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The handling of persons with a mental retardation in the course of emergencies
In various areas of life persons with mental retardation are paid greater attention and extra care fulfilment of which results from the very nature of this disorder. The field of populace protection oriented on presence of this specific group of persons on-site of an emergency intervention should not be an exception. Operatives of the service which is a part of the integrated rescue system should be prepared for the presence of persons with mental retardation in situations which occur during emergencies. With regard to a high number of persons with mental retardation in the Czech Republic which exceeds the limit of 3 % of the population it is pertinent to address the issue of intervention in emergencies involving people with this specific disability. This diploma thesis deals with a topic of handling persons with mental retardation during emergencies since this issue has not been described in detail anywhere yet so as to prepare future and current staff of the Integrated Rescue System to situations in which their readiness plays an important role and every hesitation may have serious consequences. Ignorance of procedures and mechanisms for handling persons suffering from mental retardation decreases the ability of operatives to handle the situation and the ability to predict and prevent complications that may involve danger to health, life and property not only of people with this disability but also of all other participants. The theoretical part of the thesis is divided into three chapters, which deal with topics that serve as a theoretical base for the practical part, namely Integrated Rescue System, emergency and mental retardation. The chapter focused on Integrated Rescue System describes the basic components of the Integrated Rescue System and its coordination at the tactical, operational and strategic levels. The following chapter gives a description of emergencies, their division, the recommended behavior of persons in the event of emergencies and guidelines for threats due to the incident. The third and final chapter of this part deals with mental retardation and provides insight into this issue focusing on the types of mental retardation and a more detailed description of the diagnostic of light, moderate, severe and deep mental retardation, the most common causes of mental retardation, personal risk factors for people affected by mental retardation, problem behavior of people with mental retardation and their mental disorders including a description of a suitable method handling persons with mental retardation. The practical part of the diploma thesis is based on a qualitative research which was conducted in a form of in-depth structured interviews with professional staff of the facility that provides outpatient social services including day stay of persons with mental retardation. The aim of the thesis was to develop general recommendations for handling persons with mental retardation during emergencies based on the assessment of knowledge about the treatment of people with mental retardation by professionally qualified staff which is in regular contact with this specific group of people. These recommendations should provide support to workers of the Integrated Rescue System during emergencies with presence of people with mental retardation. The resulting recommendations are contained in the last chapter of the diploma thesis. There are a total of 25 recommendations for handling persons with mental retardation during emergencies.
Preparedness of regional emergency medical to deal with emergencies - a comparative study.
This thesis is divided into two basic parts a theoretical and a practical one. Its aims are to evaluate the emergency preparedness of the chosen regional emergency squad to emergencies and the efficiency of the feedback on an emergency as well as to compare the amount of human forces and the means used in chosen emergencies. Hypotheses are added to individual aims. The theoretical part constitutes an introduction to the topic. The Integrated Rescue System and the classification of incidents are mentioned in the first chapter. The second chapter is focused on an emergency, its definition and a possible procedure of rescue squads dealing with an emergency as well as on the way the injured are sorted. Following chapters deal with crisis management in health care with an emphasis on crisis management planning and preparation of individual. Last two chapters of the theoretical part are devoted to the Emergency Medical Service of the Central Bohemian Region and material and technical equipment important for a successful dealing with emergencies is mentioned there. In order to achieve the first goal, i.e. to evaluate the emergency preparedness of the chosen regional emergency squad to emergencies, I made a survey via questionnaires which was divided into two parts: The purpose of the first part was to evaluate the preparedness of the Emergency Medical Service of the Central Bohemian Region as a whole, which was achieved via a questionnaire survey conducted among medical employees working in leading positions. In order to compare the survey results with those of the South Moravian and South Bohemian Regions, the questionnaire was borrowed from Mgr. Zuzana Němečková after her personal consent. The second part is based on a survey via questionnaires the target group of which was the medical personnel of the Emergency Medical Service of the Central Bohemian Region. The questionnaire was designed according to a questionnaire by Mgr. Zuzana Táchová after her personal consent in order to compare