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Page Layout Analysis with Graph Neural Networks
Otčenáš, Matej ; Kišš, Martin (oponent) ; Hradiš, Michal (vedoucí práce)
The aim of this work is to experimentally test the power of graph neural networks in the comprehensive analysis of document layout. In terms of document types, the focus is primarily on newspaper articles and historical writings, such as handwritten books or medieval manuscripts. These are characterized by the complexity of their layout, lacking a fixed structure or having highly segmented text. The work deals with the creation of suitable datasets for training and testing an approach for globally ordering the sequence of reading lines on a page and assigning each line to one of the defined classes. The research also involves creating an appropriate representation of a graph that captures relationships between individual components on the page and selecting a suitable graph neural network with the appropriate parameters. Finally, the different approaches are evaluated and compared on multiple metrics suitable for the given problem, and the findings are summarized with a discussion on possible enhancements and limitations.

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