Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 1 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
FEA crash test of a LEGO® passenger car model
Barančoková, Zoja ; Řehák, Kamil (oponent) ; Dlugoš, Jozef (vedoucí práce)
This master’s thesis deals with a FEA crash test of a LEGO® Ferrari 812 Competizione model. There are many parameters that must be considered in the calculation of FEA crash test of vehicles. LEGO® models offer the possibility to analyse this phenomenon with a lower number of input variables and create FEA crash test in which the disconnection of the LEGO® brick will be the same as in real-life crash test. The first step was the creation and discretization of CAD models of individual LEGO® bricks from which the LEGO® model is composed. The most important part was the definition of normal and shear failure forces in contact card *CONTACT_TIEBREAK_NODES_ONLY, ensuring the disconnection of the LEGO® bricks during simulation of crash test, which was implemented in LS-DYNA software. Additionally, experimental measurements were taking place to measure the loading forces which are needed to disconnect two LEGO® bricks. For this experiment were chosen the most used types of contact of the LEGO® bricks which are found in selected LEGO® model. Results of FEA crash tests were compared with a series of real-life crash tests that were done by accelerated linear motion of used and new LEGO® models. The accelerated linear motion was achieved by putting the model on a tilted surface, 1 m, and 1,6 m from the crash barrier. After comparing the results, the parameters of contact failure had to be modified to ensure a closer match of LEGO® bricks disconnection between FEA crash test and real-life crash test.

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