her results received in Nemocnice České Budějovice, a.s. České Budějovice Hospital. The results of both surveys are thoroughly analysed in the discussion part. However, as regards the preparedness of the Emergency Medical Service of the Central Bohemian Region, there was no difference found compared to the preparedness of medical facilities of the South Moravian and South Bohemian Regions. On the other hand, there was quite a surprising outcome of the survey conducted among the medical personnel of the Emergency Medical Service of the Central Bohemian Region. From the statistical measurement, it was revealed that the results achieved by the medical personnel working for the Emergency Medical Service of the Central Bohemian Region for a longer time were worse than those achieved by the medical personnel with a shorter work experience. For the purposes of the second and the third aim of this thesis, namely the evaluation of the efficiency of the feedback on an emergency and the comparison of the amount of human forces and the means used in chosen emergencies, I have chosen two emergencies which took place in the Central Bohemian Region. Consequently, I compared both of them with the Recommended Procedure No. 18 issued by the Czech Society for Emergency and Disaster Medicine within the Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně Health Affected in Disasters coping with the situation on scene by the emergency medical service. The outcome of the comparison is thoroughly analysed in the discussion part. In conclusion, it is possible to state the importance of the final report on the intervention.
Emergency preparedness of the Integrated Rescue System and its bodies for sudden accidents associated with a large number of injuries and victims in Slovakia
The main topic of the thesis is the readiness for emergencies with a large number of injured and victims of the bodies of IRS in the SR. The work is divided into two main parts, theoretical and empirical. In the theoretical part of the work several bodies of the IRS in the SR, which participate during rescue and clean-up operations, are introduced. The basic bodies of the rescue system are described in detail, other bodies and bodies of the Police Force are described in brief. The work also includes categories of emergencies and brief information of disaster medicine as well. At the end, the theoretical part addresses the problem of sorting the injured by history through the categories and types of selection, sorting methods "START" and JumpSTART, a sorting card, and organization of activities in the place of an event associated with the "triage" procedures. Empirical part consists of research to determine theoretical knowledge of selected bodies of the IRS on the issue of triage. The main aim of this work was to determine the theoretical readiness of selected bodies of the IRS Fire and Rescue Service and Emergency Medical Service in the SR, confirm the need for continuous training and the organization of tactical exercises focused on mass disaster and work out and propose the same procedure of sorting the injured in incidents with a large number of injured and victims. Two hypotheses related to the theoretical readiness of selected bodies associated with sorting the injured in an emergency were established. The first assumption was that paramedics have better scope of theoretical knowledge about handling with emergencies, particularly sorting the injured than members of the Fire and Rescue Service. The second assumption was that the bodies of IRS have better knowledge about the system of sorting the injured "START" than the system "JumpSTART". Basic statistic method that allowed confirmation or refutation of hypotheses two-stage test is described in the chapter too. The methodology describes a method of data collection using a questionnaire, describes the statistical methods in detail and enriches it with the determination of basic empirical parameters and their comparison. The found discrepancies were expressed as a percentage. Data to confirm hypotheses were collected from paramedics and members of the Fire and Rescue Service. Only one hypothesis was confirmed. Empirical investigation showed that theoretical knowledge about the issue "triage" are at a much higher level in paramedics than members of the Fire and Rescue Service. Another observation was that the selected bodies do not show a difference in knowledge about the classification of adults and children, when considered together. There would be a big difference if they were compared individually. The results identified weaknesses in knowledge particularly among members of the Fire and Rescue Service and, therefore, detailed procedure for "triage" in emergencies was proposed. It will serve as a tool primarily for members of the Fire and Rescue Service as well as a study material for university graduates in the field of emergency health care. The need for emergency medical service was designed rescue bag with aids for primary triage. The need for continuous training was observed, particularly among members of the Fire and Rescue Service, who lack the information and skills. Organizing tactical exercises especially for paramedics with the possibility of cooperation with members of the Fire and Rescue Service was proposed as well. In the light of these findings, we recommend making effort to address the deficiencies in the theoretical preparedness through the organizing of continuing education, prepare similar questionnaires for verifying knowledge after the seminars, organize training of practical skills and verify knowledge through participation in exercises on dealing with catastrophe, together with the other emergency bodies.
