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Minor as a victim of domestic violence
Domestic violence against children is a serious social problem, characterized by high latency. According to expert estimates, in the Czech Republic is abused to forty thousand children, but mostly the violence is not revealed and persists throughout childhood, because the child is not able to obtain help. Interest of the society in this issue is still growing, which is very good, as the life and health of an abused child often depends on mindfulness of other people and timely notice of facts which suggest abuse. This thesis deals with the issue of domestic violence against underage victims. The aim is to give a comprehensive characteristic of domestic violence and give the information about the specifics of investigation of domestic violence against minors and about the possibilities of help to child victims. The first chapter deals with definition of domestic violence and a main signs of domestic violence. It also deals with the typology of perpetrators and victims. In the second chapter I analyze the various forms of child abuse and neglect and I deal with the problem of alternative education and way of life as one of the possible form of child abuse. Thesis is also occupied with the statistics and current legislation that solve this issue. The fifth chapter discusses the possibilities of assistance to child victims of domestic violence. The last chapter deals with the issue of investigations of domestic violence against children focus on the interrogation of a minor, because the method of execution the interrogation can affect the whole investigation and can have very serious psychological consequences for the victim.
Problems of nursing care for suspected CAN syndrome affected children
The subject of this thesis is the Nursing Care of Children with Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Syndrome (CAN). The child abuse and neglect syndrome is one of the most serious transgressions committed against children in today?s society. One of the most important steps is to reveal, or just suspect, CAN Syndrome and follow this up with comprehensive child care. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical sections. The theoretical section deals with a historic look at child care, the different forms of abuse and neglect, a clinical picture of CAN Syndrome, the examination of a child, nursing care, the role of a nurse, the treatment of CAN, and finally the incidence and prevention of CAN. Five objectives were laid down in the thesis. The first objective was to map the specific aspects of the nursing care of children suspected of having CAN Syndrome. Two research questions were posed regarding this objective: What are the aspects of the nursing care of children suspected of having CAN Syndrome? And the second research question: In which cases are nursing care of children suspected of having CAN Syndrome specific aspects adhered to? The second objective was to determine whether health care workers are able to recognise the indications of CAN Syndrome. The third objective was to assess the theoretical and practical knowledge of health care workers when treating children suspected of having CAN Syndrome. The last two objectives were to create a standard of nursing care for children suspected of having CAN Syndrome and to determine the frequency of the incidence of CAN Syndrome. Three hypotheses were set forth regarding the research objectives: H1 The informedness of paediatric nurses about CAN Syndrome is greater than the informedness of other health care workers, H2 The informedness of university-educated health care workers is greater than health care workers with a secondary school education, H3 The informedness of health care workers with more experience is greater than the informedness of health care workers with less. In order to achieve the laid down objectives, quantitative and qualitative research was conducted. The results of the research can be utilised as a source of information for health care workers for the further improvement of nursing care and as educational materials for the teaching of future health care workers. The output of this thesis is a nursing care standard, which according to the results of the research would be welcomed by a majority of the respondents and which would assist nursing staff in the diagnosis and care of a child with CAN syndrome.
Criminality Comitted on Children
The topic of this theses is criminality committed on children. This problematic is more topical today, when society puts great emphasis on respect of human rights and freedoms of an individual. Particularly on an individual, who has limited possibility to protect its own rights and freedoms, i.e. a child. But of course during development of rights and freedoms on one side also occurs an extension of scale of possibilities of how to break those rights and freedoms on the other side, especially because of boom in internet and mass-media communication and easier migration among individual countries. Bachelor theses is divided into theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part summarizes information about given topic and about its current state. Current state contains information about how individual sources understand and explain the term ?child? and ?adolescent?. It contains also legislative norms, which govern and secure rights and duties of a child both on national and international level. Further chapters are focused mainly on summarizing of information about problematic of CAN syndrome, description of individual kinds and forms of CAN syndrome. Practical part is outlined by the target of this theses, i.e. to discover most frequent causes of criminal activity committed on children. The research itself was further specified by stated hypothesis. The research of this theses was quantitative and data collection was done by questioning methods with techniques of semi-structured questionnaire. Research file was chosen by purpose selection and continued with ?snowball? technique. For the research I chose research file of social workers, pedagogues, doctors and other specialized workers, who were in direct contact with this group during their everyday praxis and therefore they are well experienced in this problematic. From the results of the research it can be concluded that most of the workers experienced cases of neglected children. In cases of neglection appeared as a major cause socioeconomical situation in a family. Among interesting results we can count the one that shows that such a child usually comes from a complete family, but earlier researches and literature show different data. The second most frequently represented type of family was an incomplete family without a father. Among persons, who most frequently commit crimminal activities on children were indicated mothers and then men ? fathers or mothers mates. As most frequent causes for children abuse were indicated socioeconomical situation in a family, immaturity of custodial person ? especially from the perspective of intelligence and psychosocial frustration and then the fact that custodial person was himself/herself a victim of CAN syndrome.The next main discovery is the fact that even though corporal punishments are closely associated with our culture (deeply rooted in our culture), they didn't emerge as the cause in as many cases as I would expect. I think the explanation lays in two trends - parents are more supervised by the government and at the same time the way they raise their children is being compared with parents from different countries. Another explanation can be associated with the fact that emphasis on children's rights is growing in the last years as well as awareness among professionals such as doctors, psychologists, medics, or teachers Given that the criminality against children (CAN syndrome) is an extensive problem very relevant in today's world, there is still space for a deeper and more comprehensive research. However, mass media helps to increase the public awareness of this problem, I think it's still not enough and that more information about CAN syndrome should be spread to help to prevent the problem.
