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Disorders of mineral metabolism in cattle
My Bachelor thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The goal of the theoretical part is to elaborate the bibliography dealing with significant production diseases of cattle with emphasis on the disorders of the metabolism of mineral substances especially of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. The bibliography contains a description of the symptoms, therapies and the prevention of particular diseases. The practical part of my Bachelor thesis includes two areas of findings. The first part focuses on the intake of the minerals substances in question contained in food and mineral supplements in dairy cows on the farm Horní Staňkov. The second part follows the contents of mineral substances and alkaline phosphatase in the blood plasma and urine of dairy cows. Based on the examination of blood plasma and urine an overview of the level of saturation with macroelements in dairy cows was made.

Increasis in utillity value ingreecing by agrocultural products
Only few people are currently able to grow own food and therefore the use of substances that increase the durability of food products becomes almost inevitable. Additives which are added to foodstuffs fill several profitable functions that we as consumers of these products often take for granted. There are manifold reasons for using the additives, in particular provision of food safety and freshness, enhancing or maintaining of nutritional value, sensoric value, and simplification of the food availability to consumers. For these reasons, additional substances became an integral part of our lives.

Alcohol and smoking in pregnancy
Alcohol and smoking are worldwide spread drugs but only very limited number of women know their harmful effects on the foetus and on the pregnant women themselves. Taking these addictive substances appears among younger and younger people therefore early foreknowledge is very important. Unfortunately alcohol is a tolerated drug in our countries because the addiction is arising usually slowly and consequences of alcohol addiction are not so apparent at first sight. The same can be said about smoking which affects both pregnancy and the foetus very negatively. Women who stop smoking before conception reduce the risk of complications with conceiving, with early outflow of amniotic fluid or low birth weight of the foetus. Medical personnel should make an effort to explain to women how alcohol and smoking endanger both them and their non-born baby. The first goal of the work was to find out opinions, knowledge and foreknowledge of women on the influence of alcohol and smoking on the development of their foetus. In relation to this goal there were asked two research questions. What is women´s information on harmfulness of alcohol during pregnancy like? And what is women´s information on harmfulness of smoking during pregnancy like? The second goal was to find out if physicians and other members of the medical personnel are interested in whether the pregnant woman drinks alcohol or smokes. In relation to this goal there were asked the following research questions: In what ways do the medical personnel educate pregnant women about the harmfulness of alcohol during pregnancy? In what ways do the medical personnel educate pregnant women about the harmfulness of smoking during pregnancy? The practical part of the work was compiled on the basis of the qualitative research inquiry and the structured interview was the selected technique for data collection. The same structure of questions made the interview categorizations easier and enabled to hold the content structure of all interviews. Interviews were carried out in November 2012 in homes of respondents and upon their agreements the interviews were recorded by means of audiovisual technologies or recorded in writing. The research group consisted of ten women in different pregnancy stages. The only selection criterion was the confirmed pregnancy and the will to be interviewed. The carried out research resulted in the fact that pregnant women are aware of harmful effects of alcohol and smoking during pregnancy but they have lack of more detailed information. In most cases they do not know the notion of foetal alcohol syndrome and more than a half of respondents do not find any problem in consuming small amount of alcohol during pregnancy and have no information on compensatory nicotine therapy. The second goal showed that in most cases medical personnel members are not interested in alcohol consumption and smoking issues. Research inquiry results could be used for quality improvement and for broadening general foreknowledge of all women in reproductive age. Respondents agreed on the fact that if there was the information available in waiting rooms of antenatal clinics or in gynaecology waiting rooms, they would be happy to read these brochures.

