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Synthesis of [n]Phenacenes
Jakubík, Pavel ; Církva, Vladimír ; Storch, Jan
The goal of this work was to develop a multigram scale photochemical syntesis of [n]phenacenes and their derivatives from stilbene-type precursors. Vast effort was made to examine [n]phenacenes-based organic P-type semicondutors in the past. This work is also focused on an introduction of electron-acceptor substituents (fluorine, nitrogen) into or onto phenacene skeleton. The proper choice of substitutions can lead to change in semiconductivity of [n]phenacenes so their properties could be easily modulated.
Plný tet: SKMBT_C22015011213301 - Stáhnout plný textPDF
Plný text: content.csg - Stáhnout plný textPDF

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