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Manifestations of early deprivation among children in foster care
SMRŽOVÁ, Miroslava
This of deprivation in foster children. It observes the symptoms of deprivation and subdeprivation in childrens'personalities and their development in the course of ten years of foster care. The theoretical part presents attachment theory and the importance of a certain attachment to the caring person, together withthe general manifestations of deprivation and subdeprivation. It explains the specifics of substitute family care, focusing on foster care, and also mentions the work of institutions cooperating with foster families. The empirical part carried out by the autobiographical design as a research method presents my personal experience with bachelor thesis deals with early manifestations raising two boys in foster care. The observations show various manifestations of deprivation and also the difficulty and time demand of their treatment. Close and mutual cooperation between the foster family and schools and institutions (such as Středz.ú., a SVP) is seen as a significant positive influence. Therefore, this thesis also includes the perspective of these involved parties and, moreover, a graphic illustration of the frequency of the individual manifestations throughout time.
Stress in the workplace of a traffic officers.
The theoretical part of my work deals with knowledge about the basic types of stressful situations (stress, frustration, deprivation, conflict and trauma) and the most common result of stressful events (acute stress disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and burnout). It shortly constitutes within the police profession with a focus on the traffic police service. It highlights the general risks which the police force encounters, selected stress events in work of traffic officers, knowledge about work stress, it´s effect on efficiency of police officers and how it can be caused. At the end it talks about the possible psychological help for the Police officers of the Czech Republic. The practical part is trying to find out how police officers are preparing themselves for the anticipated stress and how the organization helps them with dealing stress.
Art therapy for children with special educational needs
The Bachelor thesis deals with the possibility of eliminating difficulties of mentioned group of children by means of artetherapeutic methods and techniques. The theoretical part defines the term specific educational need and describes and specifies some groups of children who belong to pupils with educational specific needs. It is concerned with pupils with specific learning disabilities and pupils with behavioural difficulties. The shortlist is chosen with regard to how these children work in classrooms. The practical part of the thesis is composed by two case studies. They contain the analysis of upper primary school children's art production of the girl with specific learning disability based on her physical handicap and the girl with behavioural difficulties caused by her emotional deprivation. The aim of this Bachelor thesis is to find typical features of these children's art production and observe changes in their production.
Effects deprivace and subdeprivace on schoul children and role teacher at their diagnostics.
LEKEŠ, Antonín
The bachelor thesis Effects of Deprivation and Subdeprivation on School Children and the Role of Teachers in Their Diagnostics deals with the unfavourable psychological development of children and with the consequences that affect negatively their lives. The theoretical part discusses the general issues of deprivation and subdeprivation, the conditions of their formation, the influence of individual factors and the impacts on the schoolwork. For greater clarity, this part is enriched with the specific manifestations of deprivation strain. The research part is concerned with the finding the size of the pathological value of the subdeprivation strain of the girls who are located in the institution for youth in the town of Jindřichův Hradec and with the forecasts of the possible reversal. The research results are evaluated on the basis of the implementation of the selected tests in the experimental group consisted of the girls from the institute in the town of Jindřichův Hradec and by the cross-comparison with the specific test results in the control group (the girls of the same age in the natural environment).
Teenagers Living in a Children´s Home and Their Visions and Dreams.
In the theoretical part the period of adolescence is defined and it is completed with description of a preadolescent. Next chapter is devoted to description of a few pubescent children staying at a children?s home. The survey of different types of facilities providing care for children without their own functional family follows. The topic of next chapter is family. The thesis also deals with biological and psychological needs which if they are not satisfied cause deprivation. The explanation of deprivation is also included. The aim of the work was to find out the differences in ideas, visions and dreams preadolescent children, i.e. children at the age of 11 to 14 , staying at staying at Domino children?s home in Plzeň on the one side and children living in common families on the other side. The issue of the research was to find out how children from the home imagine their future life. The research involved eight respondents from the children?s home ? four boys and four girls. The research was carried out during the practical training of the author of the thesis and her voluntary activity at the children?s home in the period January ? March 2013. The research also included another eight respondents, again four boys and four girls, living in common families. These children were chosen on the basis of systematic random selection, on the principle of their free consent, to make comparison of preadolescents from a children?s home and of early adolescents from common families possible. The research was implemented at the same period of time. Qualitative research was chosen for processing of the empirical part. The following methods were used - method of questioning and technique of half-standard talk. The topics of talks were focused on some categories ? a child?s dream job, the greatest wishes, interests and leisure time activities and what the child is looking forward to the most. The data gained from talks were processed with a method of clusters. Below them a brief evaluation of the given data can be found. The research shows that the children from the children?s home had lower targets in terms of their professional careers. Most children from the children?s home want to go on to technical training institutions. Some of them had vision of their dream but despite of this they will go to a different school, i.e. they will not try to make their dreams come true. The main reason for choosing an easier path was fear of something new, something unknown. Children want to have their permanent background and not to move from one establishment to another. Most children from families wanted to study at university and they really want to reach their objectives. The fact of deprivation of the children from the children?s home resulted clearly from their wishes. Most of them wished to have a dog, a cat or a horse and they would prefer a pet to going back to their families or to improvement of relationships in their families. A few children from families would also like to get an animal. Interests and leisure time activities of both groups are quite similar. At the children?s home each child attends a special club; the children from common families also have some special hobbies. These hobbies are similar. This research may help to increase information among educators from different institutions, among the children?s parents and it also may serve as a source of information to the general public. It shows how dreams and visions of children from children?s homes differ from dreams expressed by children living in common families, what their dream jobs are, which activities they like, what their great dreams are and what they are looking forward to. Thus, they may get closer to the world of children and understand better their own children or children they take care of.