Emergency readiness of the South-Bohemian Region inpatient healthcare facilities and their medical staff
In the theoretical section of my master thesis I focused especially on the role of the health services within the crisis management. In particular chapters I tried to write down a simple and comprehensive summary of the role of the healthcare within the integrated rescue system, I dealt with the function of the Ministry of Health, the hierarchy of the healthcare in solving the emergencies, the valid law and the crisis preparedness in the healthcare. In one part of my master thesis I also mentioned the importance of testing the professional and practical readiness of particular units of the integrated rescue system by emergency exercises and the characterization of their individual types. Of course I could not omit the crisis planning and a brief description of some chosen types of plans that are used during emergencies.The goal of my thesis was to map the preparedness of the South-Bohemian Region inpatient healthcare facilities for possible emergencies in the respective facility or out of it and the medical staff´s awareness of possible risks and of possible solving the emergencies in the respective facility.In the practical section of my master thesis I used the methods of quantitative research. The technique of this research is based on the questionnaire survey with bounded, half-bounded and open questions. The questionnaire designated for medical staff consists of 23 questions. The first three questions are focused on the characterization of the respondents; the remaining twenty questions are to find out the stock of knowledge related to the crisis preparedness. The respondent gets one point for each correct answer to a knowledge question. This part of the questionnaire is composed as a multiple-choice test and one can get 43 points at most. The questions were created using the crisis plans that are valid in the České Budějovice Hospital. After our mutual agreement I took over the questionnaire designated for healthcare facilities from Mgr. Jolana Němečková, who analysed the crisis preparedness of the South-Moravian Region healthcare facilities in her master thesis. I did not change the method of questionnaire analysis either to enable a subsequent benchmarking of the results in the South-Moravian Region and the South-Bohemian Region. The questionnaire consists of 28 questions. One can get one point for a dichotomous question and two points for a closed-ended question. The highest possible score was 22 points. The results of the questionnaire survey for medical staff show that the preparedness of the České Budějovice Hospital´s medical staff is at a very good level. The average score was 37 out of 43 points and that complies with the classification 2. When analysing the relation of the preparedness with the highest achieved education level and the preparedness with the length of the practice, the positive correlation was confirmed. That means that the higher achieved education and the longer practice, the more was the knowledge of the respective area. The results of the questionnaire survey for the inpatient healthcare facilities management are not so positive. The average score was 12.3 and that complies almost with the classification 4, which means a bad preparedness. In comparison with the South-Moravian Region healthcare facilities, the preparedness in the South-Bohemian Region is one level worse. For the purposes of my master thesis I set four hypotheses that were proved or falsified during a follow-up statistical assessment. Hypotheses No. 1 and No. 2 cannot be accepted. Hypotheses No. 3 and No. 4 were accepted.
The readiness of pupils and teachers at elementary and secondary schools in an emergency planning zones during an emergency situation at a threatening company.
