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Occurence of intestinal parasites in various cattle herds
The aim of this work was to determine prevalence of intestinal parasites in chosen farms and to compare the assessed levels. A total of 250 samples were collected from tree farms (88, 84 and 78). Farm 1 used binding stable of K 96 type without pasture, farm 2 used combibox stable technology and the cows were pastured during non lacting period, in the farm 3, the cows were pastured during their lactation period with approach in loose housing. The work focused on two groups of parasites: genus Eimeria (its overall prevalence was 10 %) and the family Trichostrongylida(13.6 %). In the individual farms, Eimeria reached prevalence of 7.9, 8.3 and 16.7 %, respectively. Trichostrongylids were present in 1.1, 14.3 and 24.4 % of samples in the respective farms. On farm 2, Trichuris and Strongyloides papilosus were also found (each only once). On farm 3, bunostomosis was diagnosed in two cases. The intesities of infections were very low in all cases. The possible correlation of parasitoses and age / performance of animals was assessed with the use of ?2 test, the correlation was however not demonstrated.
Evaluation of the incidence of mastitis in dairy cows in loose housing.
This work is focused on the incidence of mastitis in three selected breeds with different reckoned milking. Breeds are a free stall and no litter technology. Resting boxes are lined with plastic litter. The authors compared the effects of milkings per day on the incidence of mastitis.
Health problems of forestomach of cattle
Thesis deals with the health problems of forestomach of cattle. Describes the anatomy and physiology of the forestomach, fermentation processes and the emergence of the end products of fermentation. It is focused on rumen disorders particularly to simple indisgestion, ruminal acidosis and its acute, subacute and chronic form and ruminal alkalosis.
Evaluation of selected indicators of diary cattle breeds in VOD Kámen
Cattle breeding is one of the most demanding branches of the agricultural production. Prerequisite for successful breeding is the economical effective milk production which only be achieved with good health of animals, good fertility, adequate replacement herd, longevity of cows and appropriate management. Breeders must always think about the way of the keeping and about the breed of the animals. This thesis aims to evaluate selected indicators of milk and meat production, fertility, longevity and economy of the milk production in the dairy herd of Holstein and Czech Pied cattle in the same stalling and at the same nutrition in the company VOD Kámen. It was chosen sixty Holstein and sixty Czech Pied breeding dams from the herd for monitoring. Monitored groups of cows were sorted out according to the genotype, origin of father and the order of lactation. The reproductive performance were used to evaluate (insemination interval, service period, meantime, insemination index), indicators of milk yield (amount of milk in kilograms, fat content, protein content), longevity and the reasons for decommissioning of cows. To evaluate meat yield twenty-five Holstein and twenty-five Czech Pied bulls were chosen. Differences of milk yield and fertility among both breeds were evaluated as very important (P < 0,001). Reproductive performance of Holstein cows was evaluated as inconvenient (insemination interval 82,06 days, service period 135,87 days, meantime 412 days and insemination index 2,4), and of Czech Pied cows as convenient (insemination interval 64,8 days, service period 98,84 days and insemination index 2,0). The milk yield was higher the Czech average in both breeds. Holstein cows producted 9 123 kilograms of milk for lactation with 3,87% of fat and 3,42% of proteins; the Czech Pied cows producted 8100 kilograms of milk with 4,08% of fat and 3,59% of proteins. The most common reason for removal of cows was fertility disturbance. Indicators of meat yield were better for the Czech Pied bulls. Those bulls had higher slaughter weight at lower age and better inclusion in the classification classes against the Holstein bulls.
Fattening of heifers in Sumava mountains
The main goal of this master?s thesis is to assess heifer fattening conducted in two grazing cycles in the mountain region of Southern Bohemia. The observation was carried out in two cycles in the years 2008/2009 and 2010/2011. A total of 99 heifers was observed, all of them crossbreeds of Aberdeen Angus or Simmental cattle. In the first grazing cycle, the heifers were raised on pasture together with the mothers and stabled for the winter season. The heifers were slaughtered after the end of the second grazing cycle in the next year. Live weight of the heifers was recorded at the end of the first grazing cycle, at the end of the winter season and again at the end of the second grazing cycle. The weight of the dressed carcass and results of the SEUROP carcass classification were further recorded. The average daily gain was calculated for each period from the live weight. The data set was sorted by the month of birth and by the SEUROP class score. Data analysis was conducted using Microsoft Excel. In order to evaluate the results, basic statistical parameters were calculated for each of the selected variables and the cogency of the differences between the groups was tested with the two-tailed t-test at the corresponding level of significance. The average weight of the heifers at the end of the first grazing cycle was 281,2 kg, average weight at the end of the winter season was 366,1 kg and the average weight at the end of the second grazing cycle was 511,6. The average age of the heifers at the end of the first grazing cycle was 221,5 days and they were slaughtered at the average age of 568,9 days. The average daily gain was 1,16 kg during the first grazing cycle, 0,53 kg during the winter season and 0,81 kg during the second grazing cycle. The lifetime average daily gain was 0.85 kg. Net gain averaged 0,45 kg per heifer. The average weight of the dressed carcass was 253,8 kg. 2,1 % of the heifers gained SEUROP class ?U?; 54,5 % class ?R? and 43,4 % class ?O?. The heifers showed considerable variability, especially in the weight at the end of the second grazing cycle (sx = 42,4 kg). Data analysis revealed correlations of r2=0,62 between weaning weight and slaughter weight and r2=0,69 between weaning weight and JUT weight.
