Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 3 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Existence and Properties of Global Solutions of Mixed-Type Functional Differential Equations
Vážanová, Gabriela ; Růžičková, Miroslava (oponent) ; Fečkan,, Michal (oponent) ; Diblík, Josef (vedoucí práce)
This thesis focuses on functional differential equations of mixed type also referred to as advance-delay equations. It gives sufficient conditions for the existence of global and semi-global solutions to nonlinear mixed differential systems. The methods used in this thesis consist of building suitable operators for differential equations and proving the existence of their fixed points. These fixed points are then used to construct the solutions of advance-delay equations. The monotone iterative method and Schauder-Tychonoff fixed point theorems are used in the proofs. In both cases, we also provide solution estimates. Moreover, with the monotone iterative method, these estimates may be improved by iterations. In addition, criteria for linear equations and systems are derived and series of examples are provided. The results obtained are also applicable to ordinary, delayed or advanced differential equations.
Existence and Properties of Global Solutions of Mixed-Type Functional Differential Equations
Vážanová, Gabriela ; Růžičková, Miroslava (oponent) ; Fečkan,, Michal (oponent) ; Diblík, Josef (vedoucí práce)
This thesis focuses on functional differential equations of mixed type also referred to as advance-delay equations. It gives sufficient conditions for the existence of global and semi-global solutions to nonlinear mixed differential systems. The methods used in this thesis consist of building suitable operators for differential equations and proving the existence of their fixed points. These fixed points are then used to construct the solutions of advance-delay equations. The monotone iterative method and Schauder-Tychonoff fixed point theorems are used in the proofs. In both cases, we also provide solution estimates. Moreover, with the monotone iterative method, these estimates may be improved by iterations. In addition, criteria for linear equations and systems are derived and series of examples are provided. The results obtained are also applicable to ordinary, delayed or advanced differential equations.
Semi-Global Solutions To Mixed-Type Functional Differential Equations
Vážanová, Gabriela
The purpose of this paper is to give sufficient conditions for existence of right semi-global solutions to mixed-type functional differential equations. We also give an example to illustrate applicability of the result.

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