Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Trading Companies
Vajdová, Petra ; Koniarová, Kristína (oponent) ; Hanušová, Helena (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis is aimed at the transformation of the legal form of a Limited Liability Company (LLC) into a Joint Stock Company (JSC). It draws comparisons between several forms of business ownership, their advantages and disadvantages. With the change of the legal form of the business, there are certain legal steps which are needed to be processed, so that the transformation could have been done successfully. In the bachelor thesis I would like to stress out these single steps, which are needed to be done, in order to accomplish the transformational process effectively.
Trading Companies
Vajdová, Petra ; Koniarová, Kristína (oponent) ; Hanušová, Helena (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis is aimed at the transformation of the legal form of a Limited Liability Company (LLC) into a Joint Stock Company (JSC). It draws comparisons between several forms of business ownership, their advantages and disadvantages. With the change of the legal form of the business, there are certain legal steps which are needed to be processed, so that the transformation could have been done successfully. In the bachelor thesis I would like to stress out these single steps, which are needed to be done, in order to accomplish the transformational process effectively.

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