Psychosocial consequences of maltreatment, abuse and neglect in chilhood
The bachelor´s thesis at hand focuses on psychosocial consequences of insufficient or defektive childcare, which involves disproportionately harsch physical punishments, sexual abuse and/or lack of sufficient expressions of love and acceptance. Children affected by these adverse events face major problems in their later lives and their behaviour, attitudes and lifestyle in further life stages, especially in adolecence, may be harmful to society. The objective of the thesis was to recognize the effects of maltreatment, abuse and neglect in childhood in the girls living in the Educational Institution in Jindřichův Hradec. The second objective was to identify what subjective needs we can see in girls suffering from CAN syndrome who were put in the Educational Institution in Jindřichův Hradec. The quelitative survey carried out in connection with the topic in question used the theory anchored in deasing. The method employed in collecting data involved interrorgations using the technique of semi-structured interview. Qualitative content analysis was selected as the method for data processing. The research target group comprised of 10 girls who had been subject to maltreatment, abuse and neglect in their childhoods and who have been assigned to live in the Educational Institution in Jindřichův Hradec. The outcome of the survey schows that the selected girls who were subject to abuse in their childhoods suffer from depressions, apprehensions, anxieties, and embarrassment. Commonly , they schow low self-esteem and no trust in themselves and people around. Other frequent consequences of CAN (child abuse and neglect) syndrome, which the girls mentioned in the guided interviews, include experiments with addictive substances, aggression, and self-aggression. Current needs that the girls quoted most frequently included: need for family, partner, freedom, but also continuous attention of another person. The survey suggests that the girls have an unsatisfied need for harmony, understanding and love. The results of the survey may be used while completing individual plans of care for the girls assigned to the Educational Institute in Jindřichův Hradec. The thesis might serve as an inspiration for those who work with developmentally traumatized children and youth for special educators and other specialists working in other institutions around the Czech Republic.
Current issues of crime committed against young people
LEVÁ, Dominika
The bachelor thesis on a topic ?Current issues of crime committed against young people? deals in its theoretical part with basic information about the problems of crime. It explains psychological and legal standpoints to a concept of the youth, it describes international documents related to the issue and analyses perpetrators of these crimes. With regard to the aim of the thesis, it carries out an analysis of the new criminal law protection of young people effective from January 1st, 2010 with a brief comparison of a previous legislation and possible solutions (help to victims). The empirical part of the bachelor thesis contains objectives, hypotheses, a research method and characteristics of the research sample. The data collection was carried out by a method of a quantitative research using a questionnaire survey consisted of 15 questions. The research sample consisted of pupils from 6th to 9th classes (young people aged 11 ? 15 years) at two elementary schools in the district of Český Krumlov (Elementary School Velešín and Elementary School Linecká). The aim of the practical part was to find out in which representation men and women commit crimes against the young people, whether a victim knows an attacker or he/she is a very stranger. The research showed that among the perpetrators of crime committed against the young people the male population outweighs the female population. The perpetrator is in most attacks of an approximate age or from a close social environment of the victim. The bachelor thesis can be used as an informational material for school counsellors, parents and teachers of elementary and secondary schools.
