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Perceptions of men on their participation in childbirth
This study consists of two key parts. The focus of the theoretical part is pregnancy, childbirth and activities that a partner of the pregnant woman can carry on during various stages of her pregnancy and delivery. Furthermore, activities of nursing midwife who has to bear in mind that not only the laboring woman is in the delivery room, but also her partner. The empirical part was prepared through a qualitative research based on structured interviews with twelve respondents, partners of pregnant women. These respondents were divided into three groups: first-time fathers who participated in specialized childbirth classes, first-time fathers who did not participate in the specialized childbirth classes and obtained the relevant information from their friends, books or from the internet, and fathers-to be attended their child?s birth in the past. The research was carried on in June and July in České Budějovice. The results can be used as educational material for practicing midwives who have decided to use their professional knowledge in the specialized childbirth classes and for midwives working in the delivery rooms. The first goal was to explore whether the expectations of men who decided attend their child?s birth and participated in the specialized childbirth classes differ from the expectations of men who did not participate in the specialized childbirth courses. The results show that both groups basically expect the same; that is willingness, empathy and readiness to help on the part of medical team, active role in childbirth and, in particular, coaching by the nursing midwife. The second goal was to compare expectations of men who had been present at the childbirth in the past and expectations of first-time fathers. There research has shown that their expectations do not differ from the expectations of the first-time fathers who have not yet attended the delivery. They also expect active involvement and guidance on the part of the nursing midwife who would explain everything to them in the delivery room. In case they were not actively involved in the first delivery, they would like to play an active role in the next labor and delivery. This bachelor?s thesis can serve as information and textbook for future students of the branch Midwife. The results can also be used as educational material for practicing midwives who have decided to use their professional knowledge in the specialized childbirth classes and for midwives working in the delivery rooms.
Delivery plann, its formulation and testing at The Gynaecological and Obstetrical Clinic in Plzen (GPK FN Plzen).
The subject of this bachelor thesis is delivery plan, its formulation and testing at the Gynaecological and Obstetrical Clinic in Plzen (GPK FN Plzen). Most women presently show active interest in pregnancy and delivery. They often imagine in advance the progress of childbirth, the behaviour of the maternity hospital staff towards them and the options offered by the hospital to delivering mothers. The delivery plan will provide to this type of women the progress of delivery most convenient for them. They may note their requests and desires in it concerning the progress of childbirth, its individual parts and potential alternatives. Thus the pregnant woman gets control over its coming delivery and may think the individual delivery parts over and prepare for them. The GPK FN clinic in Plzen does not dispose with its own delivery plan to offer to mothers-to-be within its offer of services to the pregnant. That is why this bachelor thesis will represent an asset both for the Plzen clinic of gynaecology and obstetrics GPK FN and for the mothers who decide to give birth to their child here. The theoretical part of this thesis includes chapters explaining the notion of the delivery plan and its individual parts. Further chapters briefly describe the progress of childbirth and the options of care of the delivering mothers in the course of the individual sages of delivery. The purpose of the present thesis was to find out which areas of the delivery plan are considered relevant by the pregnant women who have decided to give birth to their baby at the GPK FN clinic in Plzen and which parts of the plan are considered most important by the healthcare staff working at the GPK FN clinic in Plzen. Another objective of the thesis was to formulate the optimum delivery plan meeting the demands of both the delivering mothers and the staff of the GPK FN in Plzen and to find out the response of the healthcare staff of the GPK FN Plzen and the pregnant women to the use of the formulated delivery plan in practice. The theme was processed on the basis of a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. The needed information was obtained by means of post-structured interviews with open questions and a questionnaire with open questions, yes-no questions and semi-open questions. The subjects of the qualitative research included male and female obstetricians working at the delivery ward of the GPK FN Plzen, midwives assisting deliveries at the GPK FN Plzen, pregnant women hospitalised at the Risk Pregnancy Department of the GPK FN Plzen and mothers after delivery (in their puerperium) hospitalised at the Puerperium Department of the GPK FN Plzen. The research further included private gynaecologists of the Plzen {--} city district and gynaecologists of the IVF centre, and midwives working in the advisory centres of the private gynaecological surgeries in Plzen {--} city and in the IVF centre in Plzen. On the basis of the first part of the research the following research questions were formulated: ``What areas of the delivery plan are considered relevant by the pregnant women who have decided to give birth to their baby at the GPK FN clinic in Plzen{\crqq}, ``What areas of the delivery plan are considered relevant by the staff of the GPK FN in Plzen``, ``What should the optimum delivery plan look like to be usable for deliveries at the GPK FN in Plzen``. The second part of the research included evaluation of the following hypotheses: ``Pregnant women consider important for the delivery plan to include criteria assuring progress of their childbirth according to their desires``, ``The healthcare staff of the GPK FN Plzen takes a positive approach to the formulated delivery plan``, ``Pregnant women are interested in application of the delivery plan to their childbirth at the GPK FN in Plzen``.