Supporting program with children in the galleries " Summer with fairy tale"
DEYLOVÁ, Magdalena
The bachelor thesis monitors the uses of artephiletics and art therapy methods for children of preschool age. The first part focuses on the general theory of children´s drawings in terms of art therapy. In the second part the animation programs, which were carried out in the gallery, are introduced and picture material is discussed.
The reasons and the extent of drug abuse within the children from social and cultural unfavourable environment
For my thesis I have chosen this topic Reasons and the extent of drug abuse within the children from social and cultural unfavourable environment. I was attracted by this theme during my school practical training. Drug experiments with the follow-up abuse within the children?s population are becoming more and more a serious problem not only in the Czech Republic but in the whole world too. Lately the age limit has cut down for the experiments related to legal as well as illegal drugs. The children from the social and cultural unfavourable environment are involved in drug abuse and other pathological phenomenon much sooner than the major society, which explains the lower age limit. When the child belongs to the social and cultural disadvantageous group of inhabitants, he/she comes into the social, health, economical and often criminal problems. To be a member of such excluded group can cause that the child is more likely exposed to frequently and risky drug abuse. The thesis refers to the drug abuse by the children from the social and cultural unfavourable environment. The data for the thesis were collected from the 14 and 15 year old children in special pedagogical institutions in the South Bohemian region. The quantity research was applied to get the data, via anonymous questioner enriched with the additional discussion with the therapists of the respective institution, and were analysed in quality. The previously stated hypothesis were verified and evaluated based on the results qualification. The thesis contains the theoretical part which explains the basic terms, describes models of drug addiction, as the base for the statement and the cause of drug experiments and abuse within the children?s population from disadvantageous environment. The theoretical part concludes the research results of this subject provided within the children?s ordinary population to be compared with this thesis research results. The practical part marks out the goals and describes the own steps of the research. The aim of this work is to find out the reasons and extent of the drug abuse by the children from the social and cultural unfavourable environment. The partial aim was to compare the reasons and extent of drug abuse within these children with the data previously obtained from the ordinary children?s population in the Czech Republic. The research results present higher segment of the respondents from the social and cultural unfavourable environment related to addictives, including higher frequency of the abuse, rather younger age of the first experience with addictives, even regular abuse and experience with various types of addictives compared to regular children?s population. Thanks to the research results we can point to the fact that the reasons of using addictives by the children from the social and cultural unfavourable environment differ from the reasons of the ordinary children?s population. It consists mainly in psychological and social deprivation of those children and absence of the basic psychological needs fulfilment. Such stigma subsequently influences the predisposition to addictives abuse by the children from the social and cultural unfavourable environment, who owing to the drug may be able ?to forget? their problems at least for a while. The thesis results can be used in practice, for teaching, for further research or as the source of information for general public as well as for experts.
Art expression of elderly people
SOUČKOVÁ, Michaela
This bachelor work focuses on the use of art - therapeutical methods in working with seniors. The theoretical section of the work depicts the main psychological attributes of getting old, which can be reflected in the expression of an art work of the elderly. In the first part of the theoretical section the changes of cognitive and sensitive sphere, which begin in the old age, are described. Further, the changes of motion ability, intelligence, emotions and personality are described. The work also touches the topic of degenerative diseases. The second part outlines negative consequences of social changes in this lifetime. The last part of the theoretical section is devoted to art therapy and its use in the work with seniors. The practical section explores the expression of art work of seniors with its typical characteristics. A qualitative research was made to find out the way of processing, level of art performance, colorfulness, presence of details and working with them etc.
Stories of drog users: intrinsic and extrinsic motivations which contributed to formation of the addiction
The author of this thesis deals with different kinds of motivations that lead to the development of addiction. She focuses on which internal motives (needs, interests, values personal experience), and external motives (referential groups, norms, idols) led to the development of addiction of her clients. The Key words in relation to the internal and external motivation, together with the emergence of addiction and prevention issues are explained in the theoretical part of the thesis. Semi-structured in-depth interviews are carried out in the methodological part. Their aim being to look for particular motivation factors, as well as the interplay of individual motivation factors that led the drug users to using.
Risk Child in a own Family
In my work I try to give the reader the information on the topic of endangered child in his / her own family {--} the child maltreated, abused and neglected. Next I speak about other phenomena connected with domestic violence committed on children and their consequences. I try to argue against some myths that are rooted in our society. From all the range of the case studies, which I acquired in Educational Centre in Jindřichův Hradec, Diagnostic Centre in Přestavlky, Psychiatric Hospital in Červený Dvůr, Old People´s Home in Chrast and in Slatiňany and Magistrate in Chrudim, I have chosen these which are typical for the above-mentioned topic.

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