Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
The influence of permanent magnetic rings on the loss power, vibration and stability of vertical rotors
Zapoměl, Jaroslav ; Ferfecki, P. ; Sudhakar, A. ; Kozánek, Jan
Lifting the vertical rotors by permanent magnets is an advanced technological solution for\nreducing energy losses in the supports. The disadvantage of this design is the instable interaction between the magnetic rings, which may destabilize the rotor oscillations. The performed research was focused on the development of computational procedures for analysis of energy losses in the supports of magnetically lifted vertical rotors mounted in rolling element bearings and on analysis of stability of their vibration in a wide range of operating speeds. The computational simulations proved efficiency of the magnetic suspension.
Reduction of the energy losses by application of controllable squeeze film dampers
Zapoměl, Jaroslav ; Ferfecki, Petr ; Kozánek, Jan
The unbalance induces lateral oscillations of rotors and forces transmitted to the rotor casing. The squeeze film dampers with integrated rolling element bearings represent a technological solution, which enables to reduce their magnitude, and consequently the resistance against the rotor rotation. To achieve optimum performance of the damping devices, their damping effect must be adapable to the current rotor speed. This paper reports a proposal of a controllable squeeze film damper, the damping effect of which is controlled mechanically by shifting its outer ring in the axial direction. The developed mathematical model of the damper is based on assumptions of the classical theory of lubrication and is completed with implementation of a gas cavitation. The results of the computational simulations show that an appropriate control of the damping force enables to reduce the energy losses in a wide range of operating speeds.

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