After the Velvet Revolution in 1989, the national defence education program was terminated. Since it played an important role in the education of the population it was eventually restored in 2003 at primary and secondary schools when a general education program of national defence was introduced. The extend of the education was agreed for 6 hour per year, however, it was not clear in which school subject this matter should be addressed. Since then the government succeed in issuing several conceptual guides describing the outline of the education for both pupils and teachers. The guarantor of the program became the General Directorate of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, who publishes a large number of training documents. Soon after, the issue is also dealt by the civilian sector that gradually increases numbers of manuals and textbooks focusing on the theme of population protection. Consequently in 2012, they succeed in introducing a compulsory subject called "Human Protection in Emergency Situations" at pedagogical faculties. These progressive measures target to improve a teaching methods and a general education at primary and secondary schools in the area of population preparedness to deal with an emergency situations such as floods or hazardous substances leakage from threatening factories. This work focuses on a level of preparedness of students and teachers in a primary and secondary schools, which are located in areas with a thread of leakage, conflagration or possible explosions. The first theoretical part focuses on the history of a protection of a population in the world and consequently in the Czech Republic. History significantly affects this area. Therefore a considerable portion of a theoretical part has been dedicated to it. In the next section the impact of the current legislation laws to protect the population have been analysed. This analysis focuses especially on laws which are most vital for this field. Following section points out, which governmental and non-governmental institutions have the highest responsibility for the primary and secondary education, the level of population preparedness and the knowledge in the area of the studied subject. The last part of the theoretical work analyses the environment in which the sociological research had been conducted. It contains more information about schools in which the survey had been performed by means of questionnaires. The main purpose of this chapter is to point out the characteristics of the schools. Another part analyses the territory in which the schools are located, their capacity, diversity of students, especially weather there are non-Czech speaking or handicapped pupils, or within which time zone the schools are. All schools also support various extracurricular activities, and the thematic group activities. Based on my practical experience from the lectures I pre-set the level of the students and teachers? preparedness in case of extraordinary events within threatening company is low or almost unsatisfactory. Consequently, the respondents undertook 10 test questions. In the practical part of this work, the questionnaire survey was assessed both by means of statistical methods and a thorough analysis of the individual questions answered. To simplify the evaluation, statistical methods were used by means of negating hypotheses of the proposition. In other words, the level of the preparedness will be satisfactory. Subsequent evaluation of the sociological research revealed that the level is satisfactory at all schools. In general, both students and teachers achieved overall pleasing results. The results of the survey will be provided to the Fire Rescue Service of the Pardubice Region to utilize them to streamline all the activities related to the education of students of the surveyed schools.
The knowledge of the Emergency medical service paramedics of Ustecky region in the field of crisis preparedness
CMOREJ, Patrik Christian
In the diploma work, we familiarised the reader with the basic theoretical starting points concerning emergency medical services and preparedness for emergencies. First of all, in this part, we elaborated a basic overview of the organisational structure of the emergency medical services of the Ústecký kraj region, and of its subdivisions. Next, we outlined the educational system of the paramedical staff of the emergency medical services of the Ústecký kraj region, focused on the area of crisis management. The crisis management competence of paramedical staff involved in emergency medical services was the subject of a separate sub-chapter. We linked these chapters with the issue of the formation of the department of disaster medicine. Here, we defined the tasks and aims of disaster medicine. To create a better understanding of the issue, a part of the chapter consists of the basic terminology used in disaster medicine. The main aim of the diploma work is the analysis of the knowledge of the paramedical staff of the emergency medical services of the Ústecký kraj region in terms of preparedness for emergencies. The sub-objectives of the thesis are the analysis of the knowledge of the medical rescue workers of the emergency medical services of the Ústecký kraj region in terms of preparedness for emergencies, and the analysis of general nurses' knowledge of, and qualifications in, the specialist anaesthesiological-resuscitative care of the emergency medical services of the Ústecký kraj region in terms of preparedness for emergencies. The methodology of the work lay in the quantitative analysis of statistical data that we gathered from questionnaires that were filled in by randomly selected respondents among the paramedical staff of the emergency medical services of the Ústecký kraj region. We prepared the content of the questionnaire in the context of the issues studied. The respondents chose from a number of pre-defined answers to a total of 20 questions. The data obtained underwent statistical analysis with the use of statistical research methods, scaling, measurement in descriptive statistics, elementary statistical processing, non-parametric testing, estimation theory, and parametric testing. From the results of the practical part of the diploma work, it is evident that the knowledge of the medical rescue workers of the emergency medical services in terms of the preparedness for emergencies of the Ústecký kraj region is close to the normal frequency distribution N (mi and sigma). Also the general nurses' knowledge of, and qualification in, the specialist anaesthesiological-resuscitative care of the emergency medical services of the Ústecký kraj region, in terms of preparedness for emergencies, is close to the normal frequency distribution N (mi and sigma).
