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High normal pressure and hypertension of children and adolescents
KRÁLOVÁ, Kateřina
In children and adolescents, high normal blood pressure is often present. People with high normal blood pressure show a short time prerequisite to the formation of arterial hypertension. Hypertension occurs most often in children as asymptomatic. Increased blood pressure in children is most often discovered during preventive examinations by a general practitioner for children and adolescents. This thesis contains information about the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system, a blood pressure measurement sister, evaluation of blood pressure, high normal pressure, high blood pressure in children, the role of nurses in primary care pediatricians in the area of communication and education, and treatment of high normal pressure and hypertension. Objectives The first goal was to explore how children adhere regime measures for the prevention of high normal pressure and hypertension. It used this research question: How children adhere regime measures for the prevention of high normal pressure and hypertension? The second objective was to determine the role of nurses in the care of children with high normal pressure and hypertension. The second research question is: What is the role of the nurses in taking care of children with a normal high pressure and hypertension? Methods used In the research part of the thesis, we used the method of qualitative research, questioning method and technique-depth interviews. The interviews were recorded on a Dictaphone and then transcribed literally. Four sisters and three mothers did not wish to be recorded, so they were interviewed at polling literally written on paper. For research, two research files were created. The first sample consisted of six nurses, who were working in GP surgery for children and adolescents in the South Region. Second survey consisted of six people selected from among parents of children with high normal pressure and hypertension, also from South Bohemia. Results The transcribed interviews were investigated by open coding method, pencil and paper. Resulted in 9 categories: Cardiovascular disease, role of the nurse, pressure measurement, blood pressure, hypertension, pressure measurement, recommendation, Lifestyle, Leisure. Individual categories were assigned to subcategories, which are encoded core data. Conclusion The first research confirms nurses working in a pediatrician's office for children and adolescents, the most common cardiovascular disease in the general hypertension. They argue that the role of nurses in primary care pediatricians is properly measure blood pressure and make the education of children and parents in the area. The respondents concurred in the principles of how to properly measure blood pressure measurement are available for at least three cuff sizes. Informants have basic information about high normal pressure and hypertension, and said that, in the offices of primary care pediatricians to conduct checks blood pressure of preventive examinations or troubled child. Informants reported that blood pressure control and education on blood pressure occurs, but in the second research study showed that children and adolescents do not comply with the recommended recommendations in this area, perhaps because they are less motivated. Neither sister nor the parents have not mentioned, they would receive educational aids such as brochures and sample menus.The second research showed that parents most often found elevated blood pressure in primary care pediatricians, either for reasons of preventive examinations or difficulty a child. On the control measurements came at least three times. Respondents agreed on the recommendations they received in the office GPCY such as reducing the weight of the child, regular physical activity, restriction of salt and proper diet the child, but not all children and adolescents comply with these recommendations. The research results will be provided to the journal Pediatrics practice.
Nursing procedures in taking blood pressure
By blood pressure is meant lateral pressure or the side pressure of a blood column on the side of a vessel. The pressure is created thanks to the action of heart as a blood pump. This pressure is not the same in different parts of the bloodstream. By the blood pressure is meant the arterial pressure or pressure in the artery, so the pressure in big blood vessels. The highest values are reached in the expulsion phase of the heart action, which is called systole. The lowest values are reached in the phase of filling heart chambers, which is called diastole. The sole nursing procedures required in the process of taking a blood pressure reading are many and all must be followed. This thesis is composed of a theoretical part and practical part. Introduction to the theoretical part is composed of the main terminology from the physiology of blood pressure. In the theoretical part we follow with division on hypotension and hypertension, which are the most common diseases related to blood pressure, with diagnosis and recommendation for treatment. This thesis also offers information about measuring blood pressure by the invasive and the non-invasive method. The theoretical part is focused on the importance of the nurse in the process of measuring blood pressure with emphasis on her knowledge and practical skills.
The amount of salt in the diet received by selected adult individuals and the effect of this amount on blood pressure
The work deals with the issue of high salt intake in the diet and with health complications that are related - especially high blood pressure, hypertension. The aim of bachelor thesis was to describe the amount of salt in the the diet received by selected adult individuals and the effect of this amount on blood pressure. The work is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part the problem is defined. The practical part is focused on a qualitative research, which was conducted through monitoring and recording the collected data into created forms. The data collection technique was weighing of all ingredients in food preparation, measurement of the blood pressure of the respondents and laboratory analysis of urine per 24 hours. Evaluation of the data was performed using a program Nutriservis Profesional together with use of nutrition information pictured on the packaging of the food. The research group consists of five respondents, two men and three women. The results are presented in text form, summary tables and results from the laboratory. They indicate, that after averaging the resulting figures of salt intake for each day, no respondent complies with the recommended amount and with this fact corresponds even the BP. Three respondents have normal blood pressure (prehypertension), and two have optimal BP. As the most significant sources of salt were confirmed smoke meat products, bakery products and cheese.
