Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 6 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Applications of metallic probe for the control of optical processes and near-field imaging
Gallina, Pavel ; Klapetek, Petr (oponent) ; Křápek, Vlastimil (vedoucí práce)
The main subject of this master’s thesis are electromagnetic simulations using the finite element method (FEM) to investigate the influence of graphene on tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) and surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy (SEIRA) and to inspect the sensitivity of the scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM) probe to the components of electromagnetic field depending on the parameters of the probe (the aperture diameter in the metallic coating). First, the calculation of TERS system composed of a silver tip located above a gold substrate with a thin layer of molecules is carried out to understand the principles of TERS. Then the graphene layer is added on top of the molecules to examine its influence in visible (TERS) and infrared (SEIRA) region of the spectrum. The second part focuses on the calculations of energy flux through a metal coated glass fiber forming a SNOM tip interacting with the near-field of surface plasmon polaritons. Here, we consider a gold layer with four slits arranged in a square pattern on a glass substrate serving as a source of a surface plasmon polariton standing wave with spatially separated maxima of in-plane and out-of-plane electric field components.
Charakterizace tenkovrstvých elektroluminiscenčních součástek
Ahmed, Mustafa M. Abdalla ; Hrabovský, Miroslav (oponent) ; Tománek, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
The objective of this thesis is to study the optical and electrical characterization of Alternating-Current Thin-Film ElectroLuminescent (ACTFEL) devices, and specifically the aging process of phosphor materials that comprise the ACTFEL display in an effort to improve the overall performance of the primary phosphor colors in terms of brightness, efficiency and stability. Since the dominant flat-panel display technology is the LCD, an alternative flat-panel display technology must gauge itself in terms of the LCD. The advantages of ACTFEL displays in comparison with LCDs are the ability to pattern much smaller pixel, performance over a wider temperature range, full-viewing angle, and readability with much greater intensity background light. The disadvantages of ACTFEL displays against LCD ones are larger power consumption, lack of adequate chromaticity of the three primary colors, and much larger driving voltages. To achieve these objectives, the optical, electrical, and opto-electric measurements of the ACTFEL structures and ZnS:Mn phosphor hosts were carried out. Moreover, the effect of KCl co-doping on the microstructure and the electroluminescent properties (mainly brightness and luminous efficiency) of ZnS:Mn phosphors has been investigated, too. A non-common electrical characterization of ACTFEL devices has also been provided. We also calculated charged center scattering rates, and simulated the electron transport process in an ACTFEL device The study of the aging characteristics of evaporated and atomic layer epitaxy ZnS:Mn phosphors has been undertaken by monitoring the luminance-voltage (L-V) internal charge-phosphor field (Q-Fp) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) electrical characteristics at in selected time intervals during aging. Short-term and long-term ACTFEL aging studies has been provided and an attempt to visualize locally the structure of phosphor with a subwavelenght resolution using Scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM) has also been presented. The practical case of a green Zn2GeO4:Mn (2% Mn) ACTFEL device operated at 50 Hz was studied and a luminance stability by a measurement of luminance-voltage (L-V) and luminous efficiency-voltage (eta-V) characteristics has been evaluated. A non-negligible and indiscreptible task of this thesis was also its pedagogical aspect. Therefore, the presented text can be considered as a textbook suitable for our students in Libya.
Rastrovací optická mikroskopie v blízkém poli (SNOM)
Majerová, Irena ; Kvapil, Michal (oponent) ; Dvořák, Petr (vedoucí práce)
Studiu optických vlastností 2D materiál je v poslední době soustředěna pozornost široké vědecké komunity pro své možné aplikace v nanofotonice a plazmonice. Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá detekcí fotoluminiscence (PL) 2D materiálu (MoS2) pomocí rastrovací optické mikroskopie v blízkém poli (SNOM). Tato PL je excitována v dalekém poli pomocí fokusovaného zeleného laseru a v blízkém poli pomocí interference povrchových plazmonových polaritonů (SPP). Monovrstvy vloček MoS2 jsou připravovány pomocí mikromechanické exfoliace na různé funkční substráty (kovové i dielektrické). Charakterizace a kvalita připravených monovrstev MoS2 je kontrolována pomocí Ramanovy optické spektroskopie. Dále jsou v práci srovnávána experimentálně získaná optická spektra PL MoS2 detekována v dalekém poli pomocí konfokální optické mikroskopie a v blízkém poli pomocí SNOM aparatury, kde v blízkém poli je pozorována až trojnásobně silnější intenzita PL tohoto 2D materiálu než v dalekém poli.
