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Analysis of ZigBee standard in the NS-2 simulation tool
Stračár, Ivan ; Šimek, Milan (oponent) ; Botta, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
The semestral project deals with the simulation of wireless sensor networks based on ZigBee standard in Network Simulator 2. Project is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part consists of a description of standard ZigBee, communication protocols and communication used by this standard. The practical part describes the simulation tool, configuration of wireless networks in this tool, the actual simulation and evaluation of throughput, delay, loss rates and energy consumption using network metrics. Two topologies were simulated defined by the ZigBee standard. It was the STAR and the MESH. Changes were observed in the parameters of the network TCP and UDP transmission in these topologies. Evaluated metrics are calculated for changes in parameters of the framework (BO, SO). The changes were most expressed in the consumption of the energy by the network by the combination BO, SO. During the simulation, the data rate of the network automatically changed until the loss rates of the network was smaller than 1 %. In order to achieve optimal network throughput. Direct difference between TCP and UDP transmission could not be compared because the simulation results were generated by different data rate nevertheless influence of parameters on the properties of super network framework were confirmed.
Analysis of ZigBee standard in the NS-2 simulation tool
Stračár, Ivan ; Šimek, Milan (oponent) ; Botta, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
The semestral project deals with the simulation of wireless sensor networks based on ZigBee standard in Network Simulator 2. Project is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part consists of a description of standard ZigBee, communication protocols and communication used by this standard. The practical part describes the simulation tool, configuration of wireless networks in this tool, the actual simulation and evaluation of throughput, delay, loss rates and energy consumption using network metrics. Two topologies were simulated defined by the ZigBee standard. It was the STAR and the MESH. Changes were observed in the parameters of the network TCP and UDP transmission in these topologies. Evaluated metrics are calculated for changes in parameters of the framework (BO, SO). The changes were most expressed in the consumption of the energy by the network by the combination BO, SO. During the simulation, the data rate of the network automatically changed until the loss rates of the network was smaller than 1 %. In order to achieve optimal network throughput. Direct difference between TCP and UDP transmission could not be compared because the simulation results were generated by different data rate nevertheless influence of parameters on the properties of super network framework were confirmed.

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