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Cesium Doped Co-Mn-Al Mixed Oxides in Total Methanol Oxidation
Ludvíková, Jana ; Jirátová, Květa ; Piwowarska, Z. ; Chmielarz, L. ; Jablonska, m.
In this study we focused on both preparations of Co-Mn-Al precursors by mechanochemical treatment of corresponding nitrates and NH4HCO3 and on modification of oxides by doping with cesium. The prepared precursors and catalysts were studied by TGA/DTA, URD, UV-Vis, NH3-TPD and tested in total oxidation of methanol. The results obtained are summarized.
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Does oxidation make the organic aerosol coatings more hydrophilic? Insight from molecular dynamics study of oxidized surfactant monolayers
Roeselová, Martina ; Khabiri, Morteza ; Cwiklik, Lukasz
Organic compounds are ubiquitous in atmospheric aerosols. The morphology and structure of the organic phase affect the optical properties of the aerosols, their heterogeneous reactivity as well as their ability to nucleate cloud droplets and ice particles. It is commonly assumed that atmospheric oxidative ageing of the organic material, leading to the formation of polar groups such as carbonyl (=O), hydroxyl (-OH) and carboxylic acid (-COOH), will render the aerosol particle surfaces increasingly more hydrophilic, hence, able to take up more water. Field measurements have shown that a large fraction of the organic material found in aerosols are surface active compounds, such as fatty acids and lipids(Tervahattu, 2002 and 2005). An inverted micelle structure, with an aqueous core surrounded by an organic surfactant layer, has thus been proposed for aqueous aerosols, both marine and continental (Donaldson, 2006). While recent experiments suggest the existence of more complex structures, such as organic inclusions and surfactant lenses (Dennis-Smither, 2012), a monolayer (ML) of surface active organics on an aqueous subphase (the so called Langmuir monolayers) represents the basic model system used in laboratory studies aimed at elucidating the effect of oxidative processes on structural properties of organic coatings on aerosol particles. In our previous work, we used molecular dynamics computer simulations to study the structure and stability of oxidized phospholipid MLs (Khabiri, 2012). In this contribution, we employed the molecular dynamics simulation technique to investigate – with atomistic resolution – structural changes occuring in a fatty acid ML upon moderate degree of oxidation.
System of evaluation of soil organic matter based on fractionation by level of hydrophilic characteristics and by characterisation of fractions with differential thermic analysis
The contemporary methods of evaluation of the soil organic matter do not sufficiently characterize its stability. The aim of this study is to develop a method for soil organic matter stability evaluation. The four different methods were tested, two based on chemical principle a two on microbiology principle. The first method is based on sequential soil organic matter fractionation by a system of solvents with increasing polarity, the second method uses oxidizers with different oxidizing efficiency. In the third method micro-organisms decompose soil organic matter in anaerobic environment as well as in the four method, but this one makes use of up gas production measuring sensors. The method of sequential extraction is not suitable for practical use, the oxidation method is preferred. The oxidation method also both microbiology methods imply that the most important part of soil organic matter is decomposed rapidly or while using weak oxidizer. This fraction is the most important for evaluation decomposability and it is characteristic for particular soils. After decomposition of this part of SOM its remnant is decomposed steady and linear or micro-organisms are not able to decompose it.
Depozice a zpracování uhlíkových nanotrubek připravených metodou PECVD za atmosférického tlaku
Kučerová, Z. ; Zajíčková, L. ; Jašek, O. ; Eliáš, M. ; Synek, P. ; Matějková, Jiřina ; Rek, Antonín ; Buršík, Jiří
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were synthesized by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition from mixture of argon, methane and hydrogen using microwave plasma torch at atmospheric pressure. Nanotubes grew on a complex substrate system consisting of silicon wafer, buffer layer and thin catalytic iron film. As confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), this deposition technique produces bundles or ropes of nanotubes covered by crust composed of catalytic particles, amorphous carbon and other impurities such as fullerenes or other carbon nanoparticles. Because many scientific and technological applications, as well as characterization techniques require individual nanotubes a great attention has to be paid to the post-deposition processing of the deposit. The nanotube bundle could be separated by ultrasonication of the deposit in organic or inorganic liquid. Most commonly used liquids are water or ethanol.
Long-Time Oxidation of gammaFe and LH15 Steel at High Temperatures in Air
Kučera, Jaroslav ; Adamaszek, K. ; Jurasz, Z.
The results of surface oxidation and decarburizatin of (Fe, C, Mn, Si, Cr, Ni) steels are reported. The oxidation anneals were carried out at temperatures T = 940, 980, 1020, 1060, 1100 oC. The time course of Fe and of steels oxidation is expressed by parabolic law. The surface oxidation is accompanied by decarburization of surface steel layers. The evaluation of measured carbon concentration profiles N(C,x,t) yields diffusion coefficients D(C,T). Oxidation coefficients kp(T) are linearly proportional to D(C,T).
Kučera, Jaroslav ; Adamaszek, K. ; Hajduga, M.
The results of surface oxidation and decarburization of (Fe, C, Mn, Si, Cr, Ni) steels are reported. The oxidation anneals were carried out at temperatures T = 940, 980, 1020, 1060, 1100 °C. The time course of Fe and of steels oxidation is expressed by parabolic law l = kp . The surface oxidation is accompanied by decarburization of surface steel layers. The evaluation of measured carbon concentration profiles N(C,x,t) yields diffusion coefficients D(C,T). Oxidation coefficients kp(T) are linearly proportional to D(C,T).
Kučera, Jaroslav ; Adamaszek, K. ; Jurasz, Z.
The investigation of long-time oxidation of gFe and of low alloyed steel LH15 in ambient air is reported. The specimens of gFe had the form of wires with diameter f = 3.0 mm. The relative weight gain Dw/w of these specimens grows in the course of oxidation anneal due to the oxides FeO, Fe3O4, Fe2O3 formation. The weight gain is stopped at very long time period t of oxidation anneals. This phenomenon is denoted as saturation effect. The same effect was observed in the case of oxidation of specimens made from low alloyed steel LH15. The specimens had the form of cylinders with diameter .fi. = 10 mm.
Changes in arsenic binding and arsenic migration during the oxidation of loellingite and arsenopyrite: Case study from anthropogenic arsenic deposit at the Přebuz locality, Krušné hory Mts
Filippi, Michal
Anthropogenic anomaly at the Přebuz deposit has been used studied as a mineralogical model and geochemical model for study of weathering of arsenopyrite-loellingite concentrate under climatic conditions. Presented contribution is aimed at newly growing secondary minerals identification, at mineral succession determination, and at preliminary evaluation of the arsenic contamination.
Selektivita mokré oxidace v periodicky řízeném zkrápěném reaktoru
Tukač, V. ; Chyba, V. ; Hanika, Jiří
The objective of this work was to investigate the impact of dynamically changing extent of wetted catalyst surface and mass-transfer of gaseous oxygen on oxidation of the aqueous phenol under periodic modulated liquid feed rate. Selectivity of oxidation and reactor productivity was also under consideration in this study.

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