Comparison of Outputs from the Software ALOHA and TerEx in Dispersion Modelling of Selected Hazardous Substances
In the context of an increasing production of industrial toxic substances (TIC; Toxic Industrial Compound), the risk of accidental release of hazardous substances is growing in spite of the gradual implementation of safer technological processes and safety improvement measures. To mitigate the consequences of chemical accidents or to prepare preventive protective measures before the accident, it is necessary to know or at least estimate the course of accidents. In particular, it applies to the range of traumatic events and fatal accidents. One of the tools that can express the impact of accidents is modelling programs. This diploma thesis presents a comparison of outputs from two special types of software ? a foreign program the ALOHA and the TerEx developed in the Czech Republic. The purpose of the thesis was to indicate theoretical aspects related to gaseous toxic substances diffusion in the ground atmospheric layer and to describe modelling of their ill effects range. To achieve this objective, scientific literature and consultation with experts were used. The practical section of the thesis aimed at determining to what extent the results of both programs differ when initial conditions were identical. To achieve this goal, the intercomparison of outputs (e.g. hurtful concentration range) of the two programs that provided results for the same input data sets (type and quantity of hazardous substances, environmental temperature, wind speed, degree of cloud cover, weather stability class, type of ground surface) was used. After the assessment of the comparison it is possible to generalize the results stating that the software ALOHA compared to the TerEx is more conservative, which means that the ALOHA software provides longer anticipated ranges of danger. Therefore, it depends on the user (the person responsible ? crisis manager, intervention commander, mayor of the village), which approach they select or recommend ? to prepare a greater or a smaller area for a possible accident (to ensure public awareness, to implement technical measures to mitigate the impact of that accident, to assess the amount of financial resources, etc.). As a subsequent step it would be appropriate to verify the theoretical results experimentally, by field testing, which would be conducted under the same meteorological conditions under which the modelling was made by the mentioned programs. This would thus confirm the legitimacy of the special software use for the purpose of estimating the range of negative effects of chemical accidents.

Aromatic substances in spices
The aim of this thesis was to create a teaching programme on the principles of research oriented teaching on the topic called ?Aromatic compounds substances in spices?. This programme could be used in the lessons and examine the level of students' knowledge gained after passing such training. The educational program was applied in two groups of respondents, one of which attended lessons where a research oriented teaching approach was used, working with a specially created worksheet. On the contrary, the second group attended lessons of frontal teaching. Then a comparative survey for these groups was conducted in a didactic test. A statistically significant difference of observed results was tested in Student t-test at the significance level of 0.05. In terms of statistical evaluation of the results of both tested groups was obvious the influence of research-oriented teaching on student's knowledge level.

Devices and equipment for detection of toxic substances used in the Army of the Czech republic.
The aim of this bachelor work is primarily evaluate the preparation of chemical observers and members of cooperatives radiation and chemical reconnaissance, in the detection of toxic substances and their possible use in cooperation with the Integrated Rescue System. In the theoretical part is mainly described techniques and devices, which have military units, a brief explanation of the Central Emergency Plan and the Chief's of the General Staff regulation, which represent the obligations of the Army of the Czech Republic to the strengthening of the integrated rescue system in case of emergency. The first part of the research question aims to determine how is carried out the training of the chemical of observers and members of cooperatives radiation and chemical reconnaissance, whether the training is done according to applicable standards, is sufficient and the most widely used technique and equipment used by the military. Furthermore, whether it would be appropriate to increase the number of chemical observers and members of cooperatives radiation and chemical reconnaissance, or by increasing hours of theoretical and practical training led to greater readiness chemical team members. It is important to note that the function of the chemical observer is not the primary systemized occupation which the professional soldiere held, but the function is affiliated functions to systemized occupation. The second part of the research question focuses on the readiness of chemical teams of individual units on strengthening and coordinate activities together with the Integrated Rescue System, their possible use, and whether carried out coordinated training between these components. Within the objectivity were approached members of both air forces and ground forces. The planned output of this thesis was to processing of data of the readiness of radiation and chemical reconnaissance teams to strengthen the Integrated Rescue System within the detection of toxic substances and determine whether soldiers are a sufficiently trained for the strengthening of the Integrated Rescue System within the detection of toxic substances.

