Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 5 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Arsenic speciation by hydride generation coupled with atomic fluorescence spectrometry
Marschner, Karel ; Musil, Stanislav ; Rychlovský, P. ; Dědina, Jiří
Post-column hydride generation for arsenic speciation was used and the demethylation of Arsenic species during hydride generation was investigated.
Concentration of atomic hydrogen measured in a heated atomizer by two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence
Dvořák, P. ; Talába, M. ; Dědina, Jiří ; Kratzer, Jan ; Obrusník, A.
Concentration of free hydrogen atoms was measured by the two-photon absorption laser-induced fluoresence (TALIF) in an externally heated atomizer in a mixture of argon, hydrogen and oxygen at atmospheric pressure. The atomic hydrogen concentration in the order 10^22 m^-3 was found in the region around the flame.
Efficient generation of arsanes coupled with HPLC or with cryotrapping for speciation analysis of arsenic
Marschner, Karel ; Musil, Stanislav ; Rychlovský, P. ; Dědina, Jiří
Arsenic speciation analysis by HPLC postcolumn hydride generation or with cryotrapping and detection by atomic fluorescence spectrometry.
Generování hydridů ve spojení s hmotnostní spektrometrií s indukčně vázaným plazmatem
Matoušek, Tomáš
Přehledný text popisující využití techniky generování těkavých hydridů v hmotnostní spektrometrii s indukčně vázaným plazmatem.
Arsenic speciation analysis by HPLC postcolumn hydride generation and detection by atomic fluorescence spectrometry
Marschner, Karel ; Musil, Stanislav ; Rychlovský, P. ; Dědina, Jiří
The aim of this contribution is to present a new method of hydride generation that enables to generate arsines from iAs , iAs , MMA and DMA in a flow injection mode with the same efficiency and in the next step connection of this hydride generator with HPLC column.

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