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Influence of selected feeding supplements on the occurrence of coccidias in digestive tract of chickens
Taking preventive measures has a major impact on the overall health status of poultry in every breeding and it can prevent considerable economic losses in this way. The aim of this study was to obtain basic knowledge about the occurence of coccidia oocysts in the faeces and the occurrence of pathological changes in the intestinal mucosa of broiler chickens after the use of selected feed supplements. Experiment was made during winter 2013 and summer 2014 with 250 specimens of one-day broiler chickens. Four experimental groups (prebiotics, probiotics, homeopathy, coccidiostats) and one control group were created. Treated groups were administered by Selected feed supplements were served to chickens during 14 days since the sixth day of their life. Mixed faeces samples were collected twice a week and processed in the laboratory. Also the frequency of coccidia oocysts was monitored under the light microscope. Intestines were collected during the slaughters of chickens (five pieces from every group) and tested to confirm or disprove pathological changes associated with coccidiosis of poultry. Intestines were collected three times after seven days. The Reduced frequency of occurrence of coccidia oocysts in faeces of chickens in all groups of the winter and the summer trial period was demonstrated, while pathological changes of the intestinal mucosa were not proved.
The basic aspects of nutrition and evaluation of selected haematological and biochemical parameters in the blood in calves
Healthy and well fed calves are the main prerequisite for high performances. The aim is to evaluate the concept of nutrition of calves and assess the dynamics of selected haematological and biochemical parameters of blood in the sample of agricultural holdings, depending on the influence of selected dietary supplements. The experiment was conducted in the agricultural cooperative Krásna hora nad Vltavou a.s. on the farm Perovice, where they breed Holstein cattle. There were three groups of calves - one control and two experimental. The test groups received dietary supplements to promote active immunity by the instruction. In the first group Lactovita dietary supplements, the latter group food supplement called Biopolym. The first blood sampling was performed from ages 5 to 7 days and a second collection has been made 3 weeks later. Findings and data analysis were summarized and evaluated. The experiment was conducted from August to November 2013.
The importance of probiotics and prebiotics in diseases of childhood
The major goal of this thesis was to explore and summarize the issue of the importance of prebiotics and probiotics in the prevention and treatment of disease in childhood in the form of theoretical work using a variety of literary sources, both Czech and foreign. The most important prerequisite for proper physical growth, health and psychosocial development of the child is good nutrition. The simplest and most natural way of feeding babies is breast-feeding. Breast milk is absolutely perfect composition, optimum temperature and protects infants against various infections and allergies. The colonization of the intestinal microflora, which affects among other things, our immune and digestive system, begins to occur during childbirth (vaginal and fecal microflora from its mother), and from breast milk or the environment. The settlement is delayed if the child was born by Caesarean section. If infants are only breastfed their intestinal microflora is composed of 90% of healthy bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Probiotics are referred as living organisms (bacteria and yeasts) which have shown positive influence on the health of the host when administered in adequate amounts. Probiotics in pediatric practice has tripled over the last ten years. The most used are bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth and / or activity of certain strains of intestinal microflora. The first area of concern of the effect of prebiotics and probiotics in the prevention and treatment of various diseases in children were atopic disease whose prevalence in recent decades, greatly affects the whole society. In case of atopic dermatitis and food allergies there are number of optimistic studies that demonstrate the positive effect of combination of probiotics and prebiotics (synbiotics), on the other hand, there are studies on this issue which are rather skeptical and do not confirm this positive effect. Convincing results come from the area of diarrhoea. Regarding acute diarrhoea that are in children caused mainly by rotavirus, was observed clearly positive effects of probiotics, which occur to shorten the duration of rotavirus diarrhea to about 40 hours, or to reduce the number of stools and the duration of diarrhea by approximately one day, and especially where there has been the early administration. Similarly, in a majority of cases the positive impact of the use of probiotics for diarrhoea associated with antibiotic treatment, especially during simultaneous use. Regarding inflammatory bowel diseases, favorable results are achieved in particular in the case of ulcerative colitis, which is the use of a positive effect of probiotics in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate inflammatory activity comparable to drug treatment, but in Crohn's disease, a positive influence is entirely clear. Positive results also come in necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm neonates. However, these results are difficult to interpret because studies. Very similar results in the effects of probiotics and prebiotics are in the prevention of nosocomial sepsis in preterm infants. Although showing some positive effects, particularly in infants with very low birth weight, there was a positive effect of probiotics or prebiotics in different studies fully demonstrated and it would be desirable to assess the safety and effectiveness of future research. It would be necessary to examine which specific types of probiotics should be used and in what dosage. In general, therefore, could be said that despite all the optimistic results of a positive effect of probiotics and prebiotics in the prevention and treatment of various diseases, there is the need for further research, that this positive effect is confirmed or refuted.
Influence of selected feeding supplements on the occurrence of coccidias in digestive tract of pheasant
ŠÍP, Pavel
The occurrence of coccidiosis is an enormous problem of pheasant farming. The aim of this study is to show, that this disease can be cured by unconventional dietary supplements. Dietary supplements which were used in this study were as follows: prebiotics (Biopolym), probiotics (Lactovita containing bacteria Lactobacillus sporogenes) and homeopathics. The experiment took place in the Ranč Daniela farm in the town Hůrka (close to the Horní Planá Town) from 1.7.2012 to 18.11.2012. Four groups of pheasants were made - three experimental groups and one control group. All groups were consisted of 13 individuals. The pheasant Phasianus colchicus was used in this experiment. Dietary supplements were served for two weeks, than the serving stopped for two weeks and continued again. The samples of excrements were tested all the study long using the floatation method in Sheather's sugar solution. The results were marked and evaluated. The favourable effect of Biopolym and homeopatics on the intestinal tract of pheasant was significant.