Sectio caesarea on women´s request
ABSTRACT Cesarean section by request of a para Cesarean section is a surgery terminating pregnancy in the third term and during the delivery. This surgery has been known already from the before Christ period. Cesarean section currently belongs to the most often carried out obstetrics surgeries. Much untrue and misleading information about the Cesarean section spreads among pregnant women; such as that a woman can decide herself whether to undergo the Cesarean section or to deliver her child vaginally. Pre-operative examination and an examination of health condition of the para to undergo the surgery precede the surgery itself. The medical action consists in providing the para with anaesthesia and opening uterine cavity through abdominal wall. After arrival of the child there follows uterine cavity revision, closing and sutura treatment of the section. All the above described is done under a strict asepsis and antisepsis in the presence of erudite doctors and nurses. The Bachelor{\crq}s Thesis set three targets. The first one was to find out if women are informed about the legal regulations related to a Cesarean section. The second target was to find out whether women prefer natural delivery to Cesarean section regardless of the fact whether they were giving birth or were pregnant. And the third one was to find out an interest of women in Cesarean section by request regardless of medical indication. Corresponding hypotheses were assigned to the targets. Hypothesis No. 1 says: Women are not sufficiently informed about the legal regulations regarding Cesarean section by request. Hypothesis No.2 says: Women prefer vaginal delivery to Cesarean section. Hypothesis No. 3 says: Women are not interested in Cesarean section by request without medical indication. The research was carried out using a questionnaire containing 21 questions answered by women in-patient at the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics or attending Obstetric out-patient department of Nemocnice České Budějovice a.s. Based on the research hypothesis No. 1 was prove as 43.75 % of questioned women sad to be informed about the legal regulations. The remaining two hypotheses were proved by the research. The conclusion of this thesis is finding out that the questioned women were rather well informed about legal regulations regarding Cesarean section by request. The women also mostly agreed that vaginal delivery is less risky and they would like to terminate their pregnancy by natural delivery. The research also found out that women are not interested in Cesarean section by request. This thesis could be used as an information booklet for pregnant women interested in Cesarean section. They could receive complex information about the Cesarean section.
Woman's sexuality in pregnancy, during delivery and in puerperium.
