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Preparation of web pages for handicapped users
Krupa, Martin ; Vyoral, Josef (oponent) ; Cvrk, Lubomír (vedoucí práce)
My bachelors thesis says about creating of accesible web pages, eplains why are accessible web pages neccessary, elucidate who are handicaped users, shows with whitch problems they can meet on internet, witch accestories they use and why is important to devote to this problem in practice. It also explains methods used for testing of accessiblity. Not every user is equal, everyone has his owns needs and so unique requirements, that is not able to overleap or elude. Practically they are visual and audio dissabled, users with deteriorated motile of upper limbs and users with disorders of learning and concentracion. This users have their own auxiliary technologies, for example audio responses, braille’s lines etc., that mediate informations from web pages to them. If we want these widgets to work, it’s neccessary, that these pages would be created with some rules and policies of accessible web. These web pages are more also ussefull for standard users.
Preparation of web pages for handicapped users
Krupa, Martin ; Vyoral, Josef (oponent) ; Cvrk, Lubomír (vedoucí práce)
My bachelors thesis says about creating of accesible web pages, eplains why are accessible web pages neccessary, elucidate who are handicaped users, shows with whitch problems they can meet on internet, witch accestories they use and why is important to devote to this problem in practice. It also explains methods used for testing of accessiblity. Not every user is equal, everyone has his owns needs and so unique requirements, that is not able to overleap or elude. Practically they are visual and audio dissabled, users with deteriorated motile of upper limbs and users with disorders of learning and concentracion. This users have their own auxiliary technologies, for example audio responses, braille’s lines etc., that mediate informations from web pages to them. If we want these widgets to work, it’s neccessary, that these pages would be created with some rules and policies of accessible web. These web pages are more also ussefull for standard users.

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