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Psychosocial load at work of nurses and social workers
The Thesis deals with the questions of psychosocial load at work for nurses and social workers. The Thesis is divided into two sections. The theoretical part deals with definitions of terms like caring professions, load and stress, then load at work and psychosocial load. There is also a brief characteristic of the professions of a nurse and a social worker. The aim of the empiric part was to find out on a selected sample of respondents (i.e. nurses and social workers) how the respondents perceive the character of their psychosocial load at work and whether they are at risk of burnout syndrome, to find out whether nurses or social workers perceive the psychosocial load more intensely and whether there is a difference in the risk of burnout syndrome between them. A quantitative questioning method and questionnaire technique were applied on data collection and processing in the research part of the Thesis. An anonymous questionnaire was used for the investigation. The questionnaire preparation was based on a questionnaire provided by my thesis guide. The original questionnaire was more extensive and was only designed for nurses, which was why I had to select suitable items and add some special items applicable on nurses as well as social workers. The questionnaire consisted mainly of closed questions where the respondents chose from five answers the one best corresponding with their own opinion. I set 3 hypotheses before starting the research itself. The questionnaire answers were processed both, manually by means of the stroke method and by a statistic programme SPSS. Segment and bar graphs in Microsoft Office Excel were used for graphical interpretation of the results. After evaluation of the questionnaire research results I found out that the previously set hypothesis H1 suggesting that nurses and social workers perceive various elements of their psychosocial load differently, was confirmed, hypothesis H2 suggesting that nurses are more loaded by the work with patients/clients than social workers was not confirmed, and hypothesis H3 suggesting that nurses are at higher risk of burnout syndrome than social workers was confirmed. The results of my thesis may serve to inform general public as well as professionals on the problems in question. They may also serve as a possible incentive for managerial staff to pay higher attention to the problems of psychosocial load at work among caring professions at individual medical care facilities. The results may also serve as a base for further studies and research in the field.
A Social Worker in a Mobile Hospice (A Position of a Social Worker in a Multispecialty Team
This dissertation deals with a question of dying, accompanying and a service of incurable patients in all forms of hospice treatment only marginally. I am mainly focusing on a homecare service as well as on the role of a social worker there. The first part is about a principle of hospice, accompanying and palliative care. It is describing several forms of hospice service including ethic problems. The next part is telling about begining of social work as a part of paliative medicine and describing a contexture between these two branches A question of voluntary work is also mentioned there. The third part is dealing about multispecialty team and a contexture among particular professional occupations, including social worker and his role, his position in the team, activities, competences, knowledge and abilities etc. The fourth part of this essay is about social work in a mobile hospice and about the importace of taking care of oneself as a burn-out prevention. The last, (fifth, sixth, seventh) parts introduce operative part , where I am trying to introduce information achieved through descriptive metod of interwiev with particular members of the multispecialty team and with the concrete mobile hospice social worker.
Possibilities of Crisis Intervention in Social Work
This work deals with possibilities of crisis intervention in work of social worker. The theoretical part deals about crisis, types of crises, course of crisis, help in crisis. It entertains about informal and formal help in crisis. Furthermore, it engages in crisis intervention. It entertains about titles to competences and skills of worker in crisis intervention. It submits possibilities of parts of social worker in crisis intervention in specialist literature. The practical part connected with theoretical part and summerizes results of inquire about a part of social worker in crisis intervention in workplaces of crisis intervention.
Preferred aspects of a social worker´s communication
BACHOVÁ, Markéta
This bachelor thesis talks about problems of a social worker´s communication with a client and finds out which aspects of a social worker´s communication are preferred. This thesis contains a theoretical and a practical part. There are concepts like social work, social worker, communication and its kinds {--} verbal, nonverbal and paralinguistic {--} in the theoretical part. Next, there is a chapter which talks about specifics of a social worker´s communication with a client. The practical part deals with a research survey. There are noticed and discussed answers of thirty respondents from two age groups who evaluated the behavior of social workers pursuant to seen scenes. Preferred aspects of a social worker´s communication according to all of respondents are the result of this thesis.