Importance of probiotics and prebiotics in human nutrition
This thesis deals with probiotics, prebiotics and the composition of intestinal microflora. The importance of intestinal microflora has long been underestimated. With the development of science the knowledge of its positive benefits and composition has been extended. Bacteria forming intestinal microflora are twofold. The "good" ones, which help in the fight against many diseases, and the "bad" ones that cause various diseases. Health beneficial bacteria which are also used to produce probiotic foods and supplements, are mainly of the Lactobacillus, Bifodobacterium, Enterococcus and Streptococcus genera. Probiotics and prebiotics are an important part of the new science discipline of "Functional food". Probiotics are live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts, provide a health benefits to the host. Its function help to maintain the balance of the gastrointestinal tract. The imbalance is associated with diarrhea, urinary tract infections, muscle pain and fatigue. Probiotics also have an impact on the immune system. When the immune system isn't working properly, allergic reactions, autoimmune disease (eg, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis) and infections (eg, infectious diarrhea, Helicobacter pylori infection, skin infections and vaginal infections) may appear. Furthermore, probiotics and prebiotics contribute to the prevention of obesity, lower cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, thereby helping with the fight against diabetes type 2 and they also help to prevent colon cancer. Furthermore, instituted or renewed balance of the microflora colonic, increases resistance to colonization of the colon microorganisms that cause diarrhea, reduce intolerance against the milk carbohydrate lactose in persons affected by this disorder, increase calcium absorption, synthesis of some vitamins and some probiotics produce bacteriocins, which are the proteins and peptides inhibiting pathogenic bacteria. On the contrary, prebiotics are indigestible food components, that beneficially affect the health of the host and selectively stimulate the growth and / or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon. They are very often used as a prebiotic oligosaccharides, which occur naturally in many kinds of vegetables and fruits.
Probiotic bacteria in dairy products
Probiotic microorganisms are live organisms that facilitate optimal composition of intestinal flora. The thesis deals with the positive influence of probiotic microorganisms on human health. It describes the most frequently used bacteria family, which includes Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Streptococcus and Bifidobacterium. The thesis also deals with health, microbiologic and technological requirements necessary for probiotic effectiveness. It offers an overview of characteristics of products containing probiotic microorganisms, which include pharmaceuticals and selected functional food. In the food group, the thesis particularly focuses on fermented milk products.
History of infant nutrition since 1945 to 2008
Nutrition of children of each age has its particular aspects. For the new born and infantile age it is mainly breast-feeding that is very significant. Nutrition with breast milk is ideally balanced, ensures the intake of high-quality nutrition that is well tolerated by the young organism and ensures the optimal growth and psychological development of the child. Thanks to its composition, breast milk increases the protective impact on the child with respect to infections and creates a natural bond between the mother and the child. In the Thesis, I was trying to look up decisive moments in the infantile nutrition concept both in this country and worldwide and to map the issue of breast feeding and formula feeding since the end of the Second World War up to the present. Also, I wanted to emphasize the irreplaceability of breast milk as wel as supplementing of artificial milks with probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics and their importance in the nutrition of children. Objective No. 1 of the Thesis has been to look up the key points in the infantile nutrition concept in the world since the beginning of the nineteenth century and since 1945 until this day in the Czech Republic. Objective No. 2 has been to prove that infantile formula nutrition has been focusing also on the immunological aspect apart from the nutritional ones. Objective No. 3 has been to create and aducational program proposal, which can serve as a practical guide for the application of theoretical data in clinical practice. Data necessary to achieve the determined objectives have been acquired by studing, analyses and comparison of available written documents relating to the natural and formula nutrition of infants. Most of these documents have been intended for the educational purposes at secondary school and universities in the Czech Republic. Also, data heve been taken from publications for parents and broad public published since 1945 until this day. By way of illustration, certain charts containing schemes of artificial nutrition corresponding to the time of creation have been used. On these schemes I wanted to show the chages in the concepts brought about by the development not only in the knowledge and thinking of people dealing with the nutrition of infants but also in the new possibilities and technology of the food processing industry.
The nutraceutic of food and their healthy significance. Metaanalytic study.
This bachelor thesis deals with nutraceutical impact of fermented products on human organism. It presents old fermentation technologies, which are very important for nutraceutical production. Every so called new consumer in the 21. century prefers nutraceutics - probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics, because these products have supposedly healthy-improving influence on human immunity and defence mechanism. This bachelor thesis presents several projects from 2006 and these projects confirm and deepen knowledges in nutraceutical products.
Probiotic bacteria and their health importance.
ČAPKOVÁ, Martina
Nowadays probiotics and their positive effect on human health is often discussed topic. Their positive effects on the immune system and intestinal flora are proven scientifically. In recent years, potential effects of probiotics in prevention and treatment of diseases have been the centre of interest. Despite this fact public doesn´t have enough information about effects of probiotic bacteria. The theoretical part deals with a conception of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics, their features, effects and applications in food and health benefits. The practical part mentions results of public awareness of probiotics. 240 people, devided into 4 groups, took part in this questionnaire survey.
Nutraceutical impact of fermented products on human
This bachelor thesis deals with nutraceutical impact of fermented products on human immunity, on the state of oxidative stress and on the quality of life. It presents probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics and their expected influence on human health.

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