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Organical chemicals from biomass
This bachelor thesis deals with the processes of biomass as a renewable resource for the production of chemicals that could compete chemicals obtainable from fossil sources. Processing of biomass can be divided into two main approaches namely a thermochemical and biotechnological processing of biomass processes. This processing involves many processes such as hydrolysis, crushing, fermentation, combustion or high temperatures and pressures, and many other thermochemical or biotechnological processes associated with the nature of the structure of the biomass. As the most important products of biomass processing can be considered biofuels represented in my work mainly by ethanol, but also methanol and other organic chemicals such as furfural, levulinic acid and hydroxymethylfurfural derived from the processing of C5 and C6 sugars located in the fundamental structure of biomass. These organic chemicals can also serve as a chemical platform and subsequent modifications of them can get products with the same or very similar properties of the products of the petrochemical industry.
Impact of long-term storage on fish welfare
The literature review is completely described by the issue of fish welfare and whether fish feel pain. Then there are describes the basic procedures for measuring fish welfare. Among which belongs for example a cortisol and glucose in fish blood capillary. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of different stress factors during storage on fish welfare and to changes in production, exterior and length and weight indicators. For the experiment was selected carp (Cyprinus carpio) divided into two groups by weight 2.5 kg to 2.5 kg and above. The results are the values of visceral fat, capillary blood lactate and changes in production, exterior and length-weight indicators during the application and the end of the experiment.
Disorders of energetic metabolism of the horned cattle
The work was concentrated on the value of an impact for metabolism of two types of nutritive ration with milch cows of Holstein breed in the period of making cow milk on the top of lactation. The nutritive ration based on the grass haylage was compared to the nutritive mixed ration based on the grass haylage and maize silage. The successive energetic parameters glycaemia, cholesterol, triacylglycerols, urae and totally albumens were evaluated in the practised metabolic profile tests. Complementary parameters were enzyme gamma-glutamyl, ketone bodies substances and acid-basic secretion of urine. The work evidenced that the nutritive ration based on the grass haylage did not fill up the determinated requirements from the point of the dry substance and nett energy of lactation. The mentioned lack reflected the reduced content triacylglycerols especially in the rising phase of lactation. The energetic deficit in that period was not such that a reduction of the condition of the milch cows would occure frequently and the creation of ketone bodies substances. The nutritive ration based on the grass haylage is possible to use like an alternative nourishment of high productive milch cows in marginal situations and only for limited time.
Investigation of markers for the diagnostics of metabolic syndrome
In my Bachelor´s thesis I dealt with the issue of investigation of biochemical markers, which are used for diagnostics of metabolic syndrome along with measurement of waist circumference and level of blood pressure. In the theoretical part I defined the term metabolic syndrome. Chapters about glucose and blood lipids tests as well as methods used for their determination are described in detail. Great attention was also paid to preanalytical factors, which significantly share of the accuracy of laboratory test. Practical part of the Bachelor´s thesis is focused on acquisition of practical skills in work with biological material in the laboratory of clinical biochemistry and acquisition of principals of laboratory methods. Under professional supervision in the biochemical laboratory Laboma s.r.o. in České Budějovice, I tested 100 samples of venous blood, where I determined concentration of fasting glucose, triglycerides and HDL cholesterol. The measurement was carried out on the biochemical analyzer Cobas Integra 800 by the method of absorption spectrophotometry. Measured laboratory values were statistically processed and they were interpreted after consultation with the supervisor of the Bachelor´s thesis. The laboratory tests showed that the criteria of metabolic syndrome applied for 21% of women and 15% of men.
Fish Welfare in Aquaculture.