This bachelor thesis deals with female sexuality in the period of pregnancy, delivery and puerperium. However, it does not only focus on sexual activities in these cardinal periods of every woman ´s life. Female sexuality is directly related to the woman ´s psychic condition which has a fundamental effect on her. The theoretical part includes chapters explaining the notion of female sexuality and its brief history. The thesis further includes basic information about female physiology and an outline of the periods of pregnancy, delivery and puerperium with a focus on female psyche and sexuality. The purpose of this thesis was to find out about women ´s knowledge of hormonal changes in the periods of pregnancy, delivery and puerperium in relation to sexuality. Another objective was to find out what changes are women subject to in these periods and whether any complications may appear in this area. Further focus of interest was comparison of sexuality of women without professional healthcare education and midwives who had already delivered babies themselves. This theme was processed with the help of a qualitative research. The needed information was obtained through non-standardised interviews with open questions. The interviews were processed in the form of case studies. The research subjects included two groups of female respondents. The first group included women without professional healthcare education and the second consisted of five midwives. The research was used for evaluation of the following hypotheses: ``Women possess information about hormonal changes in pregnancy, during and after delivery in relation to sexuality``; ``The frequency of female sexual activities decreases in pregnancy``; ``Women change view of their life roles in the sense of continuous prevalence of the parental role over the partner role``; ``Delivery need not necessarily result in changed sexual appetite of women``; ``Women experience complications in sexuality after delivery in the case of trouble with injury during childbirth{\crqq}; ``There are no differences between women without professional healthcare education and professional midwives in sexuality in the periods of pregnancy, delivery and post-delivery``. The thesis might be beneficial not only for midwives, pregnant women or women after child delivery, but also for the male part of the population.
Mode of delivery in women with a history of caesarean section
The thesis is focused on childbirth management in women with a history of Caesarean section. Two objectives were stated. The first one was to found out the childbirth management in women with previous Caesarean section. The second one was focused on the women{\crq}s demand for sterilization during Caesarean section. The objectives were accomplished. To meet the objectives, hypotheses were stated. It was presumed that in women with a history of Caesarean section another pregnancy would be terminated by another Caesarean section. This hypothesis was confirmed. The second hypothesis assumed the women{\crq}s demand for sterilization during Caesarean section. This hypothesis was not confirmed. The research was conducted by the quantitative method using retrospective analysis of data obtained in the perinatological centre in hospital in České Budějovice, a.s. in the period between January 1, 2004 and December 31, 2008.
The bachelor thesis is focused on physiotherapy during the time of pregnancy and puerperium. Both pregnancy and birth have a significant influence on the expectant mother. During the nine months, woman undergoes a great amount of changes both from the physical and the mental side. This bachelor thesis deals foremost with changes that affect the physical side of the expectant mother. They include changes on genital organs, on cardiovascular, blood and respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, skin and last but not least on the locomotory system. With exercise in gravidity, we try to influence these changes and, therefore, avoid any occurrence of eventual difficulties. Exercising during gravidity has not only a great importance to prevention but also to the preparation of an expectant mother to the delivery and for acceleration of return of the mother into the shape before conception. The expectant mother should be careful when choosing a suitable sport and she should always consult her attending gynaecologist. Recommended sports and methodologies include gravid yoga, pilates, belly dance, Moses method, exercise on a big ball, Alexander's technique, hydrokinesiotherapy and gynaecological gymnastics. The theoretical part includes a description of anatomy of genital organs and pelvis, creation of an individual, description of physical changes during pregnancy and puerperium and also characteristics and selection of individual suitable sport activities and methodologies. The goal of this bachelor thesis was to find such suitable physiotherapeutic procedures and methods, apply them to particular expectant mothers and verify their effects. For the practical part of research, the method of qualitative research and personal cases studies were used. Three pregnant women participated in the research. Therapy took place once per week for the period of several months. While having free conversation with the clients during the said period, I obtained the information I have incorporated into the individual casuistries. The therapy was completed by the final examination, which proved a positive effect of the exercise not only on the health conditions of expectant mothers, but also on their mental well-being, which was especially important for mothers.
