Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Methods of controlled propagation of fish using various hormonal preparations. A minireview
Hamáčková, J. ; Kouřil, J. ; Barth, Tomislav ; Hulová, Irena ; Barthová, J.
Common carp, grass carp, silver carp, bighead carp, African catfish, tench and European catfish are artificially stripped using hormonally induced ovulation and spermiation by GtH present in carp pituitary. Experiments proved the possibility of using GnRH analogs for induction of ovulationin other kinds (sterlet, ide, perch, pike etc.) and, in combination with dopaminergic inhibitors, also in common carp and some other kinds.
Artificial stripping of large mouth buffalo (.I.Istiobus cyprinellus./I.) using carp pituitary, GnRH analog and dopaminergic inhibitor Isofloxythepin
Kouřil, J. ; Hamáčková, J. ; Barth, Tomislav ; Hulová, Irena ; Barthová, J.
The ovulation and artificial stripping of large mouth buffalo was achieved by the administration of homogenate or water extract of carp hypophysis or by GnRH analogue and á-dopaminergic inhibitor Isofloxythepin. The dosing of GnRH aanalogue for coplete ovulation is to be defined.

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