Applications of metallic probe for the control of optical processes and near-field imaging
Gallina, Pavel ; Klapetek, Petr (oponent) ; Křápek, Vlastimil (vedoucí práce)
The main subject of this master’s thesis are electromagnetic simulations using the finite element method (FEM) to investigate the influence of graphene on tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) and surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy (SEIRA) and to inspect the sensitivity of the scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM) probe to the components of electromagnetic field depending on the parameters of the probe (the aperture diameter in the metallic coating). First, the calculation of TERS system composed of a silver tip located above a gold substrate with a thin layer of molecules is carried out to understand the principles of TERS. Then the graphene layer is added on top of the molecules to examine its influence in visible (TERS) and infrared (SEIRA) region of the spectrum. The second part focuses on the calculations of energy flux through a metal coated glass fiber forming a SNOM tip interacting with the near-field of surface plasmon polaritons. Here, we consider a gold layer with four slits arranged in a square pattern on a glass substrate serving as a source of a surface plasmon polariton standing wave with spatially separated maxima of in-plane and out-of-plane electric field components.
Rastrovací optická mikroskopie v blízkém poli (SNOM)
Majerová, Irena ; Kvapil, Michal (oponent) ; Dvořák, Petr (vedoucí práce)
Studiu optických vlastností 2D materiál je v poslední době soustředěna pozornost široké vědecké komunity pro své možné aplikace v nanofotonice a plazmonice. Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá detekcí fotoluminiscence (PL) 2D materiálu (MoS2) pomocí rastrovací optické mikroskopie v blízkém poli (SNOM). Tato PL je excitována v dalekém poli pomocí fokusovaného zeleného laseru a v blízkém poli pomocí interference povrchových plazmonových polaritonů (SPP). Monovrstvy vloček MoS2 jsou připravovány pomocí mikromechanické exfoliace na různé funkční substráty (kovové i dielektrické). Charakterizace a kvalita připravených monovrstev MoS2 je kontrolována pomocí Ramanovy optické spektroskopie. Dále jsou v práci srovnávána experimentálně získaná optická spektra PL MoS2 detekována v dalekém poli pomocí konfokální optické mikroskopie a v blízkém poli pomocí SNOM aparatury, kde v blízkém poli je pozorována až trojnásobně silnější intenzita PL tohoto 2D materiálu než v dalekém poli.
Charakterizace tenkovrstvých elektroluminiscenčních součástek
Ahmed, Mustafa M. Abdalla ; Hrabovský, Miroslav (oponent) ; Tománek, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
The objective of this thesis is to study the optical and electrical characterization of Alternating-Current Thin-Film ElectroLuminescent (ACTFEL) devices, and specifically the aging process of phosphor materials that comprise the ACTFEL display in an effort to improve the overall performance of the primary phosphor colors in terms of brightness, efficiency and stability. Since the dominant flat-panel display technology is the LCD, an alternative flat-panel display technology must gauge itself in terms of the LCD. The advantages of ACTFEL displays in comparison with LCDs are the ability to pattern much smaller pixel, performance over a wider temperature range, full-viewing angle, and readability with much greater intensity background light. The disadvantages of ACTFEL displays against LCD ones are larger power consumption, lack of adequate chromaticity of the three primary colors, and much larger driving voltages. To achieve these objectives, the optical, electrical, and opto-electric measurements of the ACTFEL structures and ZnS:Mn phosphor hosts were carried out. Moreover, the effect of KCl co-doping on the microstructure and the electroluminescent properties (mainly brightness and luminous efficiency) of ZnS:Mn phosphors has been investigated, too. A non-common electrical characterization of ACTFEL devices has also been provided. We also calculated charged center scattering rates, and simulated the electron transport process in an ACTFEL device The study of the aging characteristics of evaporated and atomic layer epitaxy ZnS:Mn phosphors has been undertaken by monitoring the luminance-voltage (L-V) internal charge-phosphor field (Q-Fp) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) electrical characteristics at in selected time intervals during aging. Short-term and long-term ACTFEL aging studies has been provided and an attempt to visualize locally the structure of phosphor with a subwavelenght resolution using Scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM) has also been presented. The practical case of a green Zn2GeO4:Mn (2% Mn) ACTFEL device operated at 50 Hz was studied and a luminance stability by a measurement of luminance-voltage (L-V) and luminous efficiency-voltage (eta-V) characteristics has been evaluated. A non-negligible and indiscreptible task of this thesis was also its pedagogical aspect. Therefore, the presented text can be considered as a textbook suitable for our students in Libya.

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