Comprehensive evaluation of selected techniques in improving operations with cattle and evaluate their economic impacts.
This thesis is concerned with improving techniques in cattle breeding. Purpose of improving techniques to farm animals is to protect the environment, particularly by minimizing waste and friendly treatment to them, further reducing the required energy and water. The work is carried out to assess whether the existing technology on the farm meet the best available techniques. The work is an economic assessment of costs of removal and incorporation of excrement of animals.
Cattle Candidate Genes for Milk Production Traits
The aim of this thesis is to make an overview of important candidate genes affecting milk yield and milk quality parameters, with an emphasis on genes associated with the quantity and quality of milk proteins and milk fat.
Endoparasites of cattle under various breeding management
Samples of excrements for parasitic investigation was taken away in 16 breeding, when it was about 3 breeding - when animals were been regularly milking, 11 breeding of fatcattle, one breeding of wisents and one breeding of aurochs. It was been observing the influence of technology of breeding, when it was about ecology breeding. Utility type of fatcattle was been permanently grazing, milk animal was 6 months grazing and 6 months stabled. Hobby breeding of wisents and aurochs was been breeded whole year on the pasture. According the lokality, where the breeding is, was noticed the altitude. Statistic analysis proved that the decrease of prevalence kryptosporids infection was in the straight relationship with the increase of altitude. The most infected was herds breeded to the 500 metres altitude. Ossurrence of endoparasites was observed on the dependence of seasonal occurrence. The most low prevalence of parasites infections was found out at miking animals, so that means stabled animals and grazing. Statistic analysis proved animals breeded in system of whole year grazing are statistical to much more infected by parasites than animals breed like technology combined grazing and stabling. Pursuance of occurence and risk of infection of individual species of parasites were consensus statistical comparison found out that animal whole year grazing are 7,25× frequently infected by fluke of Paramphistomum genus (?2=16,4; d.f.=1; P<0,001). In the comparison was no found out diference beetwen occurrence of cocsids genus Eimeria, infusorian of Buxtonella genus, nematode Trichostrongylidea family and fluke Fasciola hepatica species in the dependence of cattle breeding technology. In the breeding was used anti-parasites medicamets IVOMEC SUPER and HELMIGAL. Pursuance of detailed analysis I grew up the end that application of anti-parasites medicamets had no influence on occurrence and prevalence of Fasciola hepatica fluke s pecies and pulmonary nemathods Dictyocaulus genus. On the contrary animals - which weren´t cured anti-parasites medicamets ? were 4,85× frequently inficated by gastrointestinal nemathods (GIN).
Analysis of beef cattle herd
BRŮHA, Karel
The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the level of performance of Aberdeen Angus beef cattle breed bred in Less-favoured areas in southern Bohemia. This evaluation was carried out on Mr. Lepša?s farm in the years 2010 and 2011. 74 basic herd cows and 108 purebred calves born during this period were selected for this purpose. The date of birth, number of births, age at first calving and the average time interval between calving were checked on cows and the date of birth, the weight at birth and the weight in the age of 120 and 210 days were checked on calves. Average daily increments in the interval from birth to 120 days of age, from 120 to 210 days of age and from the day of birth to 210 days were calculated. The group of calves was sorted out by following parameters. Year of birth; sex and year of birth; month of birth; order of calving of the mother. Microsoft Excel was used for processing the statistic data. Basic statistical characteristics for the monitored parameters were calculated and differences between groups were verified by single-factor analysis of variance (F-test) and paired t-tests for the corresponding levels of significance. Breeding cows were evaluated by age and number of births. Cows with 1 (23%) or 2 (17.6%) births are represented in the largest number in the herd including even the cows with 15 births. Cows at first calving reached an average age of 813 days and average length of the interval between calving was 393 days. Calves regardless of sex reached the average birth weight of 33.72 kg in the year 2010, 33.31 kg in 2011, in 120 days of age the average live weight reached 207.95 kg in 2010, 202.94 kg in 2011 and calves in 210 days of age reached an average weight of 309.61 kg in 2010 and in 2011 306.09 kg. Average daily gain of calves from birth to 120 days reached 1451 g in 2010, 1.413 g in 2011, between 120 and 210 days of age the average daily gain was 1413 g in 2010, 1169 in 2011 and in the period from birth to 210 days of age it was 1314 g in 2010 and 1299 g in 2011. Analysis of breeding from economic perspective by comparing revenues (including subventions) and expenditures in each year resulted in findings that the breeding is moderately profitable and it follows that without subventions which constitute an important part of the revenue would be difficult to realize this breeding.

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