Content of NaCl in hypertonics at the ordination of the practical doctor
The main aim of this bachelor thesis called "Content of NaCl in hypertonics at the ordination of the practical doctor" is to determine the diet quality of people suffering from high blood pressure. The emphasis is put on sodium intake and the overall energy from protein, fats and carbohydrates. The theoretical part deals with salt both from historical and contemporary point of view. In the centre of my attention is the overuse of salt, salt occurrence in food and the need to reduce the amount of salt in our overall diet, for it has negative health effects. This work also deals with the hypertension itself. I explain its definition, division, pathogenesis and the individual factors. I also mention the increased probability of illness which may occur due to hypertension. Another important part of my work is the recommended lifestyle and precautions both for prevention and cure of hypertension. The practical part deals with the conducted research. I assess the forms from my respondents. These week forms enabled the respondents to keep track of their diet. The forms were given to people suffering from hypertension by their practical doctor, who gave me back those filled-in forms later. Respondents also filled-in their weight, height, age and sex. The collected data were processed via a programme called "Nutriservis professional". I calculated the recommended energy intake from protein, fats, carbohydrates and sodium based on the collected data, which I compared with the findings of Nutriservis. These findings show us, if the energy intake from protein, fats, carbohydrates and sodium is according to the recommended values. The final discussion generalises my findings.
The problems of self-monitored blood pressure
Basic theoretical background: The hypertension is a disease in which the blood pressure 140/90 mm Hg, and these values are measured at at least two of the three measurements. Arterial hypertension is one of the most common limit disease with a high prevalence in the adult population in industrialized countries. Aims of the thesis: The aids od the thesis was as to determine whether patients adhere to the principle of self-monitoring of blood pressure using a pressure gauge in the upper arm at home. Furthermore, to determine the most common mistakes patients during self monitoring of blood pressure using a pressure gauge in the upper arm at home. These targets were established research questions: Do they adhere to treating patients with hypertension guidelines for the measurement of blood pressure gauge in the upper arm? Are the errors existing in the measurement of blood pressure gauge in the upper arm? The last research question was: What mistakes do occur, the measurement of TK (gauge in the upper arm) in the home environment for patients undergoing treatment with hypertension most often? Methodology: The empirical part of bachelor work was done using the qualitative research, which was chosen for the data collection technique using individual semi-structured interviews, supplemented by observation in patients with hypertension that home blood pressure measurement using the upper arm a tonometer. The data were collected in March 2014 with respondents, who were selected using the snowball technique. The interview included a pre-prepared questions. Answers of respondents have been recorded in the recording sheet and the recording equipment. The observation was made an observation sheet with the criteria and then created a table below describes the criteria for assessing organizations. The group consisted of 8 respondents. There are four men and four women. The respondents were familiar with the questions in advance and the actual interview was recorded in writing and the recording equipment. All respondents agreed with the observation that took place before the interview. Results: The research results show that more than half of the respondents do not comply with dietary measures (see diagram 2). Another category was focused on the use of medication. Five of the eight respondents taking medications regularly Most respondents answered o the question regarding the occurrence of adverse effects that they do not have side effects.Only two respondents have indicated adverse effects (see diagram 4). The startling finding was that only half of the respondents were aware of adverse effects. In the category of blood pressure measurements showed that all except for the respondent 1, other respondents carried out to measure its pressure in the morning and 1 respondent plus two others measurements performed in the evening (see diagram 6). Each of respondent was asked different frequency measurement, only a few of the respondents agreed (see diagram 5).This category contained three subsections in which we dealt as the position of the respondents have the measurement of your blood pressure (see diagram 7) instead of measuring blood pressure of the respondents (see diagram 8) and the distance from the elbow cuffs well (see diagram 9). In the last category were identified principles that respondents know for correct measurement of blood pressure (see diagram 10). Conclusion: Arterial hypertension is a very dangerous disease, it is important to have this disease, at least partially controlled by measuring the blood pressure. It is important that all hypertensives knew and adhered to the principles for measuring blood pressure.The result of this work is to evaluate the most common mistakes self-monitoring of blood pressure, hypertensive who have committed in home care.This output should be used to assess and prevent further errors in the measurement of blood pressure, for possible patient education nursing staff.
The nurse's role of educating patient with hypertension disease.
