Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Implementation and application of the edge-material pair methodology at orbital drilling
Saillet, Alan ; Sliwková, Petra (oponent) ; Píška, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
This internship's objective is to implement modeling of uncut chip thicknesses and milling forces in 3-axis milling, and apply it to orbital drilling. The goal is to understand deeper the process, and develop a tool which permits to model a wide range of end-mill tool geometries, and most of 3-axis milling operations.In this report, the following axis will be developed: • The modeling of the complex tool geometry • The modeling of uncut chip thicknesses in slot milling, and for any 3-axis milling operation • The strategy which has been chosen to identify cutting forces coefficients, and their use. • The obtained results and prospects for development.
Implementation and application of the edge-material pair methodology at orbital drilling
Saillet, Alan ; Sliwková, Petra (oponent) ; Píška, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
This internship's objective is to implement modeling of uncut chip thicknesses and milling forces in 3-axis milling, and apply it to orbital drilling. The goal is to understand deeper the process, and develop a tool which permits to model a wide range of end-mill tool geometries, and most of 3-axis milling operations.In this report, the following axis will be developed: • The modeling of the complex tool geometry • The modeling of uncut chip thicknesses in slot milling, and for any 3-axis milling operation • The strategy which has been chosen to identify cutting forces coefficients, and their use. • The obtained results and prospects for development.

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