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Automated percussionist based on XML, MIDI and Pure Data technologies
Konczi, Róbert ; Mačák, Jaromír (oponent) ; Rajmic, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
This document deals with XSLT transformation of MusicXML documents for musical purposes, to create an automatic drum machine for XML and PureData applications. In this work are explained two different types of transformations. The first transformation creats a final extensive MusicXML file by using elementary MusicXML documents. The next transformation converts MusicXML files into program called Pure Data.
Automated percussionist based on XML, MIDI and Pure Data technologies
Konczi, Róbert ; Mačák, Jaromír (oponent) ; Rajmic, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
This document deals with XSLT transformation of MusicXML documents for musical purposes, to create an automatic drum machine for XML and PureData applications. In this work are explained two different types of transformations. The first transformation creats a final extensive MusicXML file by using elementary MusicXML documents. The next transformation converts MusicXML files into program called Pure Data.

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