Welfare of fish in aquaculture is a review. This study is focused on full evaluation of the welfare. In the first part of the study is dedicated to the welfare expression and to the gradual historic development of the problems. In next parts, the study deals with the fish welfare, which has been rapidly developed recently. The fundamental question for the welfare of fish is disussed - if fish can feel pain and suffering. Next chapter turns attention to stress, which serves as one of the indicators for the welfare quality. The thesis sums basic ways of fish welfare measurement among which belongs, for example, a cortisol and glucose coefficient in fish blood, which is changing due to the size of stress factors. There are mentioned some different approaches to measuring the welfare. A large part of the thesis is devoted to the potential places of threat to welfare. There are described critical points in fish handling and transportation. This study also analyzes water quality, stocking density and killing fish. The last part is devoted to the welfare of fish in different systems. Welfare of fish is here observed in different areas such as sport fishing, aquaculture, fish in aquariums, scientific research and fish in open waters. The end of the thesis provides some suggestions for further scientific research into fish welfare.
Mechanisms of pH change in wood ant (\kur{Formica polyctena}) nests
JÍLKOVÁ, Veronika
The aim of this study was to reveal mechanisms of pH change in wood ant nests. Contents of basic cations and glucose brought in ant food, i.e., honeydew and prey, into the nests were measured. Manipulation experiment was carried out to test effects of glucose and Ca2+ cations brought by ants into the nest on increase in pH.
Verification of glucose assessment analytical method
ILLEOVÁ, Kateřina
The topic of laboratory accreditation as well as validation and verification of analytical methods has been very current in recent years. Because of the serious impact of analytical results of the measurement on practice, it is required that the results of the analytical measurements were as accurate as possible. This paper deals with the verification of the analytical method determination of glucose, as proof of achieving optimum measurement uncertainties. The verification of spectrofotometric glucose determination was performed using the Cobas Integra 800 analyzer by enzymatic hexokinase method. For the measurement in time the control materials of internal quality control were used and for the measurement in series the control materials of external quality control were used. From the measured values we specified the necessary statistical data (the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, the coefficient of variation, bias, yield) and using these we specified the values of combined and extended uncertainty. The combined uncertainties of both samples shouldn't be higher than 10 %, according to the SEKK association. The combined uncertainty of our first sample was 6.81 % and the second one had 6.45 %. The extended uncertainty of the first sample was 13.62 % and the second one had 12.90 %. From these data, we can conclude that the verification of analytical methods for the determination of glucose succeeded.
Kinesiotherapy of diabetes mellitus
My bachelor thesis is focused on kinesiotherapy in diabetes mellitus with focus on type 2 of the disease. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic whole-life disease leading to high morbidity, disability and mortality. A patient with high glycaemia level fluctuation and variable inadequate body mass (and further decompensation indicators) overburdens his/her organism and does not contribute to postponement of occurrence of cardiovascular, neuropathic, nephropathic, retinopathic and other problems. Adequately selected kinesiotherapy help people with diabetes mellitus compensate this disease. The theoretical part deals with diabetes mellitus in general and discusses physical activities focused on diabetes mellitus. The practical parts processes four case reports (women with diabetes mellitus type 2 diagnose) in the form of qualitative research. The first three respondents take regular exercises in groups divided according to physical and mental ability. The fourth respondent does not participate in any physical activity in the groups. Anamneses were found out through semi controlled interviews. Check-up results (dynamic examination of spine, anthropometrical examination, goniometrical examination, examination of shortened muscle groups, examination of weakened muscle groups, hypermobility examination, neurological examination, measurement of heart rate and blood pressure, determination of glucose concentration and HbA1c) were collected by direct observation. The aim of the work was to provide a theoretical outline of kinesiotherapy possibilities in diabetics, to map the forms of physical activities among diabetics and to evaluate efficiency of the individual physical activities of diabetics. Personal interest and active approach to physical activity regime are the main preconditions to successful kinesiotherapy in individuals suffering from diabetes mellitus. In the instance of individual and purely personal goal a suitable form of physical activities can be found for diabetics and thus contribute to compensation of the disease.