Religious believe as a motivation of a health and social care professional
A topic of my bachelor thesis is "Christian faith as a motivation for a social work". The social work as an independent discipline detached only in the 19th century. Though, it is possible to say that an interest in the welfare of the others and an effort to help them in emergency situations were provided for many centuries before its emergence, and primarily by Christian communities. An aim of this thesis is to identify personal attitudes of social workers to the faith and religion and then to determine their incentives to pursue the profession of the social work. The theoretical part has been focused on a history of Christianity in the world and in this country and it emphasizes the situation in its development, which contributed to a solution of social problems. Further the thesis deals with a topic of a Christian love in its widest dimension and with an emergence of a charity. It does not forget, however, neither the social work, its objectives, social workers and their code of ethics. I chose a quantitative research for an implementation of the practical part. The exploratory part of the thesis uses a questionnaire survey as a technique for the data gathering and a secondary data analysis to compare the results. The research sample consisted of social workers practicing their profession in the town of České Budějovice. The control sample was composed of people from the general population working in the same town. Two working hypotheses were created for the research. The first hypothesis was not confirmed: There are more religious people among workers in the social sphere than in the general population. The second hypothesis was not also confirmed: For the religiously-based workers in the social area the religious faith belongs among essential elements of the motivation to pursue their profession. The research shows that there are not more religious people among workers in the social sphere than in the general population. The motivation elements of religiously-based social workers are in the highest percentage representation. "A need to help", "A joy of working with people" and "A meaningful work". The faith as a motivation factor appears only at two respondents out of 41 believers. I believe that the aim of the thesis by carrying out this research has been met. The bachelor thesis can be used to teach students in fields relating to the social work, for an understanding of the religious dimension when working with people and in a personal life.
Ordo Amoris as a Framework for Social Work
The diploma thesis on the basis of ethical theories sv. Augustinus, M. Scheler, V. E. Frankl and R. Spaemann examines the concept of ordo amoris as theoretical basis of ethics in social work. It deals with the historical development of the concept, its changes and influence on social work in term of three fundamental aspects of social work: a person suffering, relationship to this man and life situations change. It examines the usefulness and value of ethical concept ordo amoris and love as the principle in the relation framework of the aid process.
Interview as One of Instruments of Social Work with a Client
This work is concerned with an interview as a social work subject. Such interview can be considered as basic technique and instrument for social worker while acting with a client. From its start the work briefly introduces to the social work problem and the person of social worker and discourses about the interview in social work in general. In the first place it is focused on problems of indirective supportave consultation that introduces by charactaristics of individual phases of the interview. For cause of compact look on topic it gives attention to techniques of active listening and assertive behaviour. The work in its final part takes a think about how the interview between the social worker and his client helps to attain purposes and through them also realizations of mission of social work. By accomplishing of three specified objectives from social work sphere it analyzes and points the principle of interview in relation to questioned subject.
Psychohygiene of social workers
Social work is supposed to be a highly demanding job. Psychohygiene is a set of rules which helps keep, improve and recovery the psychic balance and health. This thesis has been aimed at mental health tools used by social workers of the Strakonice region. The research was conducted by the qualitative method of a questionnaire and an interpretation. The following hypotheses were suggested: Social work is so demanding as the workers deal with people. Stress mostly results from time pressure. Psychohygiene depends on the individuals. The social workers exploit mental health tools. Supervision is provided in some organisations. The social workers are mostly satisfied with their lives.
BC thesis ``Get information ordinary public about possibilities of treatment of throe`` is divided in two parts. Theoretical part contains the analysis of the problem throe on the basis of literature. This part concern throe, its pathophysiology, kinds, psychological and social sphere, throe evaluation, Christian view of throe perception, treatment of throe from analgetic therapy to alternative therapy. Practical part evaluated the familiarity with ordinary public about possibilities of treatment of throe and what sort of treatment of throe they use.

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