The present bachelor thesis called "The Role of a Nurse in the Educational Process Aimed at a Patient with Hypertension" deals with the issue of high blood pressure with stress on the education provided by a nurse, which is a really current topic at present. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first, theoretical part we focused on the facts known from theoretical literature about the issue of high blood pressure, nonpharmacological treatment and educational activity. We deal with the characteristics of hypertension, blood pressure measurement methods in nursing care, the risk factors, symptoms, the treatment of the disease, complications and the nursing care of a hypertonic patient. We also deal with the treatment model according to Henderson, which is applied in cardiology. We also mention the Centre of Prevention of Civilisation Diseases in České Budějovice, The second part deals with an empiric research performed in 2015 and 2016, its course and its results. The main goal of the research was to reveal the phenomena in the field of education for patients with the diagnosis of hypertension in relation to a change of the lifestyle. The research was performed in a hospital and in offices of general practitioner in South Bohemia Region. After setting the main goal we set the intellectual, practical and personnel goals. On the base of the set goals we prepared five research questions, on which further questions used in interviews with respondents were based. A semi-structured interview consisting of basic and supplementary questions was applied to the research. The supplementary questions were asked when necessary during the interviews with the respondents. The research sample consists of two groups of respondents. Nurses from two types of workplaces from a cardiology department and offices of general practitioners formed the first group. The second group consisted of patients with diagnosed hypertension from the cardiology department and from offices of general practitioners. The research was originally going to continue in a cardiology outpatient department but this plan was abandoned upon recommendation of the head nurse. Despite of this fact we are convinced that the overall results of the research provide important knowledge of the examined phenomenon. We focused on implementation of the educational process from the points of view of a nurse and a patient. The nurses admit that no educational process is in place in most cases. Lack of time and lack of interest among patients are important factors affecting this process from their point of view. The research among the respondents has shown that no education was provided in most of the cases. There was another finding that nurses show competence in nonpharmacological treatment for hypertension, which they only pass to their patient insufficiently or not at all. Patients assess the educational process as insufficient. Most of the patients think that a doctor should provide information on nonpharmacological treatment. A nurse should repeat and extend the information according to the patients. The respondents thus did not expect a nurse to provide them with information within the diagnostic. Some patient see the reason in the time limited contact with a nurse. We are thus convinced that reduction of the number of patients per a nurse at a cardiology department is one of the possible solutions. As for general practitioners reduction of the number of patients per a physician and thus per a nurse would be appropriate. This solution is not feasible nowadays when there is lack of qualified healthcare staff in the CR. Lack of time is one of the substantial factors affecting an effective educational process in our opinion. We believe that this thesis will contribute not only to the author's future career, but also to all the readers of the thesis. It also opens the space for a larger and more detailed research to the facts herein revealed.
Analysis of temporal retinal sequences
Nováková, Marie ; Odstrčilík, Jan (referee) ; Kolář, Radim (advisor)
This thesis deals with a method of the retinal image acquisition by fundus camera, their properties and evaluation of the retinal vessel diameter from acquired images. Several studies dealing with usage of retinal vessels diameters for hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and glaucoma are described. The second part of this thesis is focused on the extraction of the retinal blood-vessels pulsation from retinal sequences and the basic processing of extracted pulsation signals. The proposed method is described in details and tested on one dataset.
Apparatus for noninvasive blood pressure measurement
Komárek, Zbyněk ; Kolářová, Jana (referee) ; Chmelař, Milan (advisor)
Subjects my work will describe noninvasive method for blood pressure measuring and bring in their advantages and disadvantages. Individual method I'll weigh against in light of function, accuracy and reproducibility metering. Subject those work is also design detector of Korotkoff sounds.
Design of Blood Pressure Monitor
Běťáková, Vendula ; Řezníček, Svatopluk (referee) ; Fridrichová, Eva (advisor)
The goal of this bachelor thesis is a proposal design of blood pressure monitor, which should respect the functional requirements and conceptualize the technical and aesthetic aspects. The work includes a study of the current market situation and development of new technologies in the field. The proposal deals with an ergonomic design and issues.
A distress call owing to chest pains versus real diagnosis of a flying squad
This bachelor thesis is called: A distress call owing to chest pains versus real diagnosis of a flying squad. Thesis deals with possible causes of inception of chest pains and possibilities of their diagnosis. Theoretical part contains definitions of emergency medical services, differential diagnosis, ischemic heart disease and inflammatory heart diseases which cause chest pains. There are also described respiratory disease, cardiac arrhythmia and other possible causes of inception of chest pains, hypertension, hypoventilation, swoon. There are provided descriptions of cause, symptoms and prehospital emergency care of every mentioned disease. There was conducted a qualitative research and was presented in practical part of this bachelor thesis. Collection of data was based on technique of analysis of secondary data (archived recordings of distress call, departure records) as well as on the method of specific selection. The research sample consisted of case studies of distress calls owing to chest pains and of departure records used at emergency medical service of South Bohemia region. On the account of the quantity ofthe distress calls owing to chest pains wereto this research chosen and compared, after supervisor's advice, only the distress calls owing to chest pains from the months of July and December 2014. The aim of this thesis was to find out the most frequent cause of chest pains. Mapping was done enumeration of specific diagnoses and inserting tables. The research question was: ,,What are the most frequent chest pains?"On the grounds of the quantity of the distress calls owing to chest pains, were to this research chosen, after supervisor's advice, only the distress calls owing to chest pains from the months of July and December 2014. These months were chosen because they both are climaxes of summer/winter periods. The most frequent diagnosis in December 2014 was chest pains NS. There were 145 cases of this diagnosis in December. This diagnosis was the most frequent one in July as well. There were 108 cases of it in July. These facts can be clearly seen in table 1 and 2 which contain diagnosis based on symptom of chest pains. From data, which were collected and analyzed in the practical part, itis obvious, that distress call owing to chest pains can be caused by various conditions. Diagnosis of flying squad showed that chest pains can be caused by cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, backache, arm fracture, etc. However, flying squad is not always able to diagnose the cause of chest pains. These cases are labeled as chest pain NS, other pains NS, etc.

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