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Phase plates for transmission electron microscopy
Špičáková, Tereza ; Sháněl, Ondřej (oponent) ; Konečná, Andrea (vedoucí práce)
Samples consisting of light atoms, such as biological samples, provide low contrast in the transmission electron microscope images. However, introducing an additional phase shift between the electrons carrying the information of the sample and the background electrons can enhance the contrast significantly without impacting the quality of the image. This effect can be achieved by using a phase plate in the microscope. Phase plates based on a thin amorphous carbon film are used in conventional transmission electron microscopes. In recent years, extensive research in advanced phase plate design has been carried out. Yet, only a few studies on materials for the thin film-based phase plates have been published. For this reason, the main goal of this master’s project is to design measurements of the phase-shifting properties of various materials. In the first part of this thesis, the theory of electron wave imaging in a transmission electron microscope is described. Then, we review and compare phase plate designs. In the second part, four designs of the experimental setup are presented, out of which two have been tested experimentally. The measurements have been performed on a series of samples of different thicknesses and materials, and the results have been appropriately analysed. Furthermore, the qualitative behaviour of the tested designs has been compared to theoretical computations.
Phase plates for transmission electron microscopy
Špičáková, Tereza ; Sháněl, Ondřej (oponent) ; Konečná, Andrea (vedoucí práce)
Samples consisting of light atoms, such as biological samples, provide low contrast in the transmission electron microscope images. However, introducing an additional phase shift between the electrons carrying the information of the sample and the background electrons can enhance the contrast significantly without impacting the quality of the image. This effect can be achieved by using a phase plate in the microscope. Phase plates based on a thin amorphous carbon film are used in conventional transmission electron microscopes. In recent years, extensive research in advanced phase plate design has been carried out. Yet, only a few studies on materials for the thin film-based phase plates have been published. For this reason, the main goal of this master’s project is to design measurements of the phase-shifting properties of various materials. In the first part of this thesis, the theory of electron wave imaging in a transmission electron microscope is described. Then, we review and compare phase plate designs. In the second part, four designs of the experimental setup are presented, out of which two have been tested experimentally. The measurements have been performed on a series of samples of different thicknesses and materials, and the results have been appropriately analysed. Furthermore, the qualitative behaviour of the tested designs has been compared to theoretical computations.

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