Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 1 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Alternative Versions of Deep Pushdown Automata and Their Applications
Klembara, Radovan ; Kocman, Radim (oponent) ; Meduna, Alexandr (vedoucí práce)
The goal of this thesis is to design new versions of deep pushdown automata, their analysis and aplication in informatics. In this thesis I present two new versions of automata. The idea behind modificatons is to add parallel processing of expansive transitions. The first version differs from second one by variable number of expansive transitions in each parallel step. For each new version I have created algorithms, which can be used to convert these versions to basic deep pushdown automata. Furhtermore I have created algorithms for converting basic deep pushdown automata back to these new versions. Proposed alternative versions of deep pushdown automata are faster than their basic version thanks to the paralelism. Through their analysis I have found out that their strength is same as strength of basic deep pushdown automata. For easier conversion between automata I have programmed console application, which implements proposed conversion algorithms. Solution of this thesis allows designing parallel version of deep pushdown automaton instead of basic deep pushdown automaton, that can result in faster and more efective design. Created automaton then can be easily converted via algorithm to basic version.

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