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Current methods of prevention and possibilities of treatment of bovine mastitis
My bachelor work called Current methods of prevention and possibilities of treatment of bovine mastitis has been created with a view to the fact that mastitis is one of the most economic significant disease of cattle . The prevention of mastitis includes individual measures important for maintaining the health of dairy cows. The basic principle of prevention is to avoid weakening the natural immunity of dairy cows and especially of the mammary gland as such. To maintain healthy mammary glands the welfare of the cows is important. Dairy cows should be properly housed and fed a high quality, harmless food. An important measure is the correct milking procedure. Pasture has a very favourable effect on the health and welfare of dairy cows. An important aspect in the prevention of mastitis is drying off which is often carried out at a flat rate and globally. The use of non-antibiotic cements is a new trend of drying off, only usable in dairy cows with healthy mammary gland. Research in the immunoprophylaxis of mastitis is still ongoing, because the etiology of mastitis is not yet entirely clear. Conventional treatment of mastitis is based on the use of antibiotics during lactation or during the dry period. According to the seriousness of the disease is selected a local or total application or a combination of both. Supplementary treatment is the application of enzymatic preparations which reduce the required dose of antibiotics and accelerate healing. The unconventional treatment of mastitis that is more common on organic farms, is represented by homeopathy and phytotherapy, which are used mostly in mild inflammation of the mammary gland. If therapy should be an effective, early start of treatment is very important.
Evaluation of selected indicators of diary cattle breeds in VOD Kámen
Cattle breeding is one of the most demanding branches of the agricultural production. Prerequisite for successful breeding is the economical effective milk production which only be achieved with good health of animals, good fertility, adequate replacement herd, longevity of cows and appropriate management. Breeders must always think about the way of the keeping and about the breed of the animals. This thesis aims to evaluate selected indicators of milk and meat production, fertility, longevity and economy of the milk production in the dairy herd of Holstein and Czech Pied cattle in the same stalling and at the same nutrition in the company VOD Kámen. It was chosen sixty Holstein and sixty Czech Pied breeding dams from the herd for monitoring. Monitored groups of cows were sorted out according to the genotype, origin of father and the order of lactation. The reproductive performance were used to evaluate (insemination interval, service period, meantime, insemination index), indicators of milk yield (amount of milk in kilograms, fat content, protein content), longevity and the reasons for decommissioning of cows. To evaluate meat yield twenty-five Holstein and twenty-five Czech Pied bulls were chosen. Differences of milk yield and fertility among both breeds were evaluated as very important (P < 0,001). Reproductive performance of Holstein cows was evaluated as inconvenient (insemination interval 82,06 days, service period 135,87 days, meantime 412 days and insemination index 2,4), and of Czech Pied cows as convenient (insemination interval 64,8 days, service period 98,84 days and insemination index 2,0). The milk yield was higher the Czech average in both breeds. Holstein cows producted 9 123 kilograms of milk for lactation with 3,87% of fat and 3,42% of proteins; the Czech Pied cows producted 8100 kilograms of milk with 4,08% of fat and 3,59% of proteins. The most common reason for removal of cows was fertility disturbance. Indicators of meat yield were better for the Czech Pied bulls. Those bulls had higher slaughter weight at lower age and better inclusion in the classification classes against the Holstein bulls.
Effect of milking with an automatic milking system on selected incides of cattle welfare
The aim of my bachelor thesis was to evaluace the welfar of dairy cows. They are loosely housed and milked by robot. The main indicators were total time spent by cows in the robot and information about the movement of cows after leaving the milking box. The next step was to evaluate a time needed to prepare a dairy cow from entrance into the robot to a successful use of teat handpiece. Of course it was necessary to evaluate effects of stress on selected blood parameters. We can give us an idea of welfare using this loosely housing based on these observation. Next reason is the posibility of free decision in which intervals during the day the cows will be milked. Measured and monitored values were collected by observing dairy cows and precise records of their activities from entrance into the robot. In thirty minutes after leaving the robot it was recorded the movement of animals in housing and then satisfying their physiological needs, rating, drinking and lying down. The measurment was realized in standard operating conditions for 24 hours. The measurment was realized by all milked cows in the herd. Time information of ongoing operations and daily milk production were taken from the milking robot Lely Astronaut. Results of these measurements were evaluated by Microsoft Excel, Statistica 9 and then compared with total performance. Information of stress in all ways of milking were getting from the experimental work of VFU Brno. The observations didn´t show any serious problems in welfare area. Animals were calm and satisfied all the time of evaluating. Milking was carried out without any problems and dairy cows entered discipline into the box of robot. Only five cows (6 % of milked cows) had to be chasing with the help of zootechnician. But in the most of cases we talk about heifers and they have to adapt. During the observation it was detected 147 milking at 58 dairy cows. In diametr that was 2,54 milking per one cow. With the average yield 14,87 kg it means, that the average daily performance of one dairy cow was 37,8 kg of milk. The preparation for milking lasted about 2 minutes and 25 seconds. The time of actual milking was average 6 minutes. After milking 83,7 % of the monitored cows sought food and only 6,8 % of monitored cows lay down. The average daily yield significantly increased in the cows, these are milked three times a day, which means 31 % growth. The activity curve of diary cows in the chart showed strong willingness of dairy cows to work with the milking robot. Cortisone in the blood serum showed no values over the limit.
Monitoring of ethological expressions of animals for the purpose of developing sensors assessing various animal movements
Breed of beef cattle belongs to one of the most important branches of live-stock production in the Czech Republic. These farm animals are mainly used to produce milk and meat. Since 1989 numbers of beef cattle have strongly declined, this transparent decrease now marking more than a 2 million difference from the early 1990s. The main aim of this thesis is to gather basic information, details and primarily formulate knowledge about the behaviour of dairy cows and their physiological reactions in relation to the process of milking and the consequent response regarding the water requirement and kinetic activities (e.g. the need to relax). The research described in this thesis was conducted in DZV Nova a. s. enterprise, Petrovice, which cultivates an area of nearly 5000 hectares and has 640 dairy cows of Holstein breed in its possession. Vital meter is a device in a sealed box, which hangs on a dairy cow?s neck while registering a certain amount of movements throughout a specific time, one hour in our case. Each hour is divided into two hundred and forty fifteen-second sections. Any movement during this section is therefore registered in a computer through this device?s receiving antenna. A total number of 6 gravid cows of Holstein breed, in a good health condition, with an average daily milk yield between 25 ? 35 litres, was selected for our ethological observation. All these dairy cows had a vital meter placed on their necks, which measured the aforementioned amount of movements an hour. The actual observation took place between the 27th and 28th of October and between the 4th and 6th of December 2012. First, the dairy cows were observed throughout the entire 24-hour period (November 27th, 28th) and then twice in 12-hour periods (December 4th, 6th). The overall time of observation equalled to 48 hours. Temperature conditions ranged from -3 degrees of Celsius to +5 degrees. The animals were gathered and therefore milked in a milking parlour three times a day roughly between 12 ? 13, 20 ? 21 and 3:45 ? 4:30. From the computer records we found out that the vital metres successfully registered all these movements and as a result verified the functionality of these devices and their possible usage as the means of observation of cows? kinetic activities. The outcomes of the dairy cows? observation and the data from vital metres also imply that even if the vital metres correctly registered increased kinetic activity representing a real rise in cows? mobility, they fail to display the particular acts of lying and getting up as well as jumps. After calculating an average from individual daily activities of a dairy cow, these results can be concluded: During a 24-hour period one dairy cow spends three and three quarters of an hour feeding itself, drinks seven times, excretes eleven times, urinates 5 ? 6 times. It places itself at rest nine times and the measured time spent lying accounts for an average of 11 hours and 39 minutes. The process of rumination is connected with lying or standing and lasts for 6 hours and 41 minutes a day. As for the kinetic activity, the average distance walked by one cow amounts 478, 6 metres. There is only one phenomenon contradicting the literary articles/literature ? the process of feeding, which is significantly (75 minutes) shorter and consequently leads to dairy cows producing less urine than they ought to, yet they have more kinetic activities and mobility. As mentioned, a dairy cow walks almost 480 metres a day, while literary sources state less (200 ? 300 metres).
A Biological Noise In The Environment of Farms Breeding Dairy Cows.
DVOŘÁK, Miroslav
In stockbreeding of farm animals implicates a noise not only an implementing and increasing mechanization, but as well as a noise incurred by animals themselves. It means a noise rising by speech of breeding animals (a biological noise). The aim of this work is measuring of this noise on a family farm in Olešnice, work it up according to appropriate standards and demonstrate the results graphically. Obtained noise rates are reviewed in term of legislative and hygienic regulations and orders.
Analysis of the causes for discarding dairy Holstein cattle
The bachelor thesis analyses the causes of discarding of dairy cows of Holstein cattle. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the most common causes, which lead to discarding of dairy cows from breeding in collective farm Trhový Štěpánov a. s. In this thesis were evaluated the results for 294 dairy cows in 2010. The underlying data were obtained from Dairyplan programm on the farm in Trhový Štěpánov, from economic analysis of ZD Trhový Štěpánov a. s. between 2008 and 2010 and from the annual report for each year. In 2010 there were discarded 294 dairy cows from total 864 pieces, that means 34 % of total number. Among causes of discarding of dairy cows belong low productivity, other zootechnical reasons, udder desease, fertility disorders, difficult births and other health reasons. The most dairy cows were discarded for other health reasons. To other health reasons belong liver desease, displacement of abomasum, paratuberculosis and bad condition of limbs. For these reasons it was discarded more than 57 % of dairy cows. The second most common reason was the fertility disorder with less than 16% of dairy cows and the least of dairy cows were discarded for the bad condition of udder and the other zootechnical reasons. Analysed causes of discarding of dairy cows in ZD Trhový Štěpánov a. s. mainly agree with results of control of productivity in the whole Czech Republic.
Influence of application separated cattle slurry as plastic bedding on the cleanness of body surface and ethological display stabled cows and selected parameters of stable{\crq}s environment.
PÁLKA, Václav
The observation was performed in brick buildings for dairy cows breeding. The stabling was created as lose boxes with litter (made from separated slurry) and with grid dung-passage. The aim of the work was assessed evaluation the availability of separated slurry used as a plastic litter from the animal cleanness, welfare and microclimatic parameters of stabling. During experiment was ascertained, that not founded negative impact at the animals.
Analysis of Czech pied cattle milk performance and fertility.
The main goal of all milk cattle breeders is herd making profit {--} the herd with good reproduction and consequent high production performance. Such a goal can only be reached if the herd is of quality genetic base. Cow{\crq}s milk performance is one of important factors influencing final economic results of milk production. The aim of this Diploma work was to examine lactation course and level as well as reproduction of high-performance Czech pied diary cows with regards to their genetic base. The diary cows (190 pieces) on lactation within 27th March 2008 {--} 13th June 2008 were examined. The examined cows were divided into three groups based on number of their lactation. These groups with cows on 1st, 2nd, 3rd lactation were further divided with regards to their genetic base into herd groups registered as C1 and C2. The sub-herd group C100 was isolated from C1 herd group. To each lactation group, 2{--}3 bulls were assigned based on the highest number of daughters in specific lactation group. Minimum criterion for bull assignment to lactation group was set on at least 5 daughters in the group. Reproduction performance was examined in these groups. The milk performance was evaluated based on 305 days usage, lactation curve persistence index and the lactation curve course in individual groups. The herd-group C2 with highest genetic base of diary breed proved the best results in all lactation groups with regards to reproductive performance. The best results were reached on 3rd lactation. The link between genetic base and reproduction performance of Czech pied cattle was not proved. Neither the link between genetic base and milk performance was proved. The influence of lactation number on most of examined factors was proved. The father{\crq}s influence on reproduction or milk performance was not clearly proved. However, the results may be distorted for lack of diary cows in groups examined under this criterion. Finally, the direct link between reproductive and milk performance was also not clearly proved. To summarize our results, we can state that the diary cows in examined herd were above the milk performance average of Czech pied cattle bred in Czech Republic. At the same time, the reproduction performance was just on average of Czech Republic.
Comparing the impact of housing and milking technologies on selected indicators of performance and quality of milk
The theme of this thesis is to compare free housing with a milking robot, milking of serious housing in the pipeline. The evaluation is focused on milk yield and its quality, reproductive performance and health. It is also monitored by the free choice of milking cows during the day. Consideration is also observed in stable microclimate. Everything is assessed under operational conditions. Object of study is a refurbished barn, where both systems are in operation. Were measured and compared observed values of milk production, reproduction and health status between groups. The observed values were evaluated in the program Statistica 9th of a computerized milking robot system was speciaed the period of time when Nada dairy milk provides the most of milk through a robot.. In the area of dairy cattle milking robot reaches a higher milk yield and increasing the percentage of lactose recovery. Milking stalls of the pipeline has better results in the percentage of protein recovery. The choice of time period of milking cows, the most milk by dairy cows wasprovided between 10:00-18:00 pm. In the area of reproduction achieved better results with loose housing milking robot. The issue of health status showed a statistically better health outcomes for the free housing with a milking robot.
Analysis of selected effects on milk production and fertility in the Czech Pied cattle herd
HORA, Ondřej
The fertility and milk yield are many factors. Generally, these factors can be divided into external and internal. Regarding external factors, including, for example, nutrition, the level of breeding, breeding technology, mobility and the human factor. The most important internal factor is the individual's genetic makeup, heritability and breeding value of parents. The aim was to assess the level of milk production and reproduction of selected Czech Pied cattle herd. The data were evaluated in 3 of lactation in the period 2007-2010. Follow-up was a group of Czech Pied dairy cattle on 190 pieces. File cows were divided according to lactation, the cows at 1, 2 and 3.laktacions. The reference group of cows were subdivided according to the genetic contribution to C1 and C2. The C1 were still separated dairy herd subgroups C100. Furthermore, the observed group of dairy cows as a separate group of fathers. Chosen were 3 bulls whose daughters were in the study group, the highest proportion, the threshold was set at 15 daughters. In the monitored group did not demonstrate the influence of breeding value of the fathers of the fathers upon the subsequent performance of daughters. These results may be distorted by a small number of daughters in the sample. The highest milk production showed a C2 for all lactations. This group had the highest proportion of genetic dairy breeds. This group had the highest performance at the 3rd lactation (6793.13 kg). Has been shown to influence the genetic contribution to individual reproductive performance. The shortest SP was the first lactation group C100 (120.62 days) and the second interim Lactation is also a group C100 (379.58 days). In group C2 with a higher proportion of dairy breeds (A, R), these values were lower (141.29 days and 426.39 days). The observed results of performance tests show that a group of dairy cows of Czech Pied cattle (C100) has, for the period of below average values of milk yield (6188 kg), compared with average values of milk yield of the Czech Spotted breed in the Czech Republic. Also, reproductive performance observed in animals showed below-average performance in comparison with the average of the Czech Spotted breed in the country. The cows were monitored groups revealed a significant difference in fertility problems. It was found that the most common reason for exclusion breeding cows were fertility disorders (71.9%) and other medical reasons (22.1%). The observed density was the mean longevity. C100 group had an average calving 3.07, then 3.58 C2 calving

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