Minerální látky a vitaminy v kozím mléce
Moravcová, Gabriela
My Bachelor's composition is related to Mineral substances and vitamins contained in goat's milk. I'm evaluating goat farming situation not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Europe and worldwide based on available literary sources. Sources of individual vitamins and mineral substances in other food, their daily recommended allowances and their importance for human being are described in there. Bachelor's composition is aiming to familiarize readers with ingredient proportional representation issues in goat's milk depending on several factors, whose contains may vary. Vitamin B12 is representing the smallest amount, the other way around niacin and vitamin B6 concentration represents the highest amount in goat's milk. From the point of view of Mineral substances, goat's milk is rich in Calcium and Potassium and low in Jodine and Selenium concentration.

Alcohol, marihuana and youth
The subject of this work is misusing alcohol and illicit addicting substances (primarily marijuana) by students at high schools. The research was done at specifically chosen high school by questionnaires, that helped to uncover student?s experiences with illicit addicting substances.

Risk behavior of high school students
This work deals with the risk behavior of high school students. The investigation oriented on risk behavior, especially truancy, bullying and using addictive and illegal substance is a part of this work. The survey, which bears the hallmarks of quantitative research, is also engaged in leisure time of youth and family backgrounds of students.

New Urbanism – the movement in USA
Moučka, Jan
New Urbanism (Nový urbanismus) je hnutí navazující na hnutí Urban Design (urbánní navrhování), které je anotováno v rámci tohoto dokumentu. Obě hnutí mají řadu společných dílčích cílů, ale liší se ve způsobu jakým k nim dojít: Již mnoho desítiletí existující hnutí Urban Design působí spíše zvyšováním povědomí a znalostí o kulturních, zejm. estetických aspektech tvorby měst a osídlení. Naproti tomu hnutí New Urbanism bylo vyprovokováno potřebou nové koncepce návrhu změn a zásahů do stavu obcí a osídlení po nepokojích v Newarku v 80tých letech 20. století. New Urbanism chce reformovat mnoho aspektů územního plánování a využití území zástavbou, a v mnoha směrech je úspěšné: Přispěla k tomu spolupráce s agenturami, které pro rozvoj sídel a osídlení v USA vznikly a působí i jinde ve světě, stejně jako vstřebání výsledku některých jiných vlivů, jak ukazuje i diagram souvislostí hnutí New Urbanism, diskutovaný v úvodu této studie. New Urbanism se například nezříká principů proklamovaných hnutím TND (Traditional Neighborhood Design), využívá zpětné vazby z poradenských organizací jako je SmartGrowth nebo Urban Land Institute. Na okraji hnutí New Urbanism se připojují někdy i výstřední subjekty a názory, jak je ve 21. století v každé mediálně zajímavé oblasti časté - ať již to jsou až dogmatická pojetí TND (viz např. v Austinu, kde vyšel předpis jak projektovat TND distrikty, nebo neokonservativní nákresy k TND okrskům). Vznikají terminologické obtíže a nejasnosti (viz např. neostrý termín Mixed-Uses) vyplývající z nevyzrálosti teorií zúčastněných disciplin, zejm. také urbanismu a architektury. Charta hnutí New Urbanism podporuje restrukturaci veřejné politiky i praktik výstavby, tak aby podporovaly následující principy: - obytné okrsky měst a obcí mají být různorodé ve způsobech užívání a v obyvatelstvu, - obce mají být navrhovány pro pěší i pro automobilní dopravu, - velká i menší města mají být fysicky utvářena jasně definovanými a bezbariérovými veřejnými prostory a objekty institucí obce. Urbánní prostory mají být rámovány architekturou a krajinným řešením, které oslavují místní historii, podnebí, ekologii a stavební praxi. Noví urbanisté podporují regionální plánování vytvářející otevřený prostor, architekturu v souladu s kontextem okolí, i vyvážený rozvoj práce a bydlení. Noví urbanisté věří, že jejich strategie může omezit zahlcování dopravy, zvýšit produkci dostupných bytů a opanovat rozptyl zástavby do krajiny. New Urbanism se také zabývá tématy jako je ochrana památek, bezpečnost ulic, zelené stavění, nové využití "brownfield" - opuštěných pozemků.
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