National Repository of Grey Literature 60 records found  beginprevious51 - 60  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Senior's Volunteerism
Špačková, Magdalena ; Pospíšilová, Tereza (advisor) ; Černá, Milena (referee)
Senior's volunteerism in the Czech Civil Society's background does not have clear contours so far. This thesis brings a clearer idea about senior's volunteerism in the Czech Republic. It outlines the possibilities for development of senior's voluneerism and better knowledge in Czech and foreign researche. The second part of the thesis shows the results of a qualitative research which was realized on the sample of volunteering seniors in the social services in Prague.
Comparison of quality of life of the elderly in urban and country area - example of Příbram region
The bachelor thesis is focused on quality of life of the elderly in an urban and country area. The aim of the bachelor thesis is the evaluation and comparison of quality of life of the elderly in the city of Příbram and in villages of Drásov, Dubno, Kotenčice and Obecnice. Analysis of population processes and demographic structures in chosen municipalities are one part of the thesis. Based on expertise literature the thesis provides a theoretical concept of problems of quality of life of people, quality of life of the elderly, population ageing, social status and problems of the elderly.
Healthy aging in the context of nursing care
RADOVÁ, Ludmila
Healthy Ageing Programme is a concept which should have a significant influence on every resident in the countries where population median age has been quickly increasing. This topic of healthy ageing is the key issue of the given Master´s Diploma Thesis. At the present, our country is involved not only in several smaller-scale regional programmes focused on lives of seniors but also in the events of European importance. If we want to provide our seniors with a quality life in all aspects, it is necessary to encourage promoting Healthy Ageing Programme. The wide scope of activity is thus open, especially for nurses. The first objective develops the approach of seniors in the selected health-care facilities to healthy ageing. The second objective introduces the approach of a client before retirement age to the healthy ageing principles. Finally, the third objective specifies the role of general practice nurses in their support of clients before retirement age in their healthy ageing. Research questions included the following issues: the approach of a client at the age before retirement to the healthy ageing principles and the role of a general practice nurse and her support of the abovementioned clients. The given research also develops one hypothesis regarding the fact that personal objectives will change depending on barriers.Both qualitative and quantitative research was used in the given Diploma Thesis. An in-depth interview was conducted during the survey. Additional information was obtained on the basis of an opinion poll. Two research groups were used for the interview: the first one consisted of 11 respondents from the general practitioner´s outpation departments, the second research group consisted of 6 nurses working for the aforementioned departments. The total number of 150 respondents from the designated health-care facilities was selected for the survey during which they were answering the research questions. As a result, a large number of useful information was obtained. The clients' approach can be divided into several groups: leisure activities, education, workload, prevention and medical examinations, regimen, community nursing care, healthy ageing. The key roles of a nurse should take into consideration the following aspects: healthy ageing from the nurse´s point of view, prevention and geriatric nurse at the outpatient department, community nursing care, health support of the patients provided by a nurse. Information obtained from the interviews were interconnected and often corresponded with each other. Research questions are also followed by the given results. A nurse has a significant role in the area of education, provision of necessary information to the clients, promotion of prevention programmes informing the clients about the solution to their problems. The motivation of clients before retirement age is also crucial because it is at this age when people can influence their life, its length and quality. The survey also observes the general perception of people of an old age and changes in their point of view with age. The information collected from this survey may be also used in different studies in order to improve both quality of nursing care and motivation of the clients before their retirement.
Healthy lifestyle of senior citizens and the possibility of influencing it
Nitschová, Dorota ; Karlíček, Miroslav (advisor) ; Říha, David (referee)
This thesis deals with the lifestyle of Czech senior citizens. Its goal is to identify barriers to a healthy lifestyle for seniors. It examines whether seniors live in a healthy manner and how they can best be motivated to do so. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the definition of the term "healthy lifestyle". Inasmuch as the thesis deals with seniors, it was also necessary to define the terms "senior" and "active aging". The thesis refers to current demographic developments, where the terms health support and social marketing are described. The practical portion deals with research performed on a sample of 105 Czech seniors aged 60 and over. In its conclusion, based on the barriers found, the thesis proposes a social marketing programme to improve the lifestyle of Czech senior citizens, thereby also improving their quality of life.
Impact of active making music on the quality of life in the later age
It is not just about achieving an advanced age, but also how will the life in this period look like. Even in this time it is possible to influence the quality of life to a certain extent by positive thinking and own activity. This thesis aims to ascertain an impact of active making music to a quality of life in an advanced age. It is focused on life style, life events, family life, social contacts and value system of seniors, which actively make music. The thesis is based on qualitative research, in which a narrative and semi-controlled interview was taken in natural environment of the respondents. All interviews were recorded on a voice recorder with consent of every respondent. Complete interviews are saved in mp3 files on an enclosed CD. Written transcriptions of the interviews are attached as a further annex of this thesis. These were kept in colloquial form of the language for the sake of authenticity, however, due to its length were shortened. During interviews an observation of an exterior, behavior and expression of respondent and his surroundings took place. Gathered data were evaluated by means of analysis of individual cases, comparison of these cases along with simple enumeration method. As emerged from the research, active making music influences positively the quality of life in advanced age. It prevents social isolation, creates and consolidates friendly relations and dilutes inter-generation differences. It supports will and persistence. It helps the seniors keeping their mental freshness. Music enriches emotional life and gives the life a further dimension.
