Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Rings of endomorphisms of elliptic curves and Mestre's theorem
Szásziová, Lenka ; Hrdina, Jaroslav (oponent) ; Kureš, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
The elliptic curves are a powerful tool at present. First, they helped to solve many mathematical problems, but they also found their place in numerous applications, such as Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). This public key encryption has a great future, because it solve the drawbacks of the famous RSA method. One of main the problems of the Elliptic Curve Cryptography is the determination of the elliptic curve’s order, i.e. calculating the number of elliptic curve’s points over the prime field. In this thesis we will deal with this fundamental problem. For determining of elliptic curve’s order there exist several algorithms. For smaller prime numbers (i.e. the characteristics of the prime field) we have the algorithm, which uses direct calculation, called the Naive algorithm. A great assist in this issue is the Hasse’s Theorem, which states that the elliptic curve’s order has a bound - Hasse’s interval. Shank’s algorithm and its improvement Mestre’s algorithm are successfully used for larger prime numbers. Both algorithms have two parts called the Baby Step and the Giant Step. Shank’s algorithm is in some cases unusable, and this problem is solved by Mestre’s algorithm with the twist of elliptic curve. Thanks to Mestre’s Theorem, it was proved that the order of the elliptic curves over the prime field can be computed for each prime number greater than 457. The proof, which consists primarily in the isomorphism of elliptic curve’s endomorphism’s ring and the imaginary quadratic order, is mentioned at the end of this work.
Rings of endomorphisms of elliptic curves and Mestre's theorem
Szásziová, Lenka ; Hrdina, Jaroslav (oponent) ; Kureš, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
The elliptic curves are a powerful tool at present. First, they helped to solve many mathematical problems, but they also found their place in numerous applications, such as Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). This public key encryption has a great future, because it solve the drawbacks of the famous RSA method. One of main the problems of the Elliptic Curve Cryptography is the determination of the elliptic curve’s order, i.e. calculating the number of elliptic curve’s points over the prime field. In this thesis we will deal with this fundamental problem. For determining of elliptic curve’s order there exist several algorithms. For smaller prime numbers (i.e. the characteristics of the prime field) we have the algorithm, which uses direct calculation, called the Naive algorithm. A great assist in this issue is the Hasse’s Theorem, which states that the elliptic curve’s order has a bound - Hasse’s interval. Shank’s algorithm and its improvement Mestre’s algorithm are successfully used for larger prime numbers. Both algorithms have two parts called the Baby Step and the Giant Step. Shank’s algorithm is in some cases unusable, and this problem is solved by Mestre’s algorithm with the twist of elliptic curve. Thanks to Mestre’s Theorem, it was proved that the order of the elliptic curves over the prime field can be computed for each prime number greater than 457. The proof, which consists primarily in the isomorphism of elliptic curve’s endomorphism’s ring and the imaginary quadratic order, is mentioned at the end of this work.

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