Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 3 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Safety risks of current routers
Bubelíny, Peter ; Vymazal, Michal (oponent) ; Vychodil, Petr (vedoucí práce)
The thesis aims to study and document the problem router security. It present the characteristic information about a router, functions, types and locations in a computer network. Because router is integrated part of network, next are described the most commonly types of attacks and generally available security technologies. The thesis also offers insight into the router as a safety device in the role of the throat network, part of the deeper security infrastructure or access point in wireless networks. Next are described the selected security technologies against some of already mentioned attacks and also are offered opportunities to improve safety router. The next are demonstrated DoS and brute-force attacks on router in ethernet network and attacks based on sniffing packets on router in wireless network. Finally, the results are presented.
Téma Medúzy ve zpracování studentů arteterapie
KRONIKA, Ondřej Alexandr
Práce se věnuje motivu Medúzy v tvorbě studentů arteterapie. Smíšený výzkum předkládá možnosti výtvarného ztvárnění tématu. Akcentuje vyobrazené postavy, fáze příběhu a variace ve ztvárnění Medúzy jako mýtické postavy. Výzkum nabízí také možnosti, jak s takto ztvárněnými motivy interpretačně pracovat. Teoretické zázemí má práce v tématech pohádky, mýtu a symbolu. Rovněž je uveden popis psychologických způsobů, jak s příběhy pracovat, nebo arteterapeutická východiska a způsoby práce Rožnovské školy. Také samotný mýtus Medúzy, jeho ukotvení v sociokulturních kontextech - včetně pohledu psychoanalýzy má svou kapitolu.
Safety risks of current routers
Bubelíny, Peter ; Vymazal, Michal (oponent) ; Vychodil, Petr (vedoucí práce)
The thesis aims to study and document the problem router security. It present the characteristic information about a router, functions, types and locations in a computer network. Because router is integrated part of network, next are described the most commonly types of attacks and generally available security technologies. The thesis also offers insight into the router as a safety device in the role of the throat network, part of the deeper security infrastructure or access point in wireless networks. Next are described the selected security technologies against some of already mentioned attacks and also are offered opportunities to improve safety router. The next are demonstrated DoS and brute-force attacks on router in ethernet network and attacks based on sniffing packets on router in wireless network. Finally, the results are presented.

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