Middle age generation attitude towards old age and aging
The thesis deals with the attitude of present middle-age generation to senior age and aging. The work is focused on the attitude character, i.e. whether it is positive, neutral or negative. The thesis is divided onto two parts. The first part deals with views and approaches of people to senior age and aging in today?s society. The main aim of the first part of the work was to map the views and approaches to senior age and aging occurring in the society. The second part is a research one and includes data analysis, and quantitative research among respondents in the issues of the approach to senior age and aging. The main aim of the second part of the work was to find the current view of the present middle-age generation to senior age and aging. The quantitative research was performed by the method of questioning by means of the standardized questionnaire technique examining the view of senior age and aging. The research shows that the middle-age generation views the senior age and aging positively. It also shows that the differences in the views of senior age and aging between the monitored middle-generation groups are not remarkable. In the discussion the author compares the results of her work with the views of other authors dealing with the same issue. She points out the areas of problems that occurred during the research. This thesis is contributory because it describes the character of the attitude of present middle-age society to the senior age and aging. The results may be beneficial for student involved in caring for people of this age group in their practical training and other activities. The work points out the feelings and attitudes of mid-generation people towards this irreversible process and life stage.
Spatial and economic effects of the population ageing in the Czech Republic
Michálek, Tomáš ; Kouba, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Krebs, Vojtěch (referee)
The demographic ageing is an inevitable result of social and economic changes of recent decades. Although it fully affects the Czech Republic in the near future it is necessary to adopt proper precautions to minimize its risks and take the opportunities now. This bachelor thesis analyzes the causes and effects of the population ageing in the Czech Republic, examines the possible transformations of the pension system and public health care. It offers a range of measures to reduce the negative impacts of the population aging and points to the possibilities that arise in connection with this trend. In the second part the thesis focuses on the active ageing program and its implementation in the city of Prague. By using the questionnaire, it examines the supply and demand of activities for seniors. On the basis of obtained dates are built characteristics of organizers of these activities and charted their spatial distribution, legal form and economic situation.
Effect of Physical Exercises to Psychical Social Field of Seniors in Centre of Social Services Staroměstská in České Budějovice
My Bachelor Thesis is based on influence physical exercises to psychical social field of seniors. The terms such as an old age, an ageing process, psychical changes in the old-age and a social character of the old age are described in part of theory. There is also defined an active-health process of growing older caused by physical exercises. Next point is to take an objective view of the relationship between senior and family. The practical part of my Bachelor Thesis contents results of leading conversation. I have found out these results in the Center of Social Services Staroměstská in České Budějovice. There was applied intervetional program for three months to concentrate on a health and fitness exercises with final relaxation. The purpose of this program was to find out if physical exercises affect satisfaction, attitude to life, people and society and also ability to concentrate.
The quality of live for people over 60 from gender aspect in a small town in Central Bohemia District.
The aim of this paper is to investigate the subjective perception of the quality of life of citizens above sixty years of age living in a small town in the Central Bohemian region. The emphasis was put on the difference in perception of the quality of life in men and in women
Our position in the labour market is conditioned by a number of features (age, state of health, education, sex, ethnic origin) which define groups of people who are more endangered by a loss of job and predestined to be unemployed. Each of these groups has its specific problems or ``obstacles`` which prevent them from getting a job again. One of these groups includes people over fifty years of age. If an individual has problems to find a job at the beginning or in the middle of their carrier life, their chances of getting a job as they grow older are even smaller. Many people have to face the crisis of basic social securities. Situations when a person is, in a very short time, permanently separated from the results of their long-term efforts, from their social status, their colleagues and income are fairly frequent. The objective of the work was to define the obstacles which hinder unemployed people of over fifty years of age from finding a job, and to point out the issue of unemployment in this age group. The research was carried out in the Labour Bureau in České Budějovice and in the Labour Bureau in Strakonice. Methods of qualitative research were used, specifically a Questionnaire and an Analysis of the content of documents. The following hypotheses were determined: 1. The greatest obstacle preventing people older than fifty from finding a job is the lack of qualifications. 2. Along with an improvement of the situation in the labour market the number of unemployed people in this age category registered in the Labour Bureau decreases. The hypotheses were confirmed. The research showed that the greatest obstacle for these unemployed people are their qualifications which are insufficient and do not correspond with the current requirements of the labour market. It was also discovered that the number of people in the 50+ category increases or decreases depending on the general development of the unemployment rate. However, changes in the 50+ category are not very significant, and therefore, the ratio of applicants in the 50+ category keeps increasing as compared to the total number of job applicants. That is why the 50+ category rightly ranks among risky groups of unemployed people. In order to improve the chances of the 50+ workers in the labour market, it is necessary to improve their professional qualifications, eliminate age discrimination and modify working conditions in such a way to enable these people to find a job even in spite of various health restrictions. Elderly workers would have to change their opinion regarding retaining a job, their attitude to acquiring new skills and they would have to become more flexible to match the present labour market. The issue of unemployment of people over fifty years of age is and will be topical since it can be expected that the trend of ageing of the population and the increasingly dynamic features of the economy based on modern technologies, will make it increasingly difficult for such people to find a job.

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