Social Worker crisis intervention in case of emergencies
The bachelor thesis deals with the role of the social worker in the case of victims of emergencies. The focus is to work as a social worker, employee of a non-profit organization focused on providing crisis intevention, which i sone of the basic methods in eliminating psychological consequences of the emergency. The work is dividend into 7 chapters consisting of a description of the study ares ? describe the incident and crisis management, because these are fields where the social worker must navigate. Attention is paid to mental conditon of a man and it also describes methods of crisis intervention, to which it is focused. The following are two case reports, which are intended to meet the goal ? the role of a social worker and his assistance to victims in case sof emergencies, through crisis intervention and individual goals. A summary and conculusion.
The role and place of the voluntary fire brigade in ensuring community emergency preparedness in selected administrative districts of municipalities with extended powers
ZUNT, Josef
The service unit in the village volunteer fire brigade (the "Municipality JSDH") by members, as provided generally by appointment. Actual performance of services is usually limited to work in implementing liquidation and rescue work. Unit voluntary fire brigade of the village is not just fighting fires, but the whole of the removal of incidents (traffic accidents, the aftermath of natural elements water, wind). For these purposes, members of voluntary fire brigade units of the village prepared, trained and acquire habits that will use it to help people.
The urgent and follow-up precautions in case release of ammonia - back analysis of past cases
For this final paper, I chose a rather serious topic that is very topical in our society. Hazardous chemical substance ? ammonia ? is used very widely at present. Ammonia is used as a coolant in various plants. I have compiled a list of all plants in South Bohemia that work with ammonia, including ice rinks. I characterized the properties of ammonia, what damage it causes to the human organism and the environment. I noted a list of accidents during which there have been ammonia leakages of ammonia and I analyzed one accident using a software programme called TerEx. I chose the building of the ice rink in České Budějovice for my research. The objective was to determine the amount of ammonia and to simulate, using the TerEx software programme, an accident with a potential ammonia leakage from the ice rink. I also listed all the activities of the individual components of the Integrated Rescue System, which would help during such an accident, as well as urgent and follow-up measures that would be used. Having assessed the results I came to the conclusion that ammonia leakage from the ice rink would have serious impacts on the residents of České Budějovice. Finally I explained what the terms of evacuation and individual protection mean for the people lining around the ice rink.
The preventive education of the youth at elementary and secondary schools in the field of the protection of the population.
HERZÁN, Michal
The bachelor thesis Preventive education of young people in the field of civil protection at primary and secondary schools deals with the history of the issue, with an educational programme and with the problems of protection in exceptional circumstances at present. The practical part is based on a questionnaire research conducted among primary school pupils and secondary school students and primary and secondary school teachers examining the present state of knowledge in the field of civil protection in special conditions among students and teachers of primary and secondary schools. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate accessibility of information, use of published manuals and textbooks dealing with civil protection in special conditions, the history of education of pupils in the field of civil protection and to compare transfer of information to the teachers, to assess whether it is transferred to students to a sufficient extent. A hypothesis presumes that education of primary and secondary students in the field of civil protection is sufficient and that primary and secondary students are able to apply the obtained knowledge to real situations. The thesis is based on the methodology of comparison, transfer of information on civil protection from the Fire Rescue Department of the Czech Republic to primary and secondary students or teachers, data collection from five primary and five secondary schools in the region, from 50 students and 5 teachers from each school, and evaluation of the questionnaires based on the replies.

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