The theoretical part first approaches risky behaviour in general and next it targets on reproductive health in adolescence, on its possible risks and consequences. The conclusion of the theoretical part is dedicated to the prevention of risky reproductive behaviour with emphasis on primary prevention. The research part of the thesis presents a quantitative research survey by means of a questionnaire. The analysis of the survey data provides information on adolescents' knowledge of reproductive health and their behaviour in this area. Further, it reveals whether there are differences in knowledge and behaviour among students who have a subject focused on health education and those who do not. The results of the survey showed that knowledge among the questioned adolescents is not at such a level as expected. Neither the differences in awareness and behaviour of adolescent students in particular branches are not as significant as one would expect. KEY WORDS: adolescence, risk behaviour, reproductive health, pregnancy, abortion...
Tato práce se zabývá problematikou předčasně narozených dětí. Předčasné narození představuje vysoce zátěžovou situaci nejen pro dítě samotné, které je z důvodu nezralosti ohroženo celou řadou více či méně závažných zdravotních komplikací, ale i pro jeho rodiče. Cílem práce bylo zmapovat možnosti psychosociální péče o rodinu s předčasně narozeným dítětem. Práce byla koncipována jako kvalitativní výzkum. Technikami sběru dat byly polostandardizovaný rozhovor, zúčastněné pozorování a sekundární analýza dat. Zkoumaným souborem byly maminky předčasně narozených dětí, které porodily před 32. týdnem těhotenství a byly se svými dětmi hospitalizovány déle než 3 týdny na neonatologickém oddělení nemocnice v Českých Budějovicích.

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