Epidural anesthesia during labour nowadays
Current Obstetric Epidural Analgesia Labour pain belongs to every physiological childbirth. Enormous pain, however, was proved to affect a woman in labour and a child negatively so satisfactory pain relief should be provided. Current obstetric analgesia aims at/seeks for/strives after observing a physiological childbirth process. Epidural analgesia is the safest and most effective method of labour pain relief available today. Epidural analgesia is used in case of pain in labour and delivery, on request of the woman in labour and in prolonged delivery. Epidural analgesia could be also provided in preeclampsy, breech delivery, multiple pregnancy, premature delivery and cardiotocographic abnormalities. Although epidural analgesia is very popular and safe, no complication should be omitted. Good hospital care provided by obstetricians, anesthesiologists and nurse midwives could prevent most complications. Obviously, professional care in labour with epidural analgesia can only be provided by well-educated and experienced obstetric staff. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with information concerning delivery pain and pain relief methods. Together with epidural method, its indication, contraindication and complications, also spinal anatomy is mentioned in this part. All professional and communicative steps of midwife care about the woman in labour with epidural analgesia are described here. To fulfil the aim of the thesis, qualitative and quantitative research strategies were used. The women in labour with and without epidural analgesia were observed for collecting data in qualitative method. The same clients were consequently asked about their information and attitudes to epidural analgesia. Altogether eight casualties were formed. To collect data for quantitative method, the questionnaire of thirteen questions was prepared and send out to maternity hospitals. Eighty-six questionnaires were sent out and twenty- eight (25, 7 %) were sent back. The main aim of the thesis was to find out how available the epidural analgesia in labour is in our maternity hospitals. The next aim was to monitor the women in labour with and without epidural analgesia. The aims were accomplished through the research questions: How available is epidural analgesia used in labour in Czech maternity hospitals? What diffferences are there in labour with and without epidural analgesia? This work can be applied as a source of information for midwife students and nurses.
Knowledgeableness of patients before and after an operation of the intervention
Based on the information within the Bachelor{\crq}s thesis titled {\clqq}Knowledgeableness of patients before and after an operation of the intervention``, which was aimed at the knowledge women have about pre-operative care before planned and acute caesarean section and about post-operative care, hypothesis 1. Women consider themselves to be well informed before the planned caesarean section. According to my research, this hypothesis was confirmed. Hypothesis 2. Before the caesarean section, women do not feel to be properly informed about the surgery. However, research did not confirm this second hypothesis. Hypothesis 3. Women that underwent the caesarean section are comfortable with the way they have been informed about the operation. The quantitative research method through questionnaires was used for data collection. The questionnaire contained 24 queries and was anonymous. The questionnaires were determined for women after the caesarean section and were issued at the Puerperium ward of the general hospital in České Budějovice. A total of 114 questionnaires were handed out and 111 of them were returned filled out, from which 103 of these were used within the final processing procedure. The results clearly show that women consider themselves as sufficiently informed before planned as well as acute caesarean section and consider themselves sufficiently informed of post-operative care.
Delivery of audiovisual content on the Internet
Drbohlav, Štěpán ; Šedivá, Zuzana (advisor) ; Svítek, Jakub (referee)
One aim of this thesis is to provide an overview of technological, economic and legal aspects of the distribution of audiovisual content over internet and other IP networks. This thesis will provide introduction to most widely used compression methods of digital audio and video, transmission methods and protocols. Another aim is to create a case study that deals with selecting the best solution for a commercial project of Video On Demand server. This objective is achieved by applying methods of multi-criteria evaluation of options based on theoretical analysis of distribution solutions. The secondary aim is to determine the total cost of ownership of the different options by using the methodology of TCO (Total Cost of ownership). This thesis also provides a comparison with the solution based on purely non-commercial focus.
Selection of the company providing pizza delivery with using methods in multi-criteria decision
Koníčková, Jana ; Fábry, Jan (advisor) ; Kuncová, Martina (referee)
Pizza delivery is often provided by external companies. The goal of the reastaurant is to unify processes for delivery in each branch to accomplish maximum profit and customer sattisfaction. The task is the decision either to provide the delivery in-house or to hire an external subject from the group of courier companies, that fulfil the requirements. We will use multi-criteria decision methods in the process of selection.

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