Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Mobile Application for Decentralized Elections
Pastushenko, Vladislav ; Perešíni, Martin (oponent) ; Tamaškovič, Marek (vedoucí práce)
This paper describes the development of a decentralized mobile application for the Android operating system, using the 1-out-of-k Blockchain-Based Boardroom Voting protocol. The paper describes the motivation for writing the work, the general concepts associated with the development of decentralized applications, describes the development plan, describes the selected technology, implementation and testing of application, peculiarities when working with Flutter when interacting with Solidity smart contracts.
Analysis of the Move Programming Language for Blockchain Platforms
Šmehýl, Adam ; Homoliak, Ivan (oponent) ; Perešíni, Martin (vedoucí práce)
This thesis studies the Move programming language, focusing on its usability for developing applications (smart contracts or programs) on blockchain platforms. Two key aspects are considered: first, a comparison of programming models using Move to widely used models of EVM-compatible platforms like Ethereum and the popular Solana blockchain; and second, the implementation of the same program in Solidity on Ethereum, Rust on Solana, and Move on Aptos. Criteria for comparison include deployment and execution costs, processing speed, code readability, and overall development experience. A detailed analysis of Move's unique features, such as resource management, the use of generics, and other security enhancements in programming, is conducted. The results demonstrate Move's potential for extensive use in the blockchain field, with its strong emphasis on secure coding and resource management contributing to the growing interest within the blockchain community.

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