The problems of CAN syndrom from look the basic school teachers'
JANDOVÁ, Martina
Occurrence of Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) has recently become quite frequent. Even though the number of experts dealing with this issue is increasing and there is a lot of professional literature available, the numbers of children abused and neglected are on increase. Traumas and pathological behaviour, which children experience in their families, are often carried over to adulthood and new families in the form of behavioural patterns. Basic school teachers, who spend substantial part of the day with children in the classes, play an important role not only in prevention, but also in detecting CAN cases. The objective of the diploma thesis was to observe the level of awareness among teachers regarding CAN and related issues and to find out whether they know what to do in case a child is suspected of being abused or neglected. Also, it was aimed at learning whether the awareness is influenced by microregion the teachers live in and respondents? age. The hypotheses were established to observe whether the teachers of basic schools in Jindřichův Hradec have better awareness of the issues relating to CAN than the teachers of basic schools in Třeboň, and whether the teachers of basic schools in Jindřichův Hradec have better awareness of the issues relating to CAN than the teachers of basic schools in Dačice. Next hypothesis dealt with whether basic school teachers under 40 years of age demonstrate better CAN awareness than teachers above 40 years of age. A quantitative research using the method of interview and technique of questionnaire was used to verify the hypotheses. The research corpus comprised of teachers of basic schools in the microregions of Dačice, Jindřichův Hradec and Třeboň. The finite corpus comprised of 193 respondents. The teachers of basic schools in the microregion of Jindřichův Hradec did not demonstrate better awareness of the issues relating to CAN than the teachers of basic schools the microregions of Třeboň and Dačice. Also, the teachers under 40 years of age did not demonstrate better awareness of the issues at hand than the teachers above 40 years of age. Analysis of the outcomes retrieved from the performed research did not confirm validity of the hypotheses H1, H2 and H3. The outcomes of the thesis imply that awareness of the basic school teachers, who were included in the research corpora in the given microregions, regarding the issues relating to CAN do not relate either to given microregions, where teachers work, or the age of the respondents. In general, respondents showed substantial awareness of CAN. It should be noted that CAN is very serious social problem and each society should pay proper attention to it.
Crisis intervention in clients of crisis centres focused on work with children and families.
The thesis draws attention to the most frequent causes of children unfavourable life situations which are solved in crisis centres. Introductory part focuses on theoretical definitions of crisis, crisis intervention, family and its importance for children, the problems of divorces and CAN syndrome. The aim of the thesis was to find out which are the most frequent problems encountered by the crisis centres workers and compare the clients and services of two selected crisis centres in Prague and České Budějovice. At the beginning the hypothesis was stated: the problems of CAN syndrome in clients of crisis centres occurs more often than other problems. The hypothesis was proved only in Children Crisis Centre in Prague. For the service comparison of the chosen centres semi-standardized interview with nine informants was used. From the answers of crisis centre workers the following hypothesis emerged: crisis centre workers suppose that provided services in terms of crisis intervention are sufficient.
Child abuse and neglect
This dissertation is focused on some problems of maltreated, abused or neglected children and it also tries to outline a contemporary view of this situation. Considerable changes occured in this field after breaking a taboo on this subject, which is presented as a topic for a wide discussion. In my work I tried to give a complex view of some aspects of maltreated, abused or neglected children problems. Furthemore I focused on the problems of a public awareness concerning maltreated, abused or neglected children, and possible public activities in this field. I also investigated a public awareness of civic associations (i. e. organisations, institutions or facilities) which take care of endangered children in Trhové Sviny and nearby sorroundings. This research was based on a standardised questionaire. According to an analysis of its results, it is possible to to state a negation of both hypotheses in which I originally considered a public awareness of maltreated, abused or neglected children low, or likewise, I pressumed that a public awareness of the above mentioned organisations (civic associations, institutions) would not be very high. In spite of these conclusions it is a safe assumption that the tasks given to find out a situation in a public awareness concerning the endangered children, were fulfilled.
Child Sexual Abuse
My work deals with child sexual abuse problems. My theoretical part concentrates on explanations of key words connecting with child abuse and its legal definition, forms of sexual abuse and then on prevention of this phenomenon and victimology. The second part devotes to the perpetrator and the victim, together with child abuse symptoms, child sexual abuse accomodation symptons and posttraumatic stress disorder. The practical part contains two casuistries/case reports. The first one is concentrated on intrafamily child sexual abuse and the second one on the posttraumatic stress disorder. The common signs of theory and practice are defined at the end of both of the case reports.
Risk Child in a own Family
In my work I try to give the reader the information on the topic of endangered child in his / her own family {--} the child maltreated, abused and neglected. Next I speak about other phenomena connected with domestic violence committed on children and their consequences. I try to argue against some myths that are rooted in our society. From all the range of the case studies, which I acquired in Educational Centre in Jindřichův Hradec, Diagnostic Centre in Přestavlky, Psychiatric Hospital in Červený Dvůr, Old People´s Home in Chrast and in Slatiňany and Magistrate in Chrudim, I have chosen these which are typical for the above-mentioned topic.

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