Seasonal dynamics of selected blood parametres of selected flesh breeds of sheep bred in foothills conditions
Sheep breeding is nowadays a developing branch of agriculture again. There is a lot of different breed and they react distinctly on the same conditions of the enviroment. Sheep of breeds charollais, suffolk, šumavská ovce and valaška bred in similar conditions were observed in spring and autumn of years 2007 and 2008. In these seasons were taking blood samples (from {$\pm$}7{--}24) ewes and lambs and were analyzed in hematology laboratory. There were determined haemoglobin level, haematocrit indicator, erytrocytes and leucocytes levels, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides levels, urea and plasmatic proteins, activity of ALP and GMT enzymes, phosphor, calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper levels. The main objective of this project was determine seasonal changes in observed parametres. Next objectives were determine different changes in blood parametres in different breeds and different aimes of breeds. There were recognized that all the observed breeds don`t react the same way on similar conditions. There were not provably determined seasonal changes in observed parametres, but average Hb level was higher in autumn than in spring. Urea level was conversely higher in spring season than in autumn. The demostrable fact is, that the similar conditions induce different answers not only in different breeds but also in different aimes of breeds.
Chromatography methods for the determination of stable isotope traced metabolites and their apllication in the clinical research
In medical diagnostics substances labelled with radioactive or stable isotope tracers are used. At present stable isotope-traced substrates 13C or 2H are most commonly used for metabolism evaluation in pathologic situations. A modern approach is a combination of microdialysis method and an application of stable isotopes. In this study analytic methods for the determination of glucose and lactate in microdialysate are described. Due to used substances, labelled with stable isotope-tracers, these substances were determined by the method of gass chromatography with detection by mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The aim of the study was the development, determination of parameters, validation and optimalization of analytic methods oriented on measuring of isotope enrichment of molecules of chosen analytes. The isotope enrichment of glucose was determined after its derivatization by hydroxylamine hydrochloride and acetanhydride. A derivate aldonitril pentacetyl-D-glucose was determined. The method described in the study is the result of optimalization of time and temperature of derivatization of samples of microdialysates and chromatographic conditions. The obtained data were evaluated by the software Chemstation and statistics software SigmaStat. The precision was verified by the method of standard addition and was stated as 1,48%, the precision was determined by repeated measuring of a real sample {--} variation coefficient was 2,51%. Parameters of linear regression for concentrations 0,5 {--} 15 mmol/l were under given conditions with regression coefficient (R2) 0,9997 and the regression equation y = -0,0185 + 0,142x. Glucose for determination by gass chromatography is usually derivatized only by acetanhydride that however using capillary column CP-Sil 8 CB-MS (60 m x 0,32 mm) provides for interference in chromatographic recording {--} a double peak of likely formed anomers of pentacetyl-glucopyranose. For this reason it was necessary to make derivatization of aldehydic group of glucose first by hydroxylamin hydrochloride. The result method shows suitable parameters for using in analysis of microdialysate samples. Lactate was determined by derivatization by dimethoxypropane, propylamine and further by heptafluorobutyranhydride by formation of derivate of L-lactin-n-propylamidheptafluorobutyrate. Following parameters were determined {--} accuracy 3,25%, precision 3,15%, parameters of linear regression for concentrations wihtin 0,5 {--} 10 mmol/l were under given conditions R2 = 0,999 and the regression equation y = 0,215 + 1,039x. This relatively complicated derivatization method was taken over from an associated workshop at the University of Lausanne and its parameters were compared with a simpler method of derivatization by N-(butyl-dimethyl-silyl)-2,2,2-trifluoro-N-methyl-acetamide. The formed derivate di(tert-butyldimethylsilyl) lactate was determinated by the method GC-MS. The precision was 3,02%, accuracy 3,8%, parameters of linear regression R2 = 0,999, the regression equation y = -0,0809 + 0,792x. The presented methods were used in the pilot study of microdialyse of muscle and hepar of rats in various metabolic situations. At present the methods are used in clinical research on patients suffering from diabetes mellitus type I and have extended a spectrum of methods applied by the laboratory of the Clinic of Gerontology and Metabolism of the University Hospital of Hradec Králové.

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