Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 3 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Recovery Of Lithium From Waste Water By Sodium Carbonate
Báňa, Jiří ; Kazda, Tomáš ; Šimek, Antonín ; Čech, Ondřej
Lithium-ion batteries are growing in production, thanks in large part to the rise of electromobility. In the future, every battery for electromobility will have to be recycled at the end of its life with a recycling efficiency of over 70 %. In the case of hydrometallurgical recycling methods and underwater crushing, some lithium is remaining in waste water. Efficient recovery of lithium from wastewater can mitigate the need for lithium mining. In this paper, we focus on the recovery of lithium carbonate from wastewater by thermal precipitation and crystallization of waste lithium using sodium carbonate.
Recovery Of Anode Material From Lithium Ion Batteries
Báňa, Jiří ; Kazda, Tomáš
As the production of lithium-ion batteries (LIB) is growingat a meteoric pace with the advent of electromobility. There willbe a need for efficient use of recycling processes, which nowfocus mainly on selected metals. Direct recycling is a methodwith great potential due to its simplicity, ecological friendliness,and high efficiency. However, this method needs to be improvedand put into practical use. In this paper, it is focused thesimulation of LIB aging, composition analysis and then recoveryof the anode material of Motoma LFP 18650 and PanasonicNCR18650B batteries.
Recovery Of Cathode Material From Li-Ion Batteries
Guricová, Patrícia
This article focuses on the possibilities of recycling materials from spent Li-ion batteries,especially on direct recycling. Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are gradually replacing other types ofaccumulators from practical applications and further increase in their production is expected in thefuture. With high production, bigger amount of waste will have to be deal with. Recycling processescurrently in use are not efficient enough and they have been developed mainly for one type ofcathode material. Direct recycling is very promising in terms of efficiency, but it needs to be furtherenhanced. Direct recycling technology is discussed in the text as well as the recovery processfor commercial Samsung 18650B-20R aged cell using different kinds of solvents.

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