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Strategic Capacity Planning and Optimization in Communication Networks: A Case Study
Koláčková, Aneta ; Jeřábek, Jan
This paper explores the complex task of capacity planning for IP-based communication sites, emphasizing the importance of strategic resource management and infrastructure optimization. It highlights the benefits of the methodology developed recently by the Czech Telecommunications Office (CTU) for both large and small providers. The study examines the implementation of an upspeed enhancement in communication sites operated by a major provider. Using CTU’s methodology, cost-effective adjustments were proposed, revealing an immediate bandwidth requirement of 1500 Mbps, closely aligning with the pre-upspeed value of 1000 Mbps (in one of considered scenarios). The analysis also demonstrated the feasibility of adding an additional Network Termination Point (NTP) within the existing 3000 Mbps limitation. However, to accommodate a fifth NTP, a bandwidth upgrade to 3500 Mbps would be necessary.

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