Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 3 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Charge Transport in Single Oligophenylene Molecular Wires with Different Anchoring Groups
Hromadová, Magdaléna ; Kolivoška, Viliam ; Šebera, Jakub ; Sebechlebská, Táňa ; Gasior, Jindřich ; Nováková Lachmanová, Štěpánka ; Mészáros, G. ; Lindner, M. ; Mayor, M. ; Valášek, M.
This work compares single molecule conductance measurements of selected organic systems containing identical oligophenylene molecular wires and different tripodal anchoring groups. Single molecule conductance G was obtained by a scanning tunneling microscopy break junction technique complemented by theoretical calculations based on the density functional theory and non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism. Two molecules were compared where the same oligophenylene wire is connected to one of the electrodes via a tripod substituted on each leg by a thiol group either in the meta or para position. By combined experimental and theoretical analysis it was possible to confirm that single molecule conductance in the metal-molecule-metal junction of both molecules corresponds to a fully extended molecular wire, which is attached to one of the electrodes by all three thiolate bonds of the tripod. Experimental results confirmed that G value of meta-connected molecules is lower than that of para, whereas junction formation probability was higher for meta functionalization.
Charge Transport in Single Oligophenylene Molecular Wires with Different Anchoring Groups
Hromadová, Magdaléna ; Kolivoška, Viliam ; Šebera, Jakub ; Sebechlebská, Táňa ; Gasior, Jindřich ; Nováková Lachmanová, Štěpánka ; Mészáros, G. ; Lindner, M. ; Mayor, M. ; Valášek, M.
This work compares single molecule conductance measurements of selected organic systems containing identical oligophenylene molecular wires and different tripodal anchoring groups. Single molecule conductance G was obtained by a scanning tunneling microscopy break junction technique complemented by theoretical calculations based on the density functional theory and non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism. Two molecules were compared where the same oligophenylene wire is connected to one of the electrodes via a tripod substituted on each leg by a thiol group either in the meta or para position. By combined experimental and theoretical analysis it was possible to confirm that single molecule conductance in the metal-molecule-metal junction of both molecules corresponds to a fully extended molecular wire, which is attached to one of the electrodes by all three thiolate bonds of the tripod. Experimental results confirmed that G value of meta-connected molecules is lower than that of para, whereas junction formation probability was higher for meta functionalization.
Charge Transport in Single Oligophenylene Molecular Wires with Different Anchoring Groups
Hromadová, Magdaléna ; Kolivoška, Viliam ; Šebera, Jakub ; Sebechlebská, Táňa ; Gasior, Jindřich ; Nováková Lachmanová, Štěpánka ; Mészáros, G. ; Lindner, M. ; Mayor, M. ; Valášek, M.
This work compares single molecule conductance measurements of selected organic systems containing identical oligophenylene molecular wires and different tripodal anchoring groups. Single molecule conductance G was obtained by a scanning tunneling microscopy break junction technique complemented by theoretical calculations based on the density functional theory and non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism. Two molecules were compared where the same oligophenylene wire is connected to one of the electrodes via a tripod substituted on each leg by a thiol group either in the meta or para position. By combined experimental and theoretical analysis it was possible to confirm that single molecule conductance in the metal-molecule-metal junction of both molecules corresponds to a fully extended molecular wire, which is attached to one of the electrodes by all three thiolate bonds of the tripod. Experimental results confirmed that G value of meta-connected molecules is lower than that of para, whereas junction formation probability was higher for meta functionalization.

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