National Repository of Grey Literature 34,552 records found  beginprevious34523 - 34532nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.94 seconds. 

Modeling of the Influence of Genetics in Insurance
Stiborová, Lucie ; Bohumský, Petr (advisor) ; Jarolímková, Tereza (referee)
This diploma thesis is denoted to application of continuous time multiple state Markov models in respect to the Alzheimer's disease in critical illness insurance, long-term care insurance and life insurance. It solves the impact of insurer's access to applicant's genetic information, the possibility of misusage of this information and the questions of fairness in insurance. It defines some mathematical methods, basic definitions of genetics, it describes the Alzheimer's disease and its forms. It shows model's using during determining cost of adverse selection and the impact of Alzheimer's disease in long-term care insurance. On the basis of model there are estimated the transition intensities among states. We use this intensities to estimate the mortality of lives with Alzheimer's disease and the cost in long-term care insurance. The models show dividing the population into more risk groups and it is possible to model the risk of adverse selection caused by asymmetric information about genetic test result.

Potential of Technical Monuments of South Bohemia in Tourism
Čepelková, Michaela ; Navrátilová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Zuzana, Zuzana (referee)
This thesis is focused on tourism and especially on technical monuments and their possible use in tourism. In the thesis there are mentioned some definition of tourism from different world's writers. Following part is focused on typology of tourism. Potential of turism with factors is described in next chapter. Following chapter is about monuments and care of the monuments. Next chapter is about technical monuments and about form of their possible use in tourism. The opening chapter of the second part of the thesis introduces the most important places with regard to tourism in the Czech republic and Southern Bohemia in the last few years. Another part deals with significant monuments of technical history in Southern Bohemia. The last few chapters are dedicated to technical monuments that can be visited during two suggested three-day trips in Southern Bohemia. Both trips are described in details including the cost calculation.

Lease and sublease of a flat
Ritterová, Eliška ; Salač, Josef (advisor) ; Dvořák, Jan (referee)
Při zpracování své diplomové práce jsem se zaměřila na platnou právní úpravu, zakotvenou zejména v občanském zákoníku. Bylo-li toho třeba, čerpala jsem i z dalších platných právních předpisů provádějících, doplňujících či souvisejících. Ve sporných či nejasných otázkách, respektive výkladech právních norem, mi byla vodítkem dostupná judikatura, což nastínilo pohled soudní praxe na danou problematiku a pro doplnění výkladu mi věrně posloužil komentář občanského zákoníku. V úvodu jsem uvedla, že bych ráda věnovala zvýšenou pozornost novele občanského zákoníku, provedené zákonem č. 107/2006 Sb., a tak jsem také učinila. Jednou ze zásadních změn je kogentně upravená smlouva o kauci, jejíž základní nedostatek vidím v tom, že pronajímatel je oprávněn tyto prostředky použít pouze na základě vykonatelného rozhodnutí soudu, vykonatelného rozhodčího nálezu nebo písemného uznání nájemce, což znovu snižuje možnost dosažení peněžních prostředků pronajímatelem, a tak i původní smysl této smlouvy. Ustanovení § 686a odst. 6 obč. zák. vyloučilo automatické obnovování smlouvy o nájmu bytu uzavřené na dobu určitou, nicméně pronajímatel s nájemcem si mohou dohodnout obnovování smlouvy v dodatku nájemní smlouvy. Ustanovení § 687 odst. 2 obč. zák. nově umožňuje, aby se pronajímatel a nájemce ve smlouvě dohodli, že pronajímatel...

Survey of the methods of costing of hospitalization
Matějovicová, Ivana ; Šiška, Ladislav (advisor) ; Matyáš, Ondřej (referee)
The thesis, Survey of the methods of costing of hospitalization, deals with the characteristics of the classification system DRG used for costing of hospitalization. The first half of the theoretical part of this work describes the Czech health care in general and specific ways of financing it. We focus on the costs related to the emergency care in hospitals which are classified by the DRG system. The second half of the theoretical part studies the actual principles of costing of hospitalization. The method chosen for this is called Activity Based Costing (ABC). It defines the procedures of costing which are being used in hospitals. At the end, we provide a description of the current and suggested procedures of costing of hospitalization and how they are utilized to set up parameters of the reimbursing mechanism. The practical part of this thesis maps the situation of hospitalization financing in Klatovska nemocnice, a. s. We suggest a new way of financing based on the methodology DRG Restart. Base on the data obtained in Klatovska nemocnice, a. s. we summarize and compare the results of the new method to the current one.

Economic Impacts of Nosocomial Clostridium Difficile Infection in a Health Care Facility
Váchová, Eva ; Lešetický, Ondřej (advisor) ; Bednářová, Martina (referee)
Nosocomial infections represent for the health care providers serious economical and also health complications. The aim of this thesis is a comprehensive presentation of nosocomial infections. Second part focuses on a bacteria Clostridium difficile. This thesis analyzes epidemiological situation in a particular medical care facility together with the cost of therapy. The incidence of Clostridium difficile is, despite of the worldwide increasing trend, decreasing in the selected facility. Significant differences exist among individual departments in the amount of samples collected as well as in their rate of positivity for the bacteria presence. Data collected are applied to a German pharmacoeconomic model which compares vancomycin therapy with fidaxomicin therapy. On a group of 100 patients it was proved that more efficient is, despite of its higher price, treatment by fidaxomicin because it leads to a lower percentage of recurrences and morbidity and mortality decrease.

Social services and their availability in South Bohemian region, case study of home for elderly in Bechyně
Kalousek, Petr ; Kouřilová, Jana (advisor) ; Prudká, Šárka (referee)
Aim of this master thesis is to map social housing services for elderly citizens in South Bohemian Region and assess its affordability availability. It focuses on senior houses offering complex social services for senior citizens. In theoretical part are defined essential concepts and bases of care for senior citizens in social security framework. It continues with characterisation of homes for elderly' funding and compared with system of social care funding in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. In practical part is analyzed affordability availability of homes for elderly in South Bohemian Region on level of districts or municipalities with extended authority. In case study there is a comparative analysis of costs, bed capacity and quality of care in newly constructed Home for elderly in Bechyně and former Home for elderly which was closed and replaced. Effects on clients transferred from former home for elderly in Tučapy to new home for elderly in Bechyně are evaluated with data from field research.

Analysis of the health care systems in Spain and Portugal
Stejskalová, Barbora ; Maaytová, Alena (advisor) ; Kosák, David (referee)
The master thesis deals with the health care systems of Spain and Portugal. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the general types of health care systems and the way they compare. In the next part the health systems of both countries are introduced with a focus on the financing, provision of services and health care reforms. The practical part of the thesis aims to analyse the relation between health expenditures and selected indicators of quality of health care in Spain and Portugal. For this purpose is used the correlation coefficient and the cost effectiveness analysis, which provides a comparison of the two countries with selected OECD countries.

The usage of art therapy while working in a foster family
DRDÁKOVÁ, Veronika
The thesis describes the educational and incentive program in the field of art therapy focusing on families with children in foster care. The theoretical part covers topics of psychological deprivation, subdeprivation, and attachment; it contains an introduction to art therapy and deals with the process of artistic expression and the ontogenesis of artistic expression. It maps the forms of substitute parental care in the Czech Republic. The practical part describes the experience with foster parents and their children. The author focuses on artistic creation in the entire family, and uses it as a nonverbal alternative to communication. The thesis explores and structures different approaches. The conclusion and summary presents practical findings useful for therapists and other professionals.

Použitelnost výpočetních metod kvantové chemie pro studium interakcí v biologických systémech
The theoretical part of the Master´s thesis describes ab initio methods in quantum chemistry and semiempirical methods, which represents a way in overcoming of main disadvantages in ab initio methods (costs, speed). The experimental part was focused on comparison highly accurate CCSD(T) method with used semiempirical methods (AM1, PM3, PM6, and PM7). The data were mostly compared on small model systems with ions, which are an essential part of many biological systems. Furthermore, the applicability of semiempirical methods was examined for the description of intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions.

A Study of Production Logistics Management with a Focus on Continuous Material Flow in the Supply Chain
Kráčmar, Miroslav ; Červenka, Tomáš (referee) ; Jurová, Marie (advisor)
Bachelor thesis is a proposal of changes in the storage and dispatch of material company Českomoravský Gravel Inc. in Bělkovice - Lašťany. The aim is to develop a more efficient storage of material, avoiding conflicts of lorries, increase security and merge storage and warehousing of materials that are stored in several places, to just one place. The theoretical part is devoted to explaining the logistics theory and abstract knowledge in the field of logistics and transport technology. The analytical part includes specific logistical problems identified during practices and solutions for the benefit of businesses and customers, calculate costs, time and evaluation of the benefits of the proposed changes for the company.