Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 3 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Vamp Plugin for Sonic Visualiser
Pilát, Peter ; Zvončák, Vojtěch (oponent) ; Kiska, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
In my Bachelor Thesis, I devote myself to obtaining information from music, the way it can be obtained, the aspect of musical information, and the use of the methods themselves. Then I analyze content-oriented music management methods and also include parameterisation of music recordings and audio signal overall. After familiarizing with the specific parameterization tools to implement the Vamp plugin, which are Sonic Visualiser and Sonic Anotator, I characterize the Vamp Plugin and explain in detail its composition. As explained in the manuals and the calculations in progress, the RMS calculation function of the given signal with the possibility of segmentation functions as well as the function of displaying the sound rate or possible changes in the track temperature. Last but not least, we mention the possible use of these supplements in the future and in different sectors.
The Application Of Tempo Calculation For Musicological Purposes
Istvanek, Matej
Beat tracking systems capture time positions of beats within digital recordings. Theyare used, for example, in streaming portals, but applications in the musicological analysis are oftenneglected. In this article, two different methods of beat tracking systems are tested—conventionaland the state-of-the-art—on the specific motif of a string quartet music, which is one of the mostcomplex tasks for beat detectors in general. The aim here is to determine which system is better formusicology purposes. This often involves determining not only the position of individual beats andestimating the tempo but also the accuracy of determining their number. Evaluation analysis maybe suitable for comparing the accuracy of detectors, but may not necessarily reflect the requirementsof musicological analysis. The results of selected detectors show that a system based on a recurrentneural network seems to be the most suitable.
Vamp Plugin for Sonic Visualiser
Pilát, Peter ; Zvončák, Vojtěch (oponent) ; Kiska, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
In my Bachelor Thesis, I devote myself to obtaining information from music, the way it can be obtained, the aspect of musical information, and the use of the methods themselves. Then I analyze content-oriented music management methods and also include parameterisation of music recordings and audio signal overall. After familiarizing with the specific parameterization tools to implement the Vamp plugin, which are Sonic Visualiser and Sonic Anotator, I characterize the Vamp Plugin and explain in detail its composition. As explained in the manuals and the calculations in progress, the RMS calculation function of the given signal with the possibility of segmentation functions as well as the function of displaying the sound rate or possible changes in the track temperature. Last but not least, we mention the possible use of these supplements in the future and in different sectors.

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