Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 80 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí60 - 69dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Infrared Thermography on the COMPASS Tokamak
Vondráček, Petr ; Horáček, Jan ; Cahyna, Pavel ; Pánek, Radomír ; Uličný, J.
This contribution describes a new slow infrared camera obtained by the COMPASS tokamak at IPP Prague. We focus on the camera limitations affecting the experimental data (temporal and spatial smoothing, time shift). Data time deconvolution used to correct the effect of the long response time of the camera detector is described. The second part of the contribution is devoted to the physic basis for the design of a new fast IR camera system planned for installation in COMPASS during the next year.
U-probe for the COMPASS Tokamak
Kovařík, Karel ; Ďuran, Ivan ; Stöckel, Jan ; Seidl, Jakub ; Šesták, David ; Brotánková, J. ; Spolaore, M. ; Martines, E. ; Vianello, N. ; Hidalgo, C. ; Pedrosa, M. A.
A complex electrostatic-magnetic probe diagnostics, baptized as 'U-probe', is being prepared for measurement of properties of the filamentary structures in the edge plasmas of COMPASS tokamak. Probe will be composed of two identical towers. Each tower will house 3 sets of 3D coils, balanced triple probe and six single Langmuir probes each. The design of the probe is based on that of U-probe used on reversed field pinch RFX-mod and our combined electromagnetic probe at TJ-II stellarator. This new COMPASS diagnostic will measure vorticity and longitudial electric current of the plasma filaments. Analysis of the properties and, particularly, the correlation between filament vorticity and its current is expected to shed light into physics of filamentary structures in the tokamak plasma edge. The simulation of the probe surface temperature evolution as a function of expected incident heat loads within the COMPASS edge plasmas is presented.
Atomic Beam Probe Diagnostic for COMPASS Tokamak
Háček, Pavel ; Weinzettl, Vladimír ; Stöckel, Jan ; Anda, G. ; Veres, G. ; Zoletnik, S. ; Berta, M.
The COMPASS tokamak has been re-installed in IPP Prague after its transport from Culham in UK. New diagnostic tools are under development to address the scientific program focused on H-mode and pedestal physics. Atomic Beam Probe (ABP) is an innovatory diagnostic for measurement of poloidal magnetic field and plasma current fluctuations in the plasma edge. It is planned to be an extension of the beam emission spectroscopy system by collecting the lithium ions stemming from beam ionization. In the first approximation, ionization is proportional to the local plasma density. The poloidal magnetic field moves the ions toroidally. Therefore, the two-dimensional poloidal-toroidal measurement of the ion current in the exit port reveals information on both the density and magnetic field profiles, thereby also on the edge current profile. This article reviews the concept of the ABP diagnostic and the status of its installation on the COMPASS tokamak.
Measurements of Ion Temperature in the Edge Plasma of the COMPASS Tokamak
Naydenkova, Diana ; Janky, Filip ; Weinzettl, Vladimír ; Stöckel, Jan ; Šesták, David ; Odstrčil, T. ; Ghosh, J. ; Gomes, R. ; Pereira, T.
The two-grating spectrometer, which has been developed for the ISTTOK tokamak, allows an estimation of the temporal evolution of both ion temperature and poloidal velocity of the edge plasma by analysis of Doppler-shifted and broadened CIII spectral lines at ~465nm. At the current phase of the COMPASS tokamak operation, the first measurements of ion temperature using the optical system based on the spectrometer were performed and first results are presented.
A Simulation of the COMPASS Equilibrium Field Power Supply PID Controller
Havlíček, Josef ; Beňo, Radek ; Stöckel, Jan
The COMPASS tokamak Magnetizing Field (MFPS) and Equilibrium Field Power Supplies (EFPS) circuits are coupled together by mutual inductance and by shared coil in the tokamak central solenoid. EFPS controller has problems with mitigating the voltage distortion caused by MFPS. A modelling was used to obtain better understanding of the system and to improve the EFPS controller algorithm.
Progress in Multichannel Optical System for Visible Plasma Radiation Measurements at COMPASS Tokamak
Naydenkova, Diana ; Weinzettl, Vladimír ; Stöckel, Jan ; Šesták, David ; Janky, Filip ; Sedlák, L.
The paper outlines main parameters and characteristics of the multichannel optical system for visible plasma radiation measurements, which is currently under construction on the COMPASS tokamak. Alignment of the fiber endpiece and the detector is described in the contribution. Measured spectra in wavelength ranges 250-475 nm and 457–663nm are shown for typical short-lasting discharges of the COMPASS tokamak, which is not yet equipped with a plasma position stabilization system.
Status of Magnetic Diagnostics on COMPASS
Havlíček, J. ; Kudláček, O. ; Janky, F. ; Horáček, Jan ; Beňo, R. ; Valcárcel, D.F. ; Fixa, J. ; Brotánková, Jana ; Zajac, Jaromír ; Hron, Martin ; Pánek, Radomír ; Cahyna, Pavel
The COMPASS tokamak is in a test operation after its reinstallation in Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR in Prague (IPP Prague) in the year 2008. This operation consists of commissioning of various diagnostics and tokamak auxiliary systems. This paper presents current status of magnetic diagnostics after its refurbishment, used method of the calibration and shows examples of magnetic diagnostics utilization for plasma position reconstruction as well as for vertical hydraulic preload interlock system.
Magnetická diagnostika pro zahajovací fázi projektu COMPASS
Havlíček, Josef ; Horáček, Jan ; Weinzettl, Vladimír ; Hronová-Bilyková, Olena ; Naydenkova, Diana ; Zajac, Jaromír
Tokamak COMPASS byl po dvou a půl létech úspěšně reinstalován v Praze. První plazma bylo dosaženo 9.prosince 2008. Následně byly zahájeny práce na uvedení tokamaku do provozu na plný výkon. Tento článek představuje výsledky měření pomocí magnetické diagnostiky během prvního výstřelu a v následující kampani. Jsou ukázány první pokusy o analýzu polohy plazmatu. Je porovnáno magnetické pole spočtené numericky a měřené pomocí Hallových sond.
Pohyb nabitých částic v perturbovaných magnetických polích tokamaku
Papřok, R. ; Krlín, Ladislav ; Cahyna, Pavel ; Riccardo, V.
V tomto článku popisujeme dva hamiltonovské přístupy – plný a driftový – pro popis nabitých částic (kupř. elektronů, D+) v magnetickém poli tokamaku. Používáme základní toroidální konfiguraci pole s překrývajícími se řetězci ostrovů vytvářejících magnetickou ergodickou vrstvu. Chceme použít tento aparát pro řešení dvou fyzikálních problémů Za prvé pro odhad generace elektrického pole v okrajovém plazmatu způsobeného přidáním „ergodických cívek“, které mohou sloužit jako mechanismus potlačení okrajových nestabilit (ELMů) a budou studovány na tokamaku COMPASS. Za druhé chceme tento aparát použít pro sledování vlivu na runaway elektrony (energie kolem 10 MeV) v přítomnosti magnetických polí generovaných korekčními cívkami (EFCC) instalovanými na tokamaku JET.
První spektroskopicky měření na tokamaku COMPASS
Naydenkova, Diana ; Stöckel, Jan ; Weinzettl, Vladimír ; Šesták, David ; Havlíček, Josef
První spektroskopicky měření na tokamaku COMPASS The impurity survey spectrometer HR 2000+ was used for registration of the

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