Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Training set generation system for reconstruction of electrical impedance tomography images
Zemiti, Samia ; Aloph, Clark ; Mikulka, Jan
This paper introduces an innovative approach to simulating Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) through MATLAB, aimed at advancing the accuracy and reliability of internal imaging using electrodes. We address the critical challenge of reconstructing interior images with high fidelity by simulating inhomogeneous mediums. Our methodology involves the generation of synthetic datasets, encompassing various inhomogeneity scenarios, followed by applying forward solutions to ascertain voltage measurements indicative of interior conductivity variations. The research emphasizes the creation of an adaptive framework capable of simulating real-world scenarios within a controlled digital environment, thereby enhancing the predictive capabilities of EIT systems in diverse applications ranging from medical imaging to industrial inspection.
Acceleration Of Electrical Impedance Tomography Algorithm With Open And Closed Domain Model Evaluation
Dušek, Jan
The presented paper discusses the possibilities of parallelizing algorithms for the image reconstruction in the Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT). The parallelization process was performed and tested with combination of Matlab and CUDA environment. A twenty-fold acceleration of the Jacobian calculation was achieved. Besides of the parallelization process, the important part of the EIT experiments was the selection of the computational mesh. These mesh elements are used for fast execution of the partial differential equation EIT model. Forward and inverse problems of the image reconstruction were simulated on the novel open domain. The optimized domain